The OFFICIAL Brian Schottenheimer sucks rancid moose c*ck thread

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by AllHackettsSuck, Jan 23, 2011.

  1. fggrimes

    fggrimes Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    Looked like Rex wanted them to go hurry up - we kept winding his arm as if to say "let's go, speed it up" as Schotty was consulting his laminated page of wisdom and Nacho was waiting for the play call.

    Hopefully, with a second year under his belt, Nacho given similar situations next year will be like "FU Schotty - I'll call my own play," and save the 20-30 seconds being burned each he had to wait for a play call and huddle tonight.
  2. pisano24

    pisano24 Member

    Oct 10, 2003
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    Rex should have said calm down with your passing crap and run the football NY Jets style. We would get it from the 2 with three running plays!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyone who doesn't believe that doesn't know this team.

    Shotty wasn't bad all night but on that he sucked! He trys to get too tricky and outsmarts himself. Sometimes the obvious play is the right play.
  3. GBA

    GBA Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2007
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    THIS! Yes our defense stunk it up in the first half, but we had this game well within reach. But what do we do at the 1 Pittsburgh yard line? Pass on 2nd and 3rd down with a team build for the run.

    Not only that, but every game there are times when our offense looks completely lost - like they've never heard of or practiced the plays that are being called. They're clearly one of the most talented offenses in the league; why does that shit keep happening?
  4. Jetzz

    Jetzz Active Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    Being able to develop a QB into a franchise QB isn't exactly a lone ringing endorsement for making or keeping a guy as an OC. If they felt he should be a QB coach, fine, I don't have much of an issue there. I don't really see Schotty as some kind of QB guru, but he's not bad in that area from what I have seen.

    And yeah, you know Rex gets some shit for not kicking people in the ass and get them moving. I don't think he's immune from criticism, but he's also been married to Schotty. I can't imagine he has absolute reign to do something drastic where Schott is concerned. I think that is going to have to come from Tanny.
  5. Jets007

    Jets007 Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2009
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    That goal line playing calling was just SAD!
  6. SettlerDawg

    SettlerDawg Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2005
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    ITT: people who blame all of their problems on other people instead of taking responsibility themselves are scapegoating schotty, who had a good season as offensive coordinator.
  7. Tight

    Tight Active Member

    Nov 25, 2005
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    I need answer.. I am on my way home. Stunned.. Greene is gAshing the d. Showing fire wants the ball.. WHY IS TOMLINSON STILL IN THE GAME ?
  8. AllHackettsSuck

    AllHackettsSuck Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2003
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  9. fggrimes

    fggrimes Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    Santonio Holmes might even post on this thread before the night is out, given his post game comments. . .
  10. brothermoose

    brothermoose Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2006
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    Fat, hairy, rancid moose cock.
  11. Royal Tee

    Royal Tee Girls juss wanna have fun

    Dec 31, 2002
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  12. greenthumb

    greenthumb New Member

    Mar 25, 2006
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    Play calling was bad but execution was worse!
  13. 3rdAnd15Draw

    3rdAnd15Draw Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2004
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    By what measure did he have a good season? The Jets had a ridiculous amount of talent on the offensive side of the ball this year and it seemed like the only times they had any consistency on offense was when they got behind, said "fuck it" and let Sanchez wing it all over the field. The team was constantly putting itself in holes because they were comically inept in the first quarter for the entire season.
  14. Royal Tee

    Royal Tee Girls juss wanna have fun

    Dec 31, 2002
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    • 921. section 226 Taking all the talent on the Offense and not knowing what the fuk to do with it. Just a waste of a headset!!!
    • 918. Kathy Jeacoma The only thing that will make me feel better about tonight is waking up tomorrow to find this joker GONE!!!
    • 916. Connor Hackett Shottenheimer's inability this entire season to run an unpredictable offense this year shows that he is not ready to coordinate an offense of this magnitude. The Jets offense had all the tools to win a superbowl, and yet they could not because Mr. Shottenheimer couldn't get his act together on their crucial goal line failure late in the fourth quarter tonight against the Steelers. FIRE HIS ASS NOW!!!
    • 914. Darryl Klause I'm tired of his inconsistent gameplanning and garbage playcalling. He's holding this team back. FIRE HIM PLEASE!!
    • 912. Julian Frega he single handedly lost the AFC championship for us due to his horrible play calling at the end of the first half that ended up being a turnover for a TD and cost us another TD when we passed on 2nd and 3rd down and ran on 4th down to miss a TD in the 4th quarter....I HATE U!
    • 911. John B His father is Marty need I say more, he couldnt get in the endzone with 4 plays on the 3 yard line
    • 908. Jacob Schwartzman I really hate Brian Schottenheimer.
    • 907. Andre Johnson Fire Him Now!!!
    • 906. Michael Boyle See Jets vs. Steelers game 1/23/2011
    • 904. Nick There are no excuses for the lack of touchdowns throughout the season with weapons at every offensive position. We have had enough of predictable and ineffective offensive play calling. First Paul Hackett and now 5 years with this guy, please remove this burden from the Jets.
    • 898. vincent daly this is my second petition if i see a disgusting play call like that on a third dwn in the 4th qt i might swallow a bullet im far from a football genuis but even i would have thrown a bootleg fake to the rb hand it to the fb or a delayed run or a fake n an out to santonio all of which i feel would have worked on 3rd or 4th im no professional but if i have ideas that can even compeye with a man whose lively hood depends on football n games like this it should have been thought thru better
    • 894. Gerald McCleery We deserve better
    • 888. Kristin Morrell What calls are you making buddy come on.. What 3 good calls a game doesnt suffice buddy
    • 887. timothy longua
    • 886. Woody Johnson is an ass unless he gets rid of this guy by 4pm today so we stand a chance in pittsburgh
    • 880. Raul Godinez week after week the commentators mock his playing calling? C'mon man!
    • 875. Michael Stra Jets center Nick Mangold wants the freedom to change line calls before the snap. Jets offensive coordinator Brian Schottenheimer has told him to run the plays as they're called. Mangold has a problem with that. "He's holding me back," Mangold...
    • 871. Andrew Hufford He thinks we will surprise them by running up the middle every play
  15. Jersey Joe 67

