Jesus Christ man. I'm as anti-Pats as any Jet fan out there but that's a pretty disturbing post. That said, I'll be pulling for the Giants without question. As much as I hate that we have to share a stadium, and for that matter a city with them, I don't really have any negative feelings toward them as a team. Seeing the Brady/Belichick/Welker Pats hoisting another VLT would be absolutely excruciating.
lolwut?????? First off, the Jets aren't in the SuperBowl. Second, why would you want the Patriots to go on another Dynasty with a Different QB?
Definitely want the Giants to lose- Best case scenario - the Pats win but Brady is carried over the field in a stretcher.
I don't hope anyone gets hurt. But I hope their sisters all get knocked up by men of questionable character.
Watched "The sum of all fears last night" That would be an interesting ending for this year's SB, except I'd want the explosion to come after the game, when the Giants have already lost and are just walking off the field If it came before the game was over their delusional fans would always claim, "WE woulda won SB XLVI, if it wasn't for that damn bomb"
I was going to root for the Giants 2 weeks ago -- but all there talk this week has really turned me off. They had the underdog thing going and now everyday it is a different player saying how they will win, how they can dominate, how they have the parade all planned...just lose already so we can all say that is what you get for talking shit.
How are you guys saying you don't have to deal with Pats fans when you spend the majority of your lives online?
I can see where the brash talk about winning the SB would really turn off Jets fans. That said, it's clearly a bad sign for them.
i dont despise the giants. if the patriots win another superbowl i will be sick. i think eli deserves a second ring to step out of big brothers shadow. so untill late sunday night. lets go giants.
The pats are my number one most hated team for sure. Here is my take on it. I never have to deal with one pats fan ever but Giants fans are a dime a dozen. I rather hear Giants fan moan and complain that they lost than hear them brag for a year. I hope the pats win and shut up that arrogant fan base
I hope the Giants win. I'd rather a New York team win, even if it is not the Jets. Additionally, I respect what the Patriots have accomplished over the years, but I cannot stand their fucking asshole of a head coach. Bill Belichick, can go fuck himself. I hope the scumbag never wins another game.
I happen to be with you for the exact same reason: I don't want to see or hear the bull. At least the jerkoff Pats are 200 miles away.