Don't worry about Culpeper

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by GSourJr, Jul 14, 2006.

  1. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    I didn't realize anyone was worried about Culpepper. I must have missed all of those threads.
  2. jdjets

    jdjets New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    he won't do shit. you'll see. please, i would love for harrington to start. what a joke he is.

    BLITZKRIEG New Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Culpepper = "band-aid".....

    Yeah, I'm sure that's exactly what Saban / Mueller had in mind all along when we traded for him.....:rolleyes:

    If 29 years old is considered "aging", what do you call a QB at 30?...."Pennington"???.....

    As far as Culpepper's mobility, he should still be able to run for that extra few yards when protection breaks down. He's already shown that he can do that during the mini-camps. Let's not throw out the fact that Culpepper is one of the strongest pocket passers in the league too. Bottom Line : It's his arm you should fear, not his legs....

    Sorry, but I find that comment extremely laughable. Culpepper has plenty of gas left in the tank, and if his rehb continues to go as scheduled, and he makes a full recovery, he could play another 7-8 years. Hell, Marino played 17 years on two bum knees, and multipule other injuries that plagued him throughout his career. I can't see why Culpepper couldn't do the same barring no further complications in his knee....

    It's been suspect for years with the likes of Feidler, Feeley, and Frerotte. This off-season we finally go out and get a bonafide star at the position, and it's still suspect???....Yeah, just keep telling yoursef that.....


    We brought in Harrington for one reason only, to be our back-up QB. In case you didn't follow any of the Phinz off-season undoings, both Frerotte / Rosenfels took the train. That means we didn't have anyone behind Culpepper, and that's why we signed Harrington, as back-up. I highly doubt that Saban / Mueller are expecting Harrington to take over the starting QB position form Culpepper, and the chances of that every happening are slim to none if you ask most people around the NFL circles. You obviously have no clue about the Phinz current QB situation.....

    Whatever you say coach....whatever you say....:lol:
  4. Amen

    Amen New Member

    Jun 30, 2006
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    as fun as it is to hate the dolphins and disregard Culpepper.. I'm pretty sure he was still successful in games when Moss was injured. Wasn't he out for like 6+ games the season before he was traded?
    Can't credit too much to Moss since he didn't make Collins a pro bowler either.

    I'm not saying Daunte's gonna be money... I'm saying we can't completely write him off because of the beginning of last season that was marred with a lot of off-field shit.
  5. ThunderbirdJet

    ThunderbirdJet New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    I'm not worried about Culpepper, the Phins OR the Patsies. Not until 2008, anyways.
  6. Jetfanmack

    Jetfanmack haz chilens?

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Culpepper is still a question mark. That leg injury was career-threatening, and there's no way of knowing how he'll come back from it. That being said, I think Chambers can be Randy Moss-like with Culpepper, which is scary.
  7. Crowder52

    Crowder52 New Member

    Jun 14, 2006
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    In 2004 he had his best season throwing 39 TD passes without Randy Moss half of the season. 1360 yards was split up between 3 different backs and with a young talented running back like Ronnie Brown might be able to put up that type of yardage himself. Add to more running backs to the mix and you can completely blow the Minnesota running game out of the water. If he has that type of running game he is going to be even more successfull than he was in Minny. My bad i guess it was a stretch to say he had no running game whatsoever but he didn't have the type of running that would be possible with a talented feature back.
  8. allan1

    allan1 Active Member

    Dec 20, 2002
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    Culpepper makes Dave Krieg look like Curtis Martin.
  9. Pam

    Pam Friendliest Poster Fourpeat!!

    May 6, 2005
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    I wonder how his knees are feeling?

    Yea, Culpepper has nothing to worry about. :rolleyes:
  10. Jetzz

    Jetzz Active Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    Plenty of gas in the tank, with just enough water mixed in to cause that choking sound, right when the motor gets choked out before you get where you're going. Yep, no problem with enough gas... just the quality of the gas you need to be concerned with. :)

    BLITZKRIEG New Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Very enlightening, I take it you work at the local gas station??.....



