Why did we ever trade Jonathan Vilma?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Poeman, Jan 8, 2012.

  1. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    Make no mistake there, genius.

    1. Mangold and D'Brick pick was a given that year - Jets OL was shattered and Mawae sabotaged the Jets as well. Anybody with half a brain would have made these two picks. If you are saying Mangini orchestrated John Abraham trade, I would like to get some written article or report on that. (That one is on Tannenbaum, last time I checked.)

    2. Revis and Harris, you can credit Mangini - but then where does the credit to Tannenbaum go? Who picked these guys? Mangini? Or Tannenbaum? As for Gholston, there is a written report that it was Mangini pick.

    3. Vilma has shown enough in his first few years with the Jets - you don't throw away your gifted player off the trade under any circumstances. That ones is on Jets organization as well in fact.
  2. Nesquik

    Nesquik Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2006
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    I know they arent the same players but at the end of the day its football, i was just using that as a comparison since i remember many saying he was too small to play in the 3-4, no Vilma was never going to be a beast in the 3-4 but what do all of our linebackers on our roster currently struggle with, coverage. Vilma was pretty sound at that and especially the way teams are playing now these days, your linebackers in the 3-4 have to be able to cover too.

    And yeah i remember him in this defense, he led our team in tackles in 06 and was injured in 07.
  3. Nesquik

    Nesquik Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2006
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    I mean he was the best player on our D at the time, Mangini could have done a better job at fitting/compromising thats all im saying.
  4. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    Ok so for good picks during that time, they're either obvious or credit goes to Tannenbaum. For bad ones, they go to Mangini. I get it.

    Vilma isn't that special. Not sure why you think this. Our defense isn't what's held us back.

    I'm going to try to dig up an article where Kris Jenkins talks about Mike Tannenbaum's role within the org. He says, basically, that MT goes and gets the players the coaching staff want. He is the cap/contract guy, not much more.
  5. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    I can't find it. It was a video interview where Jenkins is asked about the job that the FO, notably "RR and Mike Tannenbaum" have done building the roster. Jenkins answers by saying Tannenbaum is the contract/cap guy and what he does is decided by the coaching staff, and then gives his take on what RR has done with the team.

    Considering Tannenbaum has a lawyer background (not football), and he broke into the league as a capologist, Jenkins' take makes sense. Coach/scouts determine who they want, Tannenbaum goes and gets them.

    Since I failed to provide you the evidence, go ahead and keep praising Tannenbaum's drafting.
  6. Jetsfan711

    Jetsfan711 New Member

    Jan 24, 2010
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    Besides his undeniable All-Pro talent, Vilma was the Defensive Captain and brains of the defense. Not to mention he had the LEADERSHIP qualities that the Jets lack today. They traded Jonathan because of money, pure and simple. He was due alot. He's said it before, as have others....Jets are straight up cheap. And because of it they have lost a majority of their talented players because they just don't want to pay them. They will make-up any excuse they want (injury-prone, ego, getting old)...anything to avoid stating the real reason (money). Those in the know know it's all about the money. (See Vilma, Rhodes, Cotchery, Edwards, Abraham...) Almost let Revis go because of it.
  7. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    Vilma and Harris together would look good in Madden ratings but they don't compliment each other at all. One had to go even if we knew Rex's system was coming 3 years down the line.
  8. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    Abraham was traded for Nick Mangold and Cotchery asked to be released.

    I don't see how having Jon Vilma at ILB would have helped this team make the playoffs this year considering the offense is the focal problem.

    The Jets looked real cheap when they signed A Faneca to the biggest OG contract in history.......
  9. Jetsfan711

    Jetsfan711 New Member

    Jan 24, 2010
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    Good point re: Mangold.

    With Vilma my point is he had the leadership skills in the locker room that the Jets are lacking. (And Rhodes had one of his best years when they were together b/c of Vilma's leadership and film study sessions etc.)

    Cotchery asked to be released b/c they asked him to take another paycut and when he refused he left.

    RE: Offense, they need to get a new OC in there, but everyone seems to agree on this point.
  10. Harpua

    Harpua Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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    Stop using facts to cloud the self absorbed misery others are trying to project on the rest of our fanbase. You dirty bastard you!
  11. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    Sadly, Rhodes is the exacty type of Safety that we need to combat the TE. However, he was let go after beefing with the coaching staff. You talk about chemistry, well, you can't have that guy in your locker room and he was rightfully discarded.

    I really can't say anything about Vilma and leadership. Nobody here knows what actually goes on in the locker room and it's pure speculation to think that his presence in there this year would've kept the team together. If we're going to speculate, I'll speculate that the chemistry problems were on offense (ie Holmes, Burress). It looked like they didn't give a shit all year long.
  12. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    Actually you got it all wrong on that account. I was suspicious of whether Tannenbaum had an eye for football talent. Rather, I was more sold to the side of 'He ain't got a fucking clue.' Sure, he got the guys he targeted somehow - but at the end of the day, if the GM assembled the roster as thin as paper, with depleted talent up front, you know the GM fucked up assembling the roster.

    Anyway, that still does not exonerate Mangini from Vilma fire-sale.
  13. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    Say, one of the bullshit Ryan spewed out at the start of his reign of the Jets, in response to why he decided to snag Bart Scott, as opposed to Ray Lewis, was because he could use both ILBs interchangeably. *We all know that's a big fat lie.* With Scott coming in, there was no place for Vilma anyway. I say it is a moot point to even address Vilma's name in this context. (Of course, unless Jets did keep Vilma, and Rex trained Vilma and Harris to be used interchangeably. That would be a whole new landscape.)
  14. AbdulSalam

    AbdulSalam New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    Vilma is a good LB. Before he was injured in '07 he was really good. We traded him and he has been a good LB for the Saints. He's not the greatest LB, but he's had a nice career. Not sure why some feel the need to get all frothed up about a trade that occurred 4 yrs ago.
  15. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    They were watching him in the playoffs while the Jets sat at home.
  16. desert swordz

    desert swordz Totally Addicted

    Apr 29, 2006
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    if anything, rex would have found a way to make vilma work for this defense and would not have unloaded him somewhere else just because he felt he didnt fit his definition of what a 34 ILB should be, unless vilma started playing like a pussy or started acting like an asshole in the lockerroom

    when rex first came over everyone was surprised at how he'd made eric smith actually look a serviceable player by playing him as a sort of S/LB hybrid type player many times in 09.

    if vilma was still here rex could have probably used him in a similar way as that; who knows if rex would use him as a starter at ILB, in any case it would have been interesting to see what rex could do w/ him
  17. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    Like I said, by the time Rex came here, Vilma was long gone - so it is moot point.
  18. desert swordz

    desert swordz Totally Addicted

    Apr 29, 2006
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    no problems here, only posted because the thread was brought up, otherwise haven't really dwelled on it much

    what's more of a bother about a thread like this is how people could not know why vilma isn't here anymore, considering how recently it occured

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