Yahoo Sports - Proof that Brady taunted the Jets. Now, so what?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by dthomas53, Jan 13, 2011.

  1. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    For starters your barking with the wrong Pats fan, DW has been posting here as long as I have and he's a class guy. Never has he been considered a troll or a troublemaker, just a guy here to talk football. Secondly If you think Brady is anything less then one of the top 3 or 4 QB's to ever play in the NFL your being dishonest. I'd take Brady over Manning every day of the week and twice on playoff days. You never see Brady throw the fits Manning does or say things to the media laying blame on other people on the field or sidelines. I seem to recall Brady willing to take paycuts to get guys signed while I see Manning hogging a shitload of Colts money resulting in a far less talented team on the field.

    Brady hates us, guess what? I hate him too. Who cares? If he wants to talk shit let him. We're just as guilty of it as are 100% of the other teams in the league. Our team talks shit, our coach talks shit. That's the way it is. Sometimes you get shut up or sometimes you shut the other team up. This isn't college when a coach can use trash talk as a motivating factor. These guys are pros, Rex tried to rally his guys by saying look what he just did to us in a game that had already spiraled out of control. We have a chance at shutting Brady up on Sunday but do you think if we win that's all of a sudden going to end this rivalry? No of course not, they'll still say shit next year just like we will. Sunday won't change that.
    #81 Barry the Baptist, Jan 13, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2011
  2. Jets201

    Jets201 New Member

    Oct 19, 2010
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    Thank you...I agree, there's this concept that in sports, especially football, everything must be done with class and humility. What is this, a country club? I thought sports was supposed to be entertainment.
  3. LeonNYJ

    LeonNYJ Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2008
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    Didn't a 29 year old Brady impregnate a woman and then walk out on her for another woman? How dare you talk shit about Cromartie. He was just out of college. Sure he was stupid to do that, but you want to talk about someone who was 24 and someone who was 29...
  4. dthomas53

    dthomas53 New Member

    Dec 29, 2009
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    Once again, reading comprehension evades you.

    As I've already said, I think Brady is a top-5 or top-10 QB in the league - regardless of what team he is on. However, playing under Bellichick, who is undoubtedly a masterful schemer on offense and defense and fills his roster with players who play 100% between the whistles, lifts his status to no. 2 in the league. That, in the very short version, is my point about Brady.

    And considering I hold Bellichick to be the greatest coach in history, and who happens to coach the team I hate less than no other, I'd say I'm fairly objective. When I re-watch games, I watch the schemes and players in great detail (and, no, I'm not calling myself Mike Mayock). You clearly don't, so quit speaking to me as though you possess some authority.

    I minimize nothing, as I haven't backed off a single thing I've said. It's up to you to read - and comprehend.
  5. Zcore

    Zcore New Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Honestly....Lets just play football. I could care less what Brady or Cromartie has to say. I didn't mind what Brady did, Rex is way worse, but in the heat of a battle you'll say or do anything in sports. Remember Sammy Sosa's hop after a HR as little as that is it used to get under my skin. Lets Just play already can't wait!
    #85 Zcore, Jan 13, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2011
  6. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    In the end all the matters is the final score on Sunday.

    If we win, all this hate for Rex will continue, he'll just be respected slightly more by outsiders.

    If the Pats win they will be the conquering heroes of those big mouth New Yorkers.

    Personally I can't wait for Rex' post-game speech on SNY after we win. Should be epic!
  7. dthomas53

    dthomas53 New Member

    Dec 29, 2009
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    I was barking at no one. He barked at me with little details (my fault) on my point about Brady. I've read his posts, and I respect that he's one of the few non-trolling posters coming from another team.

    Well, I strongly disagree with you here. Manning > Brady, IMO.

    And Brady has as recently as this season, literally screamed at his teammates on the sidelines. The media drooled over it, and soon followed with "Brady's a Born Leader" headlines.

    And what evidence other than this week do you need to know Brady not calling anyone out isn't his natural reaction? His coach told his whole team this week to shut up and not say anything. As I'm sure he always does. Doesn't everyone recall Brady saying he hates the Jets? That's Brady, not the guy Bellichick has the muzzle on this week.

    Manning is the whole team in Indy. He should be paid like it.

    Brady knows the kind of team he's on, and he wants to win. That, and he's still making a boat-load.
    #87 dthomas53, Jan 13, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2011
  8. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    I read and comprehended everything you said... turns out I think most of it is bullshit. Brady is a top 5-10 QB all time, not in the league currently. I disagree with your opinion on Brady and I think you come off like a big whiner for making this thread to show that Brady isn't all class. Like we needed this stupid article and your two sentences afterward to convince us that Brady isn't the epitome of class. Deal with it.
  9. pauly215

    pauly215 New Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    just gives fuel to the fire for a better game on sunday
  10. PatsSBowl

    PatsSBowl New Member

    Jan 10, 2011
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    There have been lots of credible people that say that there was simply no time for that in the game. A guy with a set of binoculars could do the same thing and in fact is the old school way it was done according to coaches. Anyway, I'm not saying the Pats shouldn't have been punished because a memo went out to all teams and they basically ignored it so they paid the price. I'm saying the benefit from it was not much different than the other ways signals are stolen. Signal stealing is not against the rules BTW, just videotaping them is and there's lots of anecdotal evidence out there that says they were not alone. Unless someone can prove to me that it was done(changing the plays) during the game then i'm not bothered by it.

    The fact is the patriots winning percentage is actually higher since they were punished. Peter King for one agrgues this that the benefit from the taping is likely way lower than had been previously though as a result.

