I didn't take any during the game but I have a few of the postgame I can post. The problem is b/c my hands were pretty cold most are blurry but I'll post a few anyway(I also don't think I had the camera on the right setting):
junc, you went to the game? You rule. I'm looking all over for the shot of the Jets carrying Dennis Byrd's jersey out for the coin toss, the Jets have a ton of pictures on their site but not that one. CBS got it clearly, anyone know how to find and save it as a still? Not messing with the Gastineau karma right now but I'd like to have that as an avatar after the season.
Great photos. I wish i was there i was flipping out at home my non sports fan neighbors must think i'm retarded now, if they didn't before.
I think I have a good video too, I'll try to pst that after I get home from work or tomorrow morning before I head into work.