  12. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    I think Culpepper can find a lot of success with players like McMichael, Chambers and Brown (whom I hate to admit impressed me on occasion) surrounding him. The X-factor is his knee. Phin fans I think are hoping he will remain more in the pocket, but he will always have some sort of instinct to scramble when the pocket collapses, and that will probably be his downfall early if such a thing happens.

    However, I don't think he ever will achieve the level of success he did when he was throwing to Carter and Moss.
  13. JetsYankees

    JetsYankees New Member

    Oct 10, 2005
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    I've said it time and time again, Daunte Culpeppers is NOTHING but a decent QB at best without a true #1 WR like Randy Moss. Just look at his numbers with Moss and without Moss. The Dolphins fans who think Chris Chambers is a #1 are kidding themselves. Yes the guy makes some outstanding catches but at the same time he drops 15 yard slants in the middle of the field wide open where if he caught it could be a game breaking play. He's also only had 1 1,000+ recieving season...a true #1 puts up those every season. Culpepper is certainly an upgrade over Jay Fiedler, Gus Frerotte and AJ Feely, but he's not the second coming of Dan Marino and he's not the guy whose going to lead them to the Super Bowl. As for Joey Harrington...:rofl:
  14. Motorboat

    Motorboat New Member

    Aug 24, 2003
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    You've got absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

    Miami's O-line was top 10 in both sacks allowed and YPC.

    But that's not true. Go look at Culpepper's performance in 2004 when Randy Moss was injured. It's still pretty damned good.

    In 2005 there were a whole lot of mitigating circumstances for Culpepper's performance besides Randy Moss. His OC was gone. His O-line was bad. His running game was spotty at best.

    BLITZKRIEG New Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    How can anyone with any knowledge of the game come to that conclusion. Both of them are incredible talents, and both missed eachother when they were no longer on the same team. Don't talk to me about how Moss made Culpepper, that's just ridiculous.....

    Yeah, and look at Moss' numbers without Culpepper.....:rolleyes:

    Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Rolls eyes again.....

    He's caught a lot more passes than he's dropped over the years. And I've never heard anyone consider Chambers a WR with poor hands. He's got very good hands, and the scary thing is that he's still getting better.....

    You only wish you had a WR as talented as Chambers. Coles / McCariens???...:lol:Yeah, those two guys are the true definitions of a #1 WR. PLEASE.....

    That's the cool part, he doesn't have to be the next Marino, he just has to be Daunte. With his skills alone, the Phinz offense will be a very formidable force to be dealt with. We're not expecting him to be our savior, we just expect him to be a better QB than what we've been use to in the past. And he will be, that you can count on....

    No matter how you slice it, he's probably just as good as either one of your projected starters. It's not like Ramsey / Pennington have anything more to offer than Harrington at this stage. Hell, Ramsey / Pennington might even be benched this year in favor of some rookie....Talk about QB issues???....
  16. Jetzz

    Jetzz Active Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    Yep, you betcha. Did my share of pumping petro... :wink:
  17. Crowder52

    Crowder52 New Member

    Jun 14, 2006
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    I agree with that 100%. That was probably the best Jets team i've seen in recent years as well.
  18. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    he had his "best" season and still in an awful division and confernce he only led Minny to 8 wins. Moss was not out half the season, he only missed 3 games entirely and parts of others but any time he is on the field he has to be accounted for so that opens things up for other receivers and the teams they played had awful defenses so he wasn't exactly lightining it up against the '00 Ravens. If you want to check his performance w/o Moss as a decoy then just look at what he did before he got hurt last year.

    There's no question he has alot of weapons in Miami but he did in Minny as well including the ultimate weapon to throw too and he still was bad in big spots.

