Its about winning Man obviously loves Rex No talk of labor negotiations and little about money in general
Makes me even sicker to hear this crap - "it's nobody's fault" and "it was just one of those days" - no accountability here. And what's with all the kiss but nonsense about the new stadium and how great it is - where is he sitting and parking!
So you want him to call out and fire everyone. Lol you must be at the head of the class in management school.
I was about to say.. last thing I want to see Woody do is start pointing the finger and stirring shit up. Every time he talks about the team he takes the "say as little as you can in as many word as possible" approach, which is perfectly fine with me.
No there is no middle ground in regards to owner statements. You do not want the owner of the franchise spouting off in public. You have no earthly idea what goes on behind closed doors. Woody, nailing his fix-it list, to the podium with the media present, like a modern day Martin Luther makes no sense and doesn't do anyone within the organization a lick of good. The Jets made significant changes last year and I suspect they will do the same thing this year. Reactionary press conferences to appease the Same Old Jets fans is folly........
First,you put words in my mouth about what I want him to do and then you tell me what I don't want and provide an extreme example. Also - you take cheap personal shots and FYI, I was close to top of my class in business school.
Well, if you can articulate a fucking coherent argument I wouldn't have to put words in your mouth. Your first post was borderline gibberish. Yeah I can tell. It's the internet, everyone is wildly successful, class valedictorian and/or graduates Summa Cum Laude not to mention rich beyond their wildest dreams. I fly to games on my personal Gulfstream and post from my yacht (which Rex2009 cleans) that happens to be docked in front of my house, so get in line.
Good luck with business school, Mr. "Top of Your Class". I am sure you will be back in 2 years, crowing how you are CEO of GE, then you can rename yourself JoeJet.
I said close to the top of my class and I actually did do a stinte with GE when it was under Welch - a great leader - nothing for me to crow about - just responding to your profanity laced attacks simply because you disagree.
So you have been top of the class now for what, 15 years? Some stamina you have for school. You were probably talking about jacking it to Raquel Welch, as the other Welch hasn't been at GE in years. I suppose you probably worked @ Microsoft with Gates and Berkshire with Buffet as well. I love how this internet thing works, just because you say it, makes it so. I called it perfectly earlier.........Post you resume, I love hearing about rich successful people, it is so interesting.
yes - I am sure you do love it so you can make believe you are somebody or live in your own fantasy that how you label people is correct - the world according to puck - must be nice school was many years ago as was working at GE - I am an OLD Jets fan
Yeah yeah I know you weren't dying to just tell me you were the top of your class @ business school, it just slipped out right? It was so obvious from your nonsensical idiotic post that you are the poster boy for the Kellogg school of business or was it Whartons? Let me guess you went straight to a Goldman Sachs partnership........... My fantasy world? Hahahaha, I love hearing from the self described Elmer Fudd's of the world, it is so refreshing. It happens at least once a day. Hey I am not the one living a fantasy life buddy, come on brag to us, you know you want to, shit you have already done so...........
Yeah - keep debating with yourself on whether it's duck season or wabbit season - have not bragged once - you brought up "management school" and I just happened to work at GE which was another of your sarcastic posts. Guess you were too busy watching cartoons to go to school. Please share where you majored in English.
I majored in sniffing out jackasses on message boards......Bingo, school paid off. brag (brg) v. bragged, brag·ging, brags v.intr. To talk boastfully. See Synonyms at boast1. To assert boastfully. n. 1. A boast. 2. Arrogant or boastful speech or manner. 3. Something boasted of. 4. A braggart; a boaster.
In business school they teach you that it's the CEO's job to single out people in their organization in press conferences and blame them for the company's shortcomings. Apparently.
I didn't say to do that, but to say it's nobody's fault and just one of those days does not instill a sense of confidence that things will turn around.