Most painful alltime Jet losses

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by matt robinson 17, Jan 25, 2011.

  1. MudBowl Survivor

    MudBowl Survivor New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    I am a Jet fan since the game my screenname implies...1982. This is the first time since I am a fan (i cant count the Mudbowl, which made me cry at 8 years old, I just wasnt to schooled in the game yet LOL), this season, when I really thought the Jets had more than a punchers chance in a title game, and also the first time that they have something to look forward to after losing. All of the other heartbreaking losses they were old and/or never really got close to getting back to playing for a trip to the chip. The jets and the fans have a ton to look forward to.

    This being said, my list of top heartbreakers is this

    1986 Division game 2OT loss to Cleveland
    1994 fake spike (was in actual physical pain for about 2 weeks, no joke)
    2004 Division game against Steelers (Doug Brien missing 2 FG, one hitting the crossbar). That was a good Jets team btw...
  2. ajetsfan4ever

    ajetsfan4ever Active Member

    Jan 21, 2006
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    I've been watching since 90.

    1. 2010, champ game.
    2. fake spike game.
    3.2009, champ game.
    4. vinny, 99
    5.98, champ game.

    doug brien is also in the mix.
  3. rinvesto

    rinvesto Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2009
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    1. Mud Bowl AFC Championship 1982
    2. 86 loss to Cleveland in Div Round
    3. Pitt 2004 Doug Brien game
    4. Denver 1998 AFC championship
    5. Pitt 2010 AFC Championship
  4. JetsKickAss

    JetsKickAss Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2004
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    Don't blame Todd...he almost brought the Jets all the way back. Bruce Harper fumbled the opening kickoff for a quick Buffalo 7 and just like this year's team the Jets didn't show up until the 3rd Quarter.

    Bill Simpson made the INT....he was OUT OF PLACE on the play...if he's where he was supposed to be, Todd has a game-winning TD, just like he did in Game 12 vs. Miami to Jerome Barkum with 16 seconds left at Shea.
  5. JetsKickAss

    JetsKickAss Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2004
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    (1) Jets-KC 1969 Playoff: we were gonna have a walkover vs. Minny in SB IV and repeat as champions. Instead, Len Dawson killed us. I thought we'd be back every year with Joe Willie. It was his last playoff game with the Jets.

    (2) Jets-Raiders 1977: Richard Todd throws for 440 yards but Jets lose as Pat Leahy misses a PAT. Al Davis smirks on the sidelines.

    (3) Jets-Buffalo 1981 playoff game: already discussed, I couldn't believe Todd almost brought us all the way back. Bleepin' Bill Simpson.

    (4) Jets-Cleveland Playoff Game 1987: I knew we were in trouble when Charlie Steiner on the Jets broadcast (770 WABC I believe) said "the Jets are gonna win this game" with 3:48 left or so. Thanks, Charlie

    (5) Jets-Steelers 2011: 'Nuff said.

    I could have given The Mud Bowl and a few other games, but I thought some of the ones that tend to be overlooked might be appreciated by some of the younger folks here.

    Enjoy....I mean, SUFFER !!! lol
  6. Endlessly Counting

    Endlessly Counting Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    The '86 (actually 1/4/87) Cleveland play-off loss was the worst loss of all time and the spike game is the worst regular season loss

    The Cleveland loss is our worst loss for several reasons, mostly because we were a very good team that got caught up in 5 game losing streak to end the season. The Jets caught a lot of shit from detractors (if you think Francesa was bad, you should've heard Paul McGuire). This win would've put them in the Championship game and would've silenced a lot of detractors. The game was won. It was going to be 3rd and 24 with less than 3 minutes left. Cleveland was dead. Then, the Gastineau roughing the passing penalty (the single worst play in Jet history) not only gave Cleveland life, it killed the Jets.

    The worst part of the game is that it took Cleveland so long to win it. They missed a 23 yard field goal and the game stretched into a 2nd overtime. The Jets played like lifeless fish in OT and did nothing. It was so painful to watch.

