Sanchez and Schottenheimer are a joke.

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by AirStrike, Nov 14, 2011.

  1. MikeHoncho

    MikeHoncho Trolls

    Jan 16, 2010
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    You must be pretty proud of yourself.. how late were you up last night coming up with that piece of comedy gold?
  2. superbowl3fan

    superbowl3fan New Member

    Oct 15, 2011
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    It's Schotty & Rex's fault

    I really don't think you can pin this on Mark. Look, they didn't put him in the right position to win.

    I think Schotty & Rex looked at the Pat's banged up secondary and thought, "hey, we'll show ground and pound but come out throwing against their back up dbs. That'll fool 'em!" It did. For one dead end drive at the open. Then Bill did what he does best. He adjusted. He didn't wait 'till half time, he adjusted right away. What happens then? Sacks. Interceptions. Mistakes. Etc.

    Look at it this way. You take away the fumbled punt, the missed field goal, even the end of the half "worst play ever" time out etc. The Jets still lose. Only by 1 touchdown maybe instead of 3, but we still lose. The time of possession what basically even. 30 minutes each team. The Pats scored 37. Do that math. That's over a point a minute. I know that sounds silly, but think about it. Every minute Brady has the ball is another point. It's more important to keep Brady off the field than to take advantage of a banged up secondary. If we took 5 or 10 minutes from them, and clean up the mistakes of course, then we at least have a close game. No one beats Brady in a shoot out.
  3. Namath3

    Namath3 New Member

    Nov 6, 2011
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    I agree w/ Superbowlfan3. I am not blaming coaching here. Players have to perform too. I am p*ss*d about last night & I blame QB & D. Our QB is not good & I can't for the life of me figure oout how people can defend him. He always finishes in the bottom of every statistical category; & a good game for him is when he doesn't mess things up!!!! That's not a good QB. 2) The only way to beat Brady is to put pressure on him & press his mediocre receivers (Except Welker) (See Giants, Ravens, Steelers & oh yeah... Us in the AFC Champ!!). I defy anyone to give me an example of where he was beat any other way??? He is the best QB who will carve your secondary to pieces & he proved it again last night!
  4. jetsfan2

    jetsfan2 Banned

    Nov 14, 2011
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    64.7 rating against the worst defense in the league with all their safetys out and defense hobbled, tired of people defending this bufoon its his 3rd year we wasted a 6th pick on him and paid him a boatload he is a average qb at best who hides behind his offensive line. Time to start looking for a new qb. Guarantee cam Newton or Dalton would have dropped 40 on the patriots last night. Sanchez sucks!
  5. Namath3

    Namath3 New Member

    Nov 6, 2011
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    I think you are being kind! Bottom third in myy book. This team deserves better!
  6. Jetaho

    Jetaho Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2009
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    Hell yeah! Now who should we get?

    Maybe we should trade for Josh Freeman. Oh wait.

    Or How about Sam Bradford? Uh, well.

    Colt McCoy? Not so much.

    Matthew Stafford! Well, maybe not so much there.


    Rivers! He's having a great seas . . . well, last year.

    We don't suck enough for Luck.

    Should we bring Ratliff back?
  7. Sweet P

    Sweet P Banned

    Nov 9, 2011
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    I think there is plenty of blame to go around. Mcknight fumble, Lt tipped ball, Folk missed kick, poor calls from the OC and of course Sanchez throwing his usual mind blowing pick...not to mention the clock management. Why does it seem that for the big game the Jets just don't seem prepared mentally..... my first post on the forum by the way!
  8. Namath3

    Namath3 New Member

    Nov 6, 2011
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    Agreed; plenty of blame to go around. I really am not laying this all at the feet of Sanchez, he is just part of the problem. I fear the D has lost a step. That Pat's D was awful before all the injury's. They made Carter look like the second coming of LT last night! & no answer for the Hurry Up.
  9. Prince of Thieves

    Prince of Thieves New Member

    Apr 17, 2007
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    How you abandon the run last night after they bring in LBs off the street and every run is going for 5-6 yards I frankly don't know. It all started there.

    The first drive was a complete buzzkill. Ram it into the end zone and you're talking about a major emotional lift, and the whole game goes differently. Instead, Folk misses a chip shot field goal and it's an uphill game from there, always walking on eggshells.