    Moss did it w/ Cunningham, george and Culpepper in Minny while culpepper has only been succesful w/ Moss and a few years w/ him he was unsuccessful. Moss was hurt all year last year and still put up over 1,000 yds w/ a bad QB.

    His #s in '05 were better than in '04 w/ Daunte.

    Talented? maybe but CC hasn't produced near Coles' level. CC has had ONE big season- that's it. he needs to prove last year wasn't a fluke and in reality if not for a fluky 200+ yd game he wouldn't have had a big season. He only had 3 100+ yd games last year.

    :rofl: I sure hope he plays like he always has and that's putting up big fantasy #s and playing poorly in the biggest games and not winning alot of games.

    Please stop. Joey has been given chance after chance and never produced, Ramsey has not been given much of a chance and he's been better than Joey. Chad at 80% is better than Joey, Chad at 90% is bettr than Daunte.

    When Chad plays the Jets win alot more than they lsoe, when he doesn't we lose alot more unlike Minny who is 4 games UNDER .500 when Daunte starts and 4 games OVER .500 when he does not.

  19. Motorboat

    Motorboat New Member

    Aug 24, 2003
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    First of all, wins are not the measure of a good quarterback, they are a measure of a good team. Do you by any chance remember a few years back when Jay Fiedler had one of the highest winning %'s of starting NFL quarterbacks? Enough said.

    PS- Randy Moss as a decoy was not a boon to Culpepper in 2005. He was not double teamed, not was he even covered like a normal WR. The decoy thing was a waste of time.

    No, Culpepper has been successful without Moss. Again, go look at 2004. In 2005, there were alot more mitigating circumstances then just Culpepper losing Moss. He lost his actual talented OC and was given Mike Tice's buddy. His Offensive line was terrible. His defense was giving up 27.5 points per game.

    Those things, combined with Culpepper trying too hard to win games on his own and a head coach unwilling to stop him contributed alot to his poor performanced.

    Btw...Randy Moss wasnt hurt nearly as bad in 2005 as 2004.
  20. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Jay was a solid starter, very underrated. your win % went way down when he didn't start UNLIKE Duante's Vikings who's win % goes way up when he doesnt' start. You gusy are too into individual #s, it's about winning. QBs are defined by winning, did Daunte have a SB championship tam? No but in a pathetic div and pathetic conf he had more than enough talent around him to make the playoffs more than twice(one time at just 8-8).

    Nah, Randy moss being on the field could never help a QB. D's never worried about him even when he was banged up:smile:

    What is successful? he wound up leading them to EIGHT wins that year in a div that was brutal. Moss didn't play in 3 games and didn't have a catch in 2 others where he barely played. Lets' examine the "success:

    -vs. 5-11 tenn- 24 of 30 for only 183 yds, 1 TD 0 INT. Not great #s but efficient in a 20-3 win against a bad Ten team.

    -vs. 6-10 NYG- Thrashed at home by a bad NYG team. 24 of 41 w/ 2 INTs and 1 TD. Led Minny to 13 pts.

    -at 12-4 Indy- Only had 1 TD and only attempted 19 passes but led them to 24 pts against an awful D.

    -at 10-6 GB- played great against awful D, 4 TDs 0 INTs.

    -vs. 6-10 Det, ok against awful Det D in a 3 point win, only scored 22 against Det.

    Overall played well but led them to 2 wins and 3 losses- how is that "successful"? W/o Moss last year he led Minny to 2-5 and Brad Johsnon came in w/ the same team and went 9-2.

    Do you think all of Daunte's TO's contributed to the D giving up all of those points? In 6+ games he threw 12 INTs and lost 3 fumbles that's 15 INTs in 6+ games. While in 9+ games Brad threw just 4 INts and had 3 fummbles. Myabe that's why in Daunte starts the D gave up 28 PPG while when Brad started they gave up just 17?

    Maybe not but it affected his entire 2005 season while he was healthy at times in '04.

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