Westhoff Correct, Pats Guilty of lining Sidelines on Punts

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by dcm1602, Dec 17, 2010.

  1. dmw

    dmw Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2010
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    What is wrong with lining up toe-to toe along the white part of the sideline anyway? Did this really give the Jets an advantage? If anything, it seems to me that it puts the Jet players/coaches in a position to be injured. Also, it could help the gunner from going further out of bounds. Why is everyone screaming about that? It just seems silly to me. Maybe they are preventing the other team's gunner from breaking/taking advantage of the rules by running up the sideline even further out of bounds?
  2. And of Belichick tripping an opposing player in a restricted part of the sidelines (he's in the white area for the chain crew) during a live play in a conference title game, and not being sanctioned at all.
  3. It doesn't give an advantage as much as it negates the advantage of the gunners to exploit the sidelines to get around a double team. That's pretty much it.
  4. dmw

    dmw Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2010
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    And if the gunner did that, wouldn't he be breaking the rules?
  5. Yes. And that's the case. But it's largely an unenforced rule. It was called on the Dolphins last Sunday, but that's sort of like not awarding a batter first base when he dives into a pitch. It happens all the time, and is seldom enforced. That's what condoned such behavior by gunners. Officials were not strictly enforcing that rule.
  6. dmw

    dmw Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2010
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    This is what I figured was the case. So the fact that the Jets lined up toe to toe is really a non-issue used to sell newspapers and get website hits. Also, it makes idiots like Zach Thomas feel good.
  7. Pretty much. The whole wall rhetoric is blasting a team for legal sideline behavior meant to discourage or inhibit illegal (if not frequently called) player behavior. It's another example of everything about the Jets being magnified. Even when they don't do something wrong, the Jets still get blasted.

    And STILL, fans of other teams talk about a pro-Jets media and league bias, despite evidence that suggests how ridiculous that view is. How many other teams get bashed this badly for legal behavior, or have the league investigate its legal behavior?
  8. dmw

    dmw Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2010
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    They're just jealous that their teams don't have a real leader like Rex. I'm not saying he's the best coach ever, but he's definitely a real leader.
  9. I don't get the whole media thing, though. I mean, the Jets are HATED. Nationally, OK. Rex is loud, and can be arrogant about his team. But he's not abrasive. He doesn't come across as mean. And he actually gives good quotes. I guess they'd rather have the silent and cryptic Mangini back. Belichick comes across as mean-spirited and vindictive, he doesn't really say much worthwhile at all, and he doesn't get nearly the scorn Rex gets in the press.

    Part of the problem is that the Jets are in NY. Sure, there's the obvious issue that the rest of the nation hates NY. It's mostly based on massive success (which the Jets haven't had), an incredibly pro-team bias in the media (which the Jets haven't had), and favors from the league (which the Jets haven't had). The Jets get all the negative that comes from being a NY team, without any of the positive.

    But the other part about NY being a detriment is that they play in a two-team city. Like the Francesa thread indicates, much of the NY market is pro-Giants, and anti-Jets. In more provincial places, like Philly or Boston, the Eagles and Patriots are the only team in town. They are heralded in the local press, rather than getting bashed in their own town.They can do no wrong (although with the tough Philly press, they can turn on the Eagles quite fast - though it's all based on performance, not this secondary stuff). The Jets, on the other hand, have to worry about more than half the local press wanting to tear them down.
  10. pittsburghpats

    pittsburghpats New Member

    Dec 14, 2010
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    Which sorta, kinda means he wasn't like, ya know,... the Commissioner.

    It's a minor point....like having active players stand where active players are designated to be able to stand.

  11. No, you're right, pittroll. He had no say whatsoever in the league's disciplinary policy as COO and head of football operations. None whatsoever.

    Seriously, find something better to do than being an obvious troll on a Jets board. It's evident your hatred has led to some level of obsession that has brought you here to post on this stuff. Guys who spend this kind of time on the board of a team they hate simply have too much free time, and not enough life.
  12. BadgerOnLSD

    BadgerOnLSD Banned

    Sep 6, 2004
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    Haha, Belichick and Harrison. Both dirtbags.
  13. pittsburghpats

    pittsburghpats New Member

    Dec 14, 2010
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    Just admit I am right because I like am and move on.

    Wrecksy and Westtrip are where they are because of the cover up and the possibility they ordered Sal the Thigh to cripple the guy. Couple that with the fact that Wrecksy and the whole team are loud mouth, classless frontrunners and you can see why they are disliked.

    It's got nothing to do with the rest of the country being mad they aren't "Jersey Shore". That's upside down with reality

  14. BadgerOnLSD

    BadgerOnLSD Banned

    Sep 6, 2004
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    You spin me right round, buddy.
  15. Of course you're right. When has a Pats fan ever not been right?

    The NFL's Yankees fans.

    Just glad I got you to fully troll out like that. It should make the mods have an easier time banning you. Thanks for walking right into that door.
  16. Belichick would never do that. The video is a fake! Has to be. All Patriots are, always have been, and always will be, perfect.
  17. Sciz

    Sciz New Member

    Nov 29, 2010
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    The Patriots were disciplined for "Spygate" not for taping, but for taping from the wrong location. It is completely allowed, just not where they were doing it.

    Similarly, what the Jets did wrong was not have players right along the sideline, but have inactive players inside the 32 yard line right along the sideline, where only coaches and situation substitution players (in this case the defense that is about to go on the field) is allowed.
    i56.tinypic.co m/2w7ijas.jpg
  18. Well, there's also the factor of what they were taping. They were taping opposing coaches' signals, which goes beyond just the "where."

    Meanwhile, the league offices sanctioned them, did a more thorough investigation, found other tapes that show them doing this. Those tapes were damaging enough to be destroyed, but not to lead to further league sanctions - which is more than a bit odd.
  19. BK_Jetsfan

    BK_Jetsfan New Member

    Apr 29, 2006
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    I honestly could not have said this better myself. It's maddening how much of a story this non-story has become.
  20. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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