Id rather see the Giants miss the playoffs than the Jets make the playoffs

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Pereiro16, Dec 24, 2011.

  1. Pereiro16

    Pereiro16 Member

    Dec 24, 2010
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    If that makes me a bad fan then so be it. I dont hate the Giants, I hate their fans... so much. Especially the ones who dont know shit about football and are mouthing off.

    Yea I need to get off facebook shits too annoying. Jets ruined my Christmas. Love you all though
  2. Nilton

    Nilton Active Member

    Oct 21, 2011
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    I hope they shit the bed next week.
  3. Murrell2878

    Murrell2878 Lets go JETS!

    Feb 1, 2003
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    No offense man. But that's insane
  4. sbx213

    sbx213 New Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    The giants fans running their mouths isn't what bothers me. It's the pathetic offense we have.
  5. Pereiro16

    Pereiro16 Member

    Dec 24, 2010
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    yea ill prob be back to normal tomorrow but im depressed and mad as fuck right now
  6. KWJetsFan

    KWJetsFan Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2010
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    Yeah, I fucking HATE the Giants, but that's just being silly.
  7. Joe Walton

    Joe Walton Banned

    Dec 24, 2011
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    Jets history in 30 sentences

    You know, reading these boards, you Jets fans make me laugh. You talk about Giant fans being this or that, yet you do the EXACT things you claim we do. You make fun of the way Fatcessa talks (who by the way isn't a Giants fan, he just hates the Jets), and completely gloss over the fact that you have that moron FIREMAN ED who talks like he runs a pizza shop. You claim Giant fans are obsessed and concerned with a team that isn't even in their conference, and you post threads like this.

    Are you really surprised they took a step back this year? Your last two AFC Championship appearances were the result, in part, of DUMB LUCK. See the Colts laying down and about 4 teams ahead of you losing that week in 09, and then about 4 regular season games you pulled out of your ass in 2010.

    Some of you whine about Giant fans talking trash tonight, yet many of you stated beforehand that you wanted this game so you could do exactly THAT.

    Bunch of hypocrites. So, if the winner's right is to talk trash, here's mine:


    Harry Wizmer charters NY Titans, Sonny Werblin decides name sucks.

    Team wins fluke super bowl when dinosaurs roamed earth, magma still cooling.

    Namath’s knees collapse.

    Team finds new “home” with Giants after leaving old “home” with Mets.

    Joe Walton picks nose on camera.

    Jets lose ‘83 title game, players blame mud.

    GM drafts Ken O'Brien over Dan Marino.

    Jets start 11-0, finish 11-5.

    Team blows 10-point lead just 4 minutes from hosting ‘86 title game.

    Former Dolphin fan Fireman Ed becomes team mascot.

    Jets reamed annually by Buffalo.

    GM drafts Johnny Mitchell over Warren Sapp.

    Marino spikes the ball, except wait a minute...

    Kottite wins 1 game, says, "I feel bad."

    Jets lose 10-point lead in ‘98 title game.

    Belichick bolts for better organization.

    Jets reamed annually by Patriots.

    Joe Namath really wants to kiss you.

    Chad Pennington demonstrates noodle arm, deemed God by fans.

    Jets lose West Side bid, then coin toss to decide home locker and right to host first game.

    Jets hire loudmouth coach; fanbase energized.

    Team acquires 67-year-old gunslinger with habit of texting Woody Johnson pics.

    Loudmouth coach and head case players pick fights with Patriots, Giants, entire NFL.

    Loudmouth coach mails it in before team actually eliminated.

    Jets lose 11-point lead in ‘09 title game.

    Latin journalist tweets, “I’m uncomfortable.”

    Loudmouth coach really wants to smell your feet.

    “Sanchize” confuses teammate for Joe Walton, wipes booger on shirt.

    Jets outscore opponent 19-0 in second half of 2010 title game, still lose.

    Loudmouth coach writes book, predicts domination of Giants, then loses battle for NY by 15.

    Suffering to be continued…
    #7 Joe Walton, Dec 24, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2011
  8. Pereiro16

    Pereiro16 Member

    Dec 24, 2010
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    Yea buddy generalize the entire fanbase because I was angry and irrational and made an stupid thread after the game.

    And apparently you ARE obsessed with the Jets if you made an account on a Jets website just to troll after your team won.

    Now gtfo
  9. dscola

    dscola New Member

    Sep 17, 2011
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    Man that shit is funny cause it's true. Lmao!
  10. Joe Walton

    Joe Walton Banned

    Dec 24, 2011
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    No, not obsessed with the Jets, nor a generalization. Just absolutely ITCHING to make fun of the antics that I've seen over the last couple of years, having occasioned this board from time to time, not to mention every day on the airways with that idiot savant Craig Carton.