    The Mud Bowl game is the second worst play-off loss, because the Jets were definitely Super Bowl quality that year. It does not hurt as bad as the Cleveland game (1) Because the Jets did not play like they had a chance in that game and (2) the weather and Shula's actions gave us an excuse to ignore the significance of the loss

    The spike game is the worst regular season loss. The Jets had scratched and climbed to 6-5 that season. Carroll had coached them well. They had beaten AFC champ Buffalo TWICE! They were winning 24-6. Then they collapsed. The loss is compounded by the fact that Marino's arrogance and hatred of the Jets came through on the fake spike(which may have been the first time it was ever done). But the worst aspect was the gloom and doom that was predicted by media and many fans after the loss. It was a self-fulfilling prophecy as the Jets went 4-33 over the next 3 years.
  7. Endlessly Counting

    Endlessly Counting Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    BTW, if the Jets had lost to SD Chargers in 2004 play-off, that would have been a terrible loss, (remember Barton's roughing the passer penalty on the last play?)

    As it was, the Jets had to win that game three times

    First the last play-incomplete pass that was replayed into a game-tying TD to gates, because of Barton's penalty.
    Second, O'Brien made a kick in OT, but it was nullified by the SD "Icing" time out and finally, the game-winner
  8. semperfigreen

    semperfigreen Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2008
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    1) 2011 AFCC-Wife and family are big Steeler fans, and this was about bragging rights for me. Plus, I was expecting them to win.
    2) 2010 AFCC-With the halftime lead, i thought we had this won. Plus the feely fg miss was a big turning point.
    3) 1998 AFCC- I was in College at the time and had bigger priorities...this one didn't hurt as much.

    Clearly the last two are the fresh wounds for me. I have come a long way in the last 24 hours and Im starting to put this game behind me. I am excited for next year allready.
  9. Endlessly Counting

    Endlessly Counting Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    1981is the one season where you can't blame anything on Richard Todd
    He played most of the season w/broken ribs

    '81-WC was errily reminiscient of the most recent Steeler lead
    The 24-7 lead that the Bills jumped out to and the comeback that just fell short.
    Remember, '81 WC was 31-13 mid-way throiugh the third
  10. mrjet80

    mrjet80 Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2005
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    Todd had a breakout year in '81 but he shared the blame for that Bills debacle as much as other players on that team.....he threw 4 INTs - 1 directly leading to a Bills TD in the first quarter, two others in the third quarter in Bills territory killing momentum swings and finally the one to Simpson when he had a wide open Dierking....that being said as we saw last week anytime you fall behind 24-0 in any game- let alone a playoff game - you're not going to come back and win unless you play absolute mistake free has a highlight reel of the '81 wildcard game if you want to pull it up. It is about ten minutes long....
  11. truthbtold

    truthbtold Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2008
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    #71 truthbtold, Jan 30, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2011
  12. good_ol_gil

    good_ol_gil Active Member

    Sep 2, 2002
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    I'll throw another out there. Remember the 2000 regular season finale against the Ravens? We jumped out to 14-0 lead and Testaverde wound up throwing for almost 500 yards against one of the best defenses ever. But Vinny threw some back breaking picks that ended up costing us the playoffs and ending the Al Groh era.

    EDIT: Look at this ridiculous box score! We outgained them 524-142!
    #72 good_ol_gil, Jan 30, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2011
  13. ProfJets

    ProfJets Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2011
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    1. 2011 AFC Championship Game
    2. 1998 AFC Championship Game
    3. Doug Brien Game

    -Just my own experience; I'm sure the Mud Bowl, the Cleveland divisional game, and Fake-Spike are more painful to those who saw/remember them.
  14. Cakes

    Cakes Mr. Knowledge 2010

    May 20, 2003
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    Must have been a typo on your part because the Colts were winless in 1982.

    The Colts 6, Jets 3 game occurred in 1992 in the Hoosier Dome. The game was tied 3-3 after 60 minutes.