    Jersey Joe 67 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    Game was lost on that goaline stand with clueless play calling. PERIOD.
  16. WaitAsekent

    WaitAsekent New Member

    Dec 25, 2010
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    For all the Schotty defenders.. when your down 24-3 and are still constantly running the ball (not by any means am i saying NOT to run the ball) and eating away precious minutes that (if we had 1 more minute left on the clock who knows if we would have won) you just cant defend the guy.. Not to mention the atrocious calls at the goal line. ATROCIOUS

    And for all the Schotty defenders claiming hes so AWESOME for developing Sanchez into a franchise QB this has NOTHING to do with that.. this is about his ATROCIOUS playcalling.
  17. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    The run defense sucked in the first half, but the game was there for the taking in the second half except for Schotty's numerous gaffes:

    1) Calling a pass play with 1:20 left in the first half on 3rd and forever with Pittsburg having only 1 time out left. Run the ball, punt and go in down 17. That fumble-TD was a killer.

    2) The play calling on the goal line down 24-10 early in the 4th was horrific. Can't get the play in on second down, leading to a rushed pass. Ill advised slant in the middle of 6 280 pound bodies on 3rd down and a useless LT rush on 4th down when Greene was tearing it up. Horrible

    3) Taking forever on the next TD drive. Everyone on the field and on the bench was looking for the team to hurry (Rex included) while Schotty took 25-30 seconds a play. Didn't he learn from watching the Pats run out the clock for the Jets last week with that long drive in the 4th quarter down 2 scores???

    4) Botching the play call, resulting in Sanchez running up Mangold's leg on a busted play. What was that?

    Take out any one of the 1)pass play call at the end of the half 2) the horrible goal line calls, or 3) the slowwwwww drive the for the 3rd TD

    and the Jets had a good chance to win this game.
  18. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    A lot of the criticism of Schitt here is completely based on hindsight.... There's a good chance a lot of the problem was execution. Yes, the goal line stand play-calling was baad, but I thought Schott called a great game in the 2nd half. Once again, we played 30 minutes in the AFCCG, instead of the necessary 60.

    I've been a notorious Schott basher, but I really liked what I saw from the offense at times this season. Consistency is a problem, but if Schott was to be fired I'd hope we promote from within (Cavanaugh or Callahan) for continuity.
  19. MowTin

    MowTin Active Member

    Jan 18, 2010
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    Same question I had. Even the Chargers didn't use LT in goalline situations. It has been a problem all year. LT should have been rested and used and a 3rd down passing down back--draws, screens and quick passes to the flat. Greene should have been our workhorse.
  20. RevisOfNazareth

    RevisOfNazareth New Member

    Sep 12, 2008
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    I've thought this over sober for a few hours.

    Remember that drive that ended on the goal line and ultimately a safety? Well, after the big play before getting down to the goal line, Sanchez was trying to get a play from the sidelines to speed shit up. Both Rex and Schotty ultimately looked baffled like they didn't know what to call. Obviously the responsibility falls on Schotty, and after rewinding it on DVR to further make sure I wasn't just seeing things to find blame, I believe he had a meltdown.

    I think his caliber as a future head coach will be mediocre because he seems to be unable to make the right call in high intensity situations. We've seen it all season. I don't know who the hell we need to bring in that will keep us competitive, but we need somebody.

    My point is, I believe Schotty needs to take the fall for this loss, and head off to try coaching elsewhere. He ultimately cost us the game with some of the calls, IMO.

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