The Great Joe Namath is on Sirius NFL's Broadway Blitz w/Adam Schien Started off talking about how these teams are 51-51-1 and that he was on the field for the tie which occurred at Fenway. Calling out Cro a bit not for his classless comments but for his failure to cover Branch in the last game. Says they would have to bring extra folks to pressure/get to TB which he says is a scary proposition. Says you can scheme all you want but you still come down to a 1 on 1 situation and you can't have a LB trying to cover Woodhead and thinks Brady will go right after Coleman. Says the Jets need to mix up who Revis is on in order to keep the Pats guessing Joe disagrees w/giving the pats the ball to start if we win the toss - he thinks Rex is just trying to confuse folks. Says Sanchez missed about 5 open receivers in the Colts game and that Sanchez might have been a bit too anxious in the 1st half. The plays were well called, the receivers were wide open. Thinks Sanchez is doing beautifully for a 2d yr QB and Joe expects Sanchez to play well. Thinks this is up to the Jets OL to set up the running game which will be critical for the Jets to succeed. Thinks BB will place Wayne Hunter and Slauson "under Stress". Says Rex is doing a wonderful job and that the talking is show business but the important thing is the on field execution which has been excellent. Adam asked him for a JOE NAMATH GUARANTEE - Joe Laughed and said there is no guarantees unless I'm a part of it - laughter. Says the loss of Leonard had a major effect on the D. He is pulling for the Jets, his logical side says the Pats will win especially if the Jets can't get a Strong running game going - but in his heart/attitude/loyalty says Jets 30-27. Gotta run... but Namath is doing an EXCELLENT job analyzing this game. If you have Sirius tune in !
Nice read brother. Thanks for posting. Interesting that Joe is aware how poorly we are favoured; 8 point dogs seems to be the line. Wonder if he remembers telling his local barkeep to "bet the ranch" (Source: Namath biography, Mark Kreig) after a practice one day and how that turned out and we were 12 to 15 point under if I recall. Lets have a f****** upset.!
Saaaanchez, must puuu-laaay a cuuuuu-leeeaaan game in order for the Jets to win on Sunday. Did I mention how puuuu-riiittyyy you are? I wanna kiss you!
Why did you put the sober in quotes. Are you saying that he must have been not sober when he was pretending to be sober? Is this some sort of riddle? That's an awesome breakdown. He's right about Sanchez and we need Mark to on this Sunday to have a chance. I think that we'll put the game in the RB's hands, but Mark needs to make plays when they're there.
yes, it's a riddle. Let me know when you figure it out. I'm still a big fan of Joe Namath...the guy is one of my heroes. For his play on the field and for his drinking.
Yeah, although I heard him with Jim Miller the other day, and found Miller surprisingly listenable. NFL Radio on Sirius could be so huge, if only they hired some Grade A talent. I was driving yesterday morning listening to Bob Papa and some other mook, and it was just about the worst radio show I'd ever heard.
BTW - Anyone ever catch Joe's webcasts on "Broadway JoeTV"? Joe sits in his study, tells everyone to "huddle up," and then lets fly with stream of consciousness about the Jets. When he's done, he finishes with, "readyyyyyy, BREAK," which is just about the goofiest fucking thing going. But, apparently, if the Jets "pillay their gaaaame, they'll do oaaakaay." Last week on JoeTV: [YOUTUBE]4bYOUvkRFSI[/YOUTUBE]
Yeah, THAT's the good Joe Namath. Although, why anyone would drink red, when they make black, gold, green, and blue - mind boggling.
Great point, how could it not have an effect. The Jets had major communication problems that game, problems I attribute directly to losing Leonhard right before the game. If he was on the field, it would have been a closer game. Now that the Jets have had weeks to adjust to his absence, let's see what happens.
Joe was excellent today. He obviously is watching lots of game video and he was very good in analyzing the games. He had some great takes on the Baltimore Pittsburgh game as well.
Jim Miller seems to know his stuff. I like listening to him, but Adam Schein's voice/affectation?/grunting is horribly annoying. Adam Schein could tell me I won the lottery and I'd still want to punch him for talking.
Jim Miller is good. Gannon is pretty decent. Tim Ryan and Pat Kerwin are the best. I like Ross Tucker, brian thompson and gil brandt also. Schein is awful. like the little annoying jewish kid you grew up that you always tell to stfu...except he got his own radio show now. the only one worse than schein is Peter king. god, i hope he dies somehow