  15. Was that the season Jets fans tipped over an NBC trailer with McGuire in it?
  16. guinness77

    guinness77 Active Member

    Nov 23, 2008
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    2 things about that game I won't forget: Vinny fumbling the snap when we were up 14-0 with the ball and at mid-field. Just had a feeling at the time that we were fucked. McCallister returning Vinny's INT 98 yards right before halftime already knowing that was a crippling blow. Damn near ruined Christmas for me.
    The most annoying loss was the Lions game the week before when Hall missed a 35 yarder in the rain at the end, and knowing that (Oak, Det., Ravens) was our easiest game down the stretch. THAT game pissed me off.
  17. mrjet80

    mrjet80 Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2005
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    There were several games against the Colts in that that 80s-90s timespan that could have been nominated as the worst game ever played. There was the 1984 9-5 loss at a rainy Meadowlands which is still remembered today more for the ineptitude than anything else. There was the game you mentioned a 6-3 overtime loss in 1992 almost being eclipsed in pure boredom by the rematch later that year in which the Jets led most of the cold, windy day 6-3 only to lose 10-6 on a last minute TD pass. The following year 1993 saw the Jets lose 9-6 to the Colts at home late in the year starting a slide in which cost them the playoffs. Even a 1987 strike game got into the act....a 6-0 loss by the Jets back-ups to the Colts back-ups......Let's not forget the Colts weren't exactly world beaters in those days.
  18. mrjet80

    mrjet80 Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2005
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    Yeah I remember the box score from that game and lamenting it at Christmas dinner the next day. I think the Jets had 27 first downs to the Ravens 5......unbelieveable
  19. RPOZ51

    RPOZ51 Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2010
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    Was that 9 to 5 game the day they retired Joe Namath's or Don Maynard's number, or something like that?

    I seem to remember that there was something more than the Frisbee Catching Dog going on at halftime.
  20. #28Martin

    #28Martin Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    There is a difference between a disappointing loss and a heartbreaking loss. While this AFC Championship loss suked, it wasn't this gutwrenching type of loss that they've had in their history. You go down 24-3 at halftime and gain 1 yard on the ground for that half, it's not gut wrenching. To me, these are the most heartbreaking losses I remember:

    1) 1986 Playoff Game vs. Cleveland. Just threw away a chance at the AFC
    Championship game on a awful play by Gastineau. And not only that, any
    who remembers that game, remembers the never ending overtime, which
    the Jets had numerous chances to win, yet couldn't move on offense.

    2) 1981 Playoff Game vs. Buffalo. Jets went into the game red hot, Bruce
    Harper starts the game fumbling the kickoff which Buffalo picks it up and
    goes up 7-0. Buffalo went up 24-0. Jets in one of the biggest comebacks
    in NFL history come back and are down 31-27, in the last 20 seconds,
    inside the Bills 20, moving at will, all ready to dramatically win. Todd
    throws a pass up the middle, not seeing the Bill Safety Bill Simpson and
    the Jets lose. Meanwhile Scott Dierking was wide open in the end zone
    yelling for the ball.

    3) 1983 Playoff Game vs. Miami. This game was 0-0 at the half and the
    Dolphins fumbled in Jets territory, only to have the call blown and the
    Dolphins score soon after. Everyone seems to remember A.J. Duhe, but
    all that third interception did was put the game away. Before that, it was
    absolutely gut wrenching, watching the Jets spin their wheels in the mud.

    4) 2005 Playoff Game vs. Pittsburgh. Brien missing those two kicks at the
    end was absolutely heartbreaking.

    5) Blair Thomas Fumble game vs. the Bears on Monday night Football. Jets
    had the game locked up, just running out the clock. Thomas fumbles
    and the Bears tie it up. But what gets forgotten is that the Jets should
    tremendous heart in going down the field for a Pat Leahy chip shot to
    win the game, which is somehow missed and the Bears ended up winning.

    6) The Spike Game vs. Miami. And not cause of that overblown fake spike
    play, which was alot of nothing in that Miami was scoring even if they
    did spike the ball on that play. Jets had this tremendous league and just
    gave it away. Had numerous chances of getting that one last first down
    to put the game away and just couldn't do it.

    7) Cary Blanchard three fg miss game vs. Buffalo. A Jet win and they make
    the playoffs that year. Blanchard missed 3 fgs, a least 1 a chip shot that
    would have resulted in a Jet win.

    8) Leahy had numerous games in the late 1970's where he missed game
    winning FG attempts at the gun.

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