Yeah and maybe they'd let us take a mulligan on our Moss for Coles trade last year too so we can have Santana back.
You would have to add this year's first as well at a minimum-which you don't have. When I first read the post I thought it was going to be in a trade for JAbe and I was going to jump on it.
Cooley is more of a H-back. Vernon can block for Portis and be the Tony Gonzalez in Al Saunders offense. He would be another option for when they double Santana play man on Cooley. I see a lot of fun has been made of this post it may be a little far fetched but you guys would get a lot in return. (Lewis and Pope don't hold a candle when it comes to blocking or explosivness)
2 players, a first rounder, and a 2nd rounder for just our first? I'd take it, but not fair for the redskins.
Yea, with the biggest piece being a highly overrated linebacker. Sorry but when your rebuilding with a new coaching staff you don't need a player like that.