    And it's a cue you've taken from the head honchos at the top, from the coaches who cover up superbowl logos and write books about dominating the Giants, to the GM who spends more time worrying about how much ink they're getting, as well as coaches who trip players on the sideline.

    You fans are like the Germans after WWI--so desperate to be saved that you were willing to follow anyone, including this monumental buffoon that Baltimore decided not to promote as HC.
    #10 Joe Walton, Dec 24, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2011
  11. Acad23

    Acad23 Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    Can I join Giants forum and use the name Ray Perkins?
    Or is that taken?
  12. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Francessa has his own radio show, Fireman Ed is a fan. One is spewing garbage acting like he know everything, the other is a fan.

    Guess what, luck matters. The Colts game was 13-9 when they laid down, not like they were crushing us.

    We won 4 games with comebacks, is every comeback lucky now? You realize you won a superbowl because someone made a catch with is helmet? Guess what, teams make comebacks it wasn't just the Jets making comebacks.

    Thanks for being hypocritical after calling out Jets fans.
  13. Joe Walton

    Joe Walton Banned

    Dec 24, 2011
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    haven't seen it so knock yourself out. i contemplated "nose picker" but figured that would give me away to the mods.
  14. Joe Walton

    Joe Walton Banned

    Dec 24, 2011
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    See, exactly my point. Fatcessa has his own radio show...SO DOES CARTON...and that fool was in rare form this week, wasn't he?

    Don't know if it was luck, most people called it a great catch. And if the patriots held on, can you honestly say they weren't outplayed. You can't.

    Kind of different from taking your starters out of a game.

    And how has getting to the AFCCG somehow been so glorious for all of you? It's not as if "Jets" and "Championship Game" haven't been mentioned in the same breath in the last 25 years. Same result maybe, but you make it sound as if getting there was some sort of new chapter chapter for the jets. It isn't.
    #14 Joe Walton, Dec 24, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2011
  15. VanderbiltJets

    VanderbiltJets Active Member

    Apr 25, 2010
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    See, you retard. The link is a thread from this board. Because you can't see links, i'll provide quotes:

    "Fireman Ed to intro Jets-Dolphins on MNF
    i wish he would just go away and take namath with him."

    "I am honestly sick of Fireman ed. If I have to watch his stupid Jets Chant App commercial one more time on the Jets Website I'm going to kill someone"

    "He makes this J-E-T-S JETS JETS JETS chant like he made it up. He's a phony. People in 318 and the other side of the upper tier in the end zone were doing it years before him."

    "Indeed Bill. Biggest phony. I used to sit in 318 back in the early to mid 80's. Your father is right. It was done at Shea. I believe it started in the late 70's."

    "I've heard that as well from guys in my section years ago, but he has never said that he started it (Atleast not that Ive heard about). I mean from all we know he could have been sitting in section 318 back in the day....
    That being said, hes really fucking annoying. One of my friends who sat in his section in the old stadium would always fuck with him and start the chant early. It was pretty funny as half of the section would be confused."
  16. JoeWalton

    JoeWalton Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2005
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    Yo Joe, love your name and your post. Absolutely hilarious and 100% true. The organization has been a complete laughing stock for five decades running now.

    You did forget about Jets GM Weeb Ewbanks hiring his son-in-law Charlie Winner (who was anything, but a winner) to be a coach.

    You also forgot about leading pass rusher Mark Gastineau quitting in the middle of the 1988 season, switching careers to become a full time wife beater.

    Small correction: in '86, the Jets were 4 minutes away from going to Denver for the Championship Game, not hosting it. Thanks to Gastineau's bonehead rushing the passer penalty, that was not to be.
  17. VanderbiltJets

    VanderbiltJets Active Member

    Apr 25, 2010
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    Serious question: Why are you defending the Fatty? You have Rex, Sanchez, the atrocious Defense, Schotty, and the Jets' lack of success post-Super Bowl III and you focus on a radio announcer who you supposedly don't support. I understand if you want to throw a handful of insults against a wall and see what sticks, but you're not doing well representing Giants fans on here.
  18. VanderbiltJets

    VanderbiltJets Active Member

    Apr 25, 2010
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    Rex and Hitler may have both been candy fanatics, but Coughlin's a Nazi coach if there ever was one.
  19. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    I think your talking to me since I brought up luck.. You compared Francessa to Fireman Ed at first, not Carton. Don't change the argument, you said Francessa vs Fireman Ed and I point out the difference and then you bring up Carton.

    I compared our comebacks to your catch, not the Colts laying down to your catch. Please keep the arguments the same instead of just changing them. A catch can be lucky and great, and most people also agree it was lucky.

    I didn't bring anything up about glorious, but your past couple years haven't been too memorable either....
  20. MexicanJet

    MexicanJet Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2010
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    gotta +1 to this.. My best friend is a Giants fan but today, I didn't want anything to do with him.

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