Best part is Rex asking his son what the defense should play. Seth says to blitz, and Cro gets a pick, hahaha.
This is something I’ve been thinking about for a while, and after watching that clip it brings this to the forefront of my mind even more… Any time I’ve seen Rex mic’d up on the sideline, they show him being very enthusiastic, funny, getting the guys pumped up, but they never show him actually calling any plays. I know that he probably leaves all the offensive playcalling to Brian Schottenheimer, but what about the d? It makes me wonder if he calls any plays, or if he’s mostly a figurehead out there, guiding the coordinators here and there…
this is something i have thought about before myself. i feel like he is generally hands off with schotty, and with the d, its like a shared decision. like they have a game plan that him and pettine put together, and then they work like a team on gameday. pettine had been with him for awhile so im sure they are in sync with each other.
well they only really showed a 4 min clip. The game takes 3 hours real time to complete. So it's totally possible they just cut out the playcalling, because its boring compared to the other stuff Rex says. I don't really remember many times HC's or other coordinators are mike'd up and them showing playcalls. I just don't think they spend time on pc's because its more boring than the reactions everybody has to the plays.
yea what nyjetsrule said. And maybe there is chance that showing them call plays might reveal so type of valuable information to other teams. Maybe Rex decides what their strategies are going to be during the week and when it comes to game time he he lets his coaches try to get into a groove and just observes what's working and what's not.
Quite honestly, I think he lets Pettine call the game with Rex's gameplan in mind. I can see Rex stepping in if the defense is letting the Jets down. That just wasn't the case on Sunday...
I'm pretty sure that Pettine makes the playcalls. Ryan spearheads the gameplanning and I'm sure he interjects during the games if he sees something and wants the D to act on it, but I've always been under the impression that Pettine makes the specific calls. At the very least, we know that Pettine called the play that resulted in Revis' pick against Romo in week 1.