He shouldn't...he actually played for 5 years and in 61 games and scored 13 tds. No matter what stat you choose to compare him to Gholston with his career would still be stellar.
Gholston is the worst defensive lineman draft pick EVER. Its true. A Grand Total of Zero Since 1982, here are the defensive ends picked in the top 10 of the NFL Draft who recorded the fewest number of sacks in their first three seasons. Defensive End/ Drafted By Draft Pick # Sacks after three seasons Career Sacks Vernon Gholston, New York Jets* 2008 6 0 0 Reggie Rogers, Detroit Lions 1987 7 2 2 Jamaal Anderson, Atlanta Falcons* 2007 8 2.5 4.5 Jamal Reynolds, Green Bay Packers 2001 10 3 3 Cedric Jones, New York Giants 1996 5 4 15 Source: Stats Inc. *active
I just think it's hilarious that after he opened his mouth about us never giving him a fair chance he gets released by Chicago shortly thereafter. It's poetic justice, really.
That draft was brutal. VG, and then I just hoped we would not draft Ainge because I watched him suck at UT for 4 years. But no, it was a terrible draft with the exception of Keller. Glad VG and EA are out.
I wonder if he feels the bears gave him enough chances? He burned his bridge with the Jets so I bet teams think twice before signing him.