I don't have data to back this up but I'm guessing you're probably right. When the Jets lined up for that FG I was thinking "damn that is such a Cleveland Browns move, it can't be good".
The problem with your logic is that, you are using conventional offensive performance to judge the situation. You shouldn't do that with Schottenheimer calling the shot. If you don't kick the FG, you don't even get that 3 point. It's not even a low risk. It's a guaranteed failure. (Recall how the 4th-and-goal in Pittsburgh turned out.) Long FG - that I agree. He should have called the punting unit. Guess why I've been hollering "Schottenheimer SUCKS!" for a few years by now?
I had no problem with the 52-yard FG. In thin air, give it a shot. I also had no problem kicking it on the 4th-and-2. 2 yards is a ton for this offense, and we shouldn't have needed that many points to win. Of course, Sanchez gave them a TD, and our defense gagged AGAIN at the end of the game, and now we're second guessing those calls. Normally I like to be aggressive inside the 5. But I had no issue kicking that. We probably weren't picking up those 2 yards, and 13 points really should have been enough to win (though obviously we want more).
who believes the offense would have better results playing backyard style football rather than going with Schotty's play calling?
Well glad to see more fans on this forum come around and see the light. That is, our offense sucks ass. I called this after our Buffalo win when we showed difficulty moving the ball against the Bills who were ranked 24th in the league against the pass. I said we'd lose against the Patriots the next week because our offense was so bad. I was blasted for it and told to fuck off, our offense was fine. We lost to the Pats in large part due to our inept offense and again I pointed it out only to be told to fuck off. The Pats had the worst ranked defense in the league. We lost tonight due in large part to our inept offense. I am now calling this the Pluvrr curse. Either the following people publicly apologize or Sanchez/Schotty need to find their offense and deliver. It is now in your hands: CatotheElder James Calvin Miamipuck BadgeronLSD TheMak CONN-JET.2.0.3. ukilledkenny sg3 MBGreen IgnatiusJReilly NDMick JetBlue cmcm750203 Old 11-07-2011, 05:33 AM #80 GQSanchez Jetaho Struckanerve9 bucknasty fozzi58 Vorrecht erseyjet0912 The_W Where are you guys now? Cannot believe you guys did not see the writing on the wall in that Bills game. http://forums.theganggreen.com/showthread.php?t=68790
I don't know how Rex can justify either not getting rid of Schottenheimer or benching Sanchez if Rex has so little confidence in one or both of them to convert a 1st down on the last third down that he would simply give up the possession and run the ball. and I don't want to hear it was because he had faith in his defense to just give up the possession and give the ball back to Denver. if it was really a matter of faith in the D you let the offense play because regardless of what happens you think your D will stop them.
TIL PeeLover is a 12 year old girl who needs constant affirmation in order to function or she'll threaten to curse a bitch.
I bow before your majesty of shit. Oh sorry, it just my turd that looks just like you. The pieces of corn look just like your eyes.
Peelover, I am truly sorry, sorry that the FBI is going to raid your ice cream truck, for kiddy porn.
Plurrv curse? Are you honestly crying, about bragging how the Jets were going to play horrible, and how people called you out for being a fuck tard.:rofl2: Take your curse and stick it up you ass. BTW the Jets rolled in the bills game you fucking moron! Don't whine like a little bitch when you post how the Jets are going to lose, and people give you shit about it.
Seriously, what the hell kind of fan not only takes CREDIT for the team losing, but takes some kind of sick pride in thinking that he has the power to turn his own team into shit? You're a fucking disgrace.
I just put a reverse curse on that cunt. For now on whenever he mentions a stupid Jets topic his balls will shrink. See it worked, he has no balls,
I'm sincerely sorry his mother didn't use protection when she ran a train on the special ed class at the local high school.
when we were playing Seattle with our playoff hopes on the line in 2008 we did the same exact thing. I had always supported Mangini, but when the camera panned to the sideline and caught him mouthing the words " field goal", that was the exact second I knew I wanted him gone. I never expected the same spineless bullshit out of Rex. Very disappointing.