all i can say is it was fucking hilarious when Philip Rivers gashed the Giants in 09 to come from behind and win the game.1 And it was equally hilarious watching Rivers flounder in the 4th quarter. Hahahahah 1 -
what? Mangold cost you guys 7 points not 4. You cant blame the officials when a Center tackles a dlinemen who is zooming past him. He saved a sack i guess, but it just ended up being an INT, but it was the right call.
Its one thing to be confident and loud and cocky before the game.... Its a completely other thing to be a sore loser after a game. Say what you want about Rex and his antics, the guy always gives credit to the other team and their coach after a loss, as do the players in the locker-room.
It seems like McMichael is the only one not giving the Jets credit. It's probably not fair to say the Chargers as a whole share his opinion.
That ineligible man thing always pisses me off. Seems like they arbitrarily call it once in a blue moon. Leaguewide, I see OL 4 or 5 yards down field on screens constantly, yet, just every once in awhile they make a call on it.
did you see the video? he was disrespecting the Jets and pointing fingers at his teammates. nobody said anything about McMichael "hating" anybody. He's just bitter and a sore loser with no class or respect for his opponents or his own teammates. McMichael chose to open up his mouth and dis the Jets defense and the secondary after the Jets D had just shut the chargers down in the 2d half of the ballgame. F McMichael - who cares if is "frustrated" ? he should shut his mouth and show some class. THe rest of his teammates didn't feel the need to come off looking like sore losers - but randy mcmichael sure as hell did. F him. maybe this explains why he is now with his 3rd team in his sub par career.
i didnt see it that way. I suppose he could have said, the jets were the better team but he was pissed, said the chargers were to blame for their own failure and was getting more pissed by the questions coming his way. He stuck to his story, the chargers beat the chargers and nothing was gonna change his mind.
What you will find CT is that guys with real low character usually don't pan out and McMichael definetly falls under that catagory.
Longtime reader, first-time poster. I'm wondering what the rest of this forum generally thinks of the Jets D overall. I don't see a thread discussing them but surely someone has discussed Warren Sapp's comments that the Jets defense is dead average ... except for Revis. (tried to post link here, but too few posts) Instead of shooting Sapp the messenger, what do people generally think? Jets fan but looking at it objectively, I'd tend to agree. Average means about 15th-17th in the NFL and -- in my opinion -- if you take Revis off the D and replace him with an average starting corner, the talent and performance of the unit would rank about middle-of-the-pack. :eaglessuck: ^ Nice. Big Redskins fan here (sadly)
It's a stupid question, because Revis is on the team and the defense is designed around his abilities. If he wasn't playing they'd do things differently, and actually had success last season when he was limited by a hamstring injury early in the year. So, no, I don't think they'd be average without Revis.
I don't think you can discount bad plays by the Jets in the 1st half and not acknowledge the bad plays the Chargers made in the 2nd half but this is Jet's fan board.. Yeah that was incredibly bad. Ok, mayybe one quick 3 yard pass to get out of bounds failed but to try the same dumb play again?
except those plays were gold compared to the 4th and 3 heave the ball out of bounds and ask your coach what down it is...i see a "C'mon Man" in about half an hour.
i dont know mcmichael all that well, what low character stuff has he done. Is he like cromartie? holmes? Edwards?
Jammer has been running his mouth too, mostly due to the phantom DPI call. Bahahahaha. Does anyone remember like 5 or 6 years ago people kept using the words "starter" and "talent" in the sentences they used to describe him?
No big deal, just beating his pregnant wife. Dude's kind of a piece of shit, he was in our division for 5 years so we're familiar with his history.