I have rarely seen a more one sided game, even for the Jets who seem to always get fkn hosed by the refs
Its the new stupid reffing with the official behind the offense. I can guarentee more holding penalties get called this year than ever in the history of the nfl. And at this current rate half of them will be on fucking Slauson
It would be nice if they felt like calling a few going the other way to at least be fkn fair, I have seen much worse than those 2 bs calls by the fish not get called.
yea man as much as i hate the freaking refs and have fuked us on a few calls. the call on slauson when sanchez slid for td was clearly holding on that bum 3rd stringer. but overall, i still hate the refs.
actually no, the guy has to "release", and Slauson released. You only see it called when they don't release or release when the guy is passed him. That was not a penalty because Starks had a chance to make the play And the "tripping" call. Dear god that is called maybe once a year.
there was no holding on the Sanchize TD scramble and I don't think there was a single holding call the other way all night home cooking
The call against Slauson was BS. But.. if you're talking about Braylon's somersault, that was clearly a trip.
while i agree the holding call were ridiculous, we have to acknowledge that the pass interference on Jason Allen is questionable
gay fuckin thread. Every week the "refs fucked us" thread is by far the most ridiculous and embarrassing.
It's amazing we win any games, considering the refs are so out to get us! Both teams got a few gifts tonight. These refs called a tight game on both sides.
Completely agree.. there's one every fucking week. The reffing was strict but it wasn't that bad. The Slauson call was iffy, and I don't think should have been called, but it wasn't "ridiculous". The only other call I had a problem with was the sideline non-catch by Bess.. but that was on us for not challenging.
Are you serious? He never looked at the ball. Jason Allen has to at least turn around or turn his head to play the ball. He played the man and that is Pass Interference. STFU