Lima should do time for his pitching. It can kill any Met fan. How the fuck do you let up a Grand Slam, to the PITCHER of all people?!?! Why the Mets signed him, I do not have the answer for.
he should be banned from ever setting foot on a baseball field after giving up the grand slam to the pitcher
I hope omar has learned his lesson. Just because the Mets are 12 games up means nothing. They can lose that lead because contrary to popular belief these MEts are not the 86 Mets. Mets need one more quality starter.
Why the Mets signed him, I do not have the answer for. I do because they are the N.Y Mets and if i were you i wouldnt be too comfortable with a 12 game lead.
Willis is a pretty good hitter for a pitcher, but I don't think he should be hitting Grand Slams off of someone. That obviously shows Lima has no pitching skills what-so-ever.
yeah and if i hear another peep about LIMA TIME i'm going to go nuckin futz. what a joke this guy is.
Honestly why is this guy even on the team??? Surely there has to be someone, anyone in the farm system that can pitch better than this clown.... BTW, what a bomb that was by dontrelle
LIMA TIME!!!! :lol: Even as a Yankee fan that boy has No place in Baseball rightnow....Damn. Maybe Keep him around for them Blowouts and that's about it.
No, but they did sign Hideo Nomo last year to a minor league deal but at least were smart enough to keep him down in the minors despite their pitching woes. Wright may be inconsistent and cant go more than 6 innings but if he gives us the same type of performance as he did last night once every so often, he will remain in the rotation and be a better option than Jose Lima.
i'll be happy with 1 out of 4 against the marlins here. with beltran and wright not hitting and the rest of the lineup they're forced to play it'll take a miracle.
what a gutless game from the mets today. just awful. at least maine looked like he might not be a complete disaster everytime he takes the mound though.
Michael Jackson used to be "in" at one time. The Cleveland Browns won a bunch of titles back in the day.