    I'm digressing though. Obvioulsy(to me) Brady and Belichick have benefited from each other. Cassell never would have achieved what Brady has and Belichick's record would have been worse. Walsh and Montana did as well. You need a great coach and a great quarterback to have put up the record the patriots have over the last ten years
  11. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    If you think the Pats lost that SB on one play you are an even bigger fool then 1st perceived. So which one play was? Was it the Brady overthrow to Moss on your final possession? Was it the dropped INT by Samuel? Which one play was it? Forget that the Giants put pressure on Brady all game and had a great gameplan to slow down your offense. One play doesn't decide a game. And robbed? Really? Who robbed the Pats of that SB? You can admit that on that particular day the Giants were better then your team. It's ok.

    Now as for Cromartie and his children, it's no secret that he rattled them all off without hesitation and HBO (for drama of course) made him slow things down and do a retake. Of course I wouldn't expect a Pats troll to come onto a Jets board with facts. Again it's ok. It's come to be expected of your kind.
  12. Sanpetejets

    Sanpetejets Member

    Nov 16, 2004
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    That would be great! [to see that evidence] Too bad the NFL burned the tapes, literally, and so we'll never know.

    I wonder what would have possessed them to do that? Probably nothing incriminating in there right? You usually burn evidence in a case when it's not at all useful or incriminating.

    But I digress. Keep telling yourself they didn't cheat, and gained no advantage... I am sure it makes you feel better. But remember, 500k is an awful lot of money to fine someone who was doing "what other teams in the league were as well".
  13. Jets007

    Jets007 Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2009
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    When BB took over the PAts, how long did it took for his team to get in to the AFCC game ?
  14. Adventitia

    Adventitia Member

    Sep 18, 2010
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    Yes, I knew this. I was referring to the posters on this board (see the OP), not the players.
  15. dthomas53

    dthomas53 New Member

    Dec 29, 2009
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    Since you have trouble sorting this out, I'll make it simple:

    Do you think Tom Brady would be top-5 or top-10 all-time without Belichick?

    If not, then we agree. If so, then I am out of energy with this endless debate.

    And, for the record, I also consider Brady top-5/top-10 all-time as well. But that was never the argument to begin with...
  16. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    Well if your going to mention spygate then you can't forget to mention how the evidence was conveniently destroyed. What was the NFL hiding? Why destroy such hard evidence if there was really nothing to hide? We do know that they got caught and were told not to do it again and of course being the model citizens of the NFL they are they did it again. If there was really no benefit then why continue to do it?

    If your going to use Peter King as your credible witness to it's effects you've already lost. That guy lost any credibility he had about 6 or 7 years ago. The bottom line is no reporter or talking head is going to know how useful it was for a variety of reasons. There's also very good chance that King never got close enough to the tapes to know exactly what was on them. Anybody outside of the tight lipped NFL offices who speculates how much or how little an advantage they were doesn't know shit.

    I'm not going to disagree with you on how good Brady is, the guy is best QB since Elway and anybody who thinks Manning is better is either lying or wearing blinders. He falls into the elite class of QB's with only a few others in that apartment. When I can only think of 2 or 3 guys better then him there's a reason. He falls into that Aikman category, everybody wants to say what he had around him (in Brady's case a great system full of the best players to fit THAT system) so people knock him for it. IMO he made the system just like Aikman made Irvin and Novacek. Just like Aikman an unreal OL that allowed for max time for the QB to make plays. I'd put Brady ahead of Aikman for the simple fact that Brady never had the running game that Aikman had. I don't think Smith is a top 10 RB ever but he was a very good one and Brady has never really had one that was better then average.
    #96 Barry the Baptist, Jan 13, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2011
  17. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    That's a flawed argument, would Montana be the greatest QB ever if not for Walsh? Would Elway have ever won a SB without Terrell Davis? Would Bradshaw have 4 SB rings without that Defense?

    For the record no Brady likely wouldn't have gotten to the elite status without Belli but he did have Belli and he did get to that status and he does have 3 SB rings. You can't take away facts to suit your argument. At the end of the day he is one of the 5 best QB's (IMO one the best 3) to ever play the position in the modern NFL. Continue to search for flawed arguments to suit your position but your wrong.

    I'm just curious though who is better then Brady right now and all time?
  18. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    The answer to that is who knows?

    If the Jets draft Brady in the 6th round instead of the Pats does he become one of the best QB's ever? Maybe he works his ass off and still becomes who is today, maybe he never gets a shot to show what he has. Debating what he would have been without Belichick is much more pointless and endless than debating what he actually is.
  19. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    As much as it pains me to say it, the year he had this year was insane.

    I mean, 36 TDs to 4 INTs, (half were against us) lol, that is just crazy. To do it with average people around you.

    Branch was horrible when he left the Pats, BB and Tom make all these guys around them better.
  20. hang3xc

    hang3xc Member

    Oct 13, 2010
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    No, he's not afraid to talk crap. He just typically has respect for his opponents. He does his talking on the field with his play. On occasion, when people have run their mouth, like Ryan loves to do, or made guarantees, like that safety on the Steelers, he may have a thing or two to say, but ON the field, AFTER he makes them look foolish, not before.

    He also leaves it on the field. I've never heard him berate anyone in a post game press conference & the ONLY thing I've ever heard him say bad, if you can call it that, is that he hates the Jet's.

    PS: Dude is defintely NOT a faggot either. His wife is definitely hot & I'm sure he has enough women who will vouch for him

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