    Not sure what to say. By significance, this was one of the most important regular season games in Jets history. Not only did they lose, they didn't even compete. It looked like the coaches didn't prepare and the players were ready to give up after halftime. Incredibly alarming.
  10. jetsfan2

    jetsfan2 Banned

    Nov 14, 2011
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    The abandoning the run was fine we were playing the last place defense with undrafted safetys playing. If we didn't have a crappy qb who had a 64.7 rating final score would be 52-37.
  11. dmarz45

    dmarz45 Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2009
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    everybody shut up. The season is not over. Every year the Jets get hot going into the playoffs and I expect the same this year. Its not time to panic yet...

    However, I definitely think we need to draft a good safety in this years draft because Eric Smith sucks!!
    #51 dmarz45, Nov 14, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2011
  12. Namath3

    Namath3 New Member

    Nov 6, 2011
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    I tell you I have one more issue. I know this is not easily spoken about, but I do not like the issue I am hearing with regards to Revis. I have always thought Revis plays a bit grabby, but now this rep is going national. & shortly after it was called out live, he picked up a holding call (Not that I think that their is a connection to the comment by Collisnworth), but the timing was bad, & I just don't want this to gain legs. I would hate to think Revis has to dial it back because he starts to pick up BS flags over a tough rep.
  13. laxin

    laxin Active Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    You realize Newton played in 23 more games than Sanchez in college and Dalton more than 40?
  14. NYDeadEye

    NYDeadEye Member

    Jul 31, 2011
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    Seriously dude? You want Rex gone? You're a fucking idiot if you want Rex out of NY.
  15. Namath3

    Namath3 New Member

    Nov 6, 2011
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    dmarz; you shut the heck up! This is a forum. Last time I check I believe that we as fans come HERE to blow off steam/voice concerns that are all pretty valid. By your lame logic, the Patriots start using this time of year to gear up to win another SB. Does that mean it will happen?!?
  16. laxin

    laxin Active Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    You seriously have to stop posting.

    Abandoning the run is a terrible idea, I dont give a shit who is playing in the secondary when we are consistently getting first downs by running the ball.

    You will realize why Sanchez had a bad passer rating because I responded to your other idiotic comment about it.
  17. JetsYankeesThrylos

    JetsYankeesThrylos Active Member

    Sep 29, 2007
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    Sanchez is inaccurate, too many times the ball is too high or behind the receiver giving them no chance for YAC, BUT last night the Patriots were getting constant pressure rushing FOUR!!! The offensive line was getting pushed around on pass protection. It was disgraceful, also the past two seasons, the receivers that Sanchez threw well to and got more YAC because of it were Edwards, Cotchery and Keller. Two are now gone, and yesterday Keller was MIA.

    We can shit on Sanchez all day but the fact remains, no consistency with his WR's hurts him and the O-line has been bad with pass protection. Also, the defense was gassed before the 4th quarter, I remember watching David Harris during the no huddle plays hunched over hands on his knees trying to catch his breath, so if TOP wasn't the problem then we have some serious coaching problems in the strength and conditioning department.

    The Patriots also scored 17 points on some Major turnovers so Defense to me is last on the list of people to blame for this loss. Two of the turnovers were also right after the Defense got off the field and had jump right back on with the Pats in the red zone and the second on their own 43.

    People need to get over the fact this defense isn't elite and just except it, without the retarded turnovers the Pats score 20, and the Jets O fails to put up more then 14 on the worst secondary in the league.
    #57 JetsYankeesThrylos, Nov 14, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2011
  18. KWJetsFan

    KWJetsFan Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2010
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    I still find it mind boggling that we only have 1 offensive first quarter TD in the last 20 games or so. How can any HC back an OC that week in and week out can't figure out how to get off to a good start? It almost always puts the team behind the 8 ball.
  19. tomdeb

    tomdeb Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2004
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    It's on Sanchez--he's a joke. No clue about clock management, never avoids the rush, a total first round bust. The jets should have looked into a real backup this year instead of Brunell. The difference last night between Brady and Sanchez was night and day.
  20. ScotsJet

    ScotsJet Active Member

    Jan 3, 2004
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    The difference in protection for Brady and Sanchez is also night and day.

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