Gholston is a load now

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Murrell2878, Aug 2, 2010.

  1. Rictor33

    Rictor33 Active Member

    Sep 29, 2003
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    I have been saying for 2 years that he needed to be moved to the position which he was drafted to play. He does not have the instincts to be an OLB, he needs to play DE. Someone with his freakishness would make a FINE 3-4 DE, at a 275+ bodyweight he has the strength to handle tackles and cause problems. Hopefully he can step in and prove his worth this year, he seems like a genuinely nice guy.
  2. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    sooooo... You been saying anything about this, Alio?

    Seriously, he started the first four games last year when Pace was out. I am not a guy whos ever played serious football at a competive level, so I may be dead wrong and welcome some insight from those who have. But I thought he was at least serviceable, holding his gaps and collapsing the pocket now and then. The D definitely sucked a bit right after Pace took over, but anyway, I think he can do the job. Not the next LT but decent, maybe.

    But I'd be curious to hear what some of you non-Canadian knucklehead wiseasses who actually understand the nuances think about it.
  3. Penning-10

    Penning-10 New Member

    Jul 26, 2003
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  4. dcm1602

    dcm1602 Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    Guy shows absolutely no emotion whatsoever.

    Ill never get that about him
  5. danallen

    danallen Banned

    Jul 29, 2010
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    I hope he does better at DE. He should be productive in Rex's scheme but who knows with this kid.
  6. AlioTheFool

    AlioTheFool Spiveymaniac

    Sep 27, 2005
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    Hahaha, oops. That was written pretty poorly, I'll admit.

    I agree with you. He was servicable. Not great, not even good, but servicable. And that was at a position he can't play. The thought that he could ever play linebacker in the NFL was a mistake by all the pro scouts who even considered it.

    He did show ability to occupy multiple blockers and still collapse the pocket. He mostly did that when they would have him cheat up to the line as the ball was snapped, making him more of an end without his hand in the grass.

    I think even his most loyal fan can admit that the guy just doesn't have very good instincts. What he does have is the ability to plow forward hard and push blockers backward. He won't make a lot of tackles because he won't react well to the ball moving, but if you put him up front and tell him "Just head for the QB" he should do well. Even if he doesn't get his hands on the passer he'll open the door for our LBs to drive through as he takes up an extra FB or TE.
  7. bigcotch

    bigcotch Banned

    Mar 18, 2010
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    This is the most hysterical thing I have ever read. All of a sudden, here come all of the Life long Gholson supporters. Yea, I knew he would be good, I've been saying it all along. Hysterical.

    People need to know that for a College 4-3DE switching to 3-4 DE is almost as different as switching to 3-4 OLB. This is not his natural position-- he needs to go to the Giants to play in his natural position. There are different responsibilities. 3-4 DE's don't just try to sprint around the Tacke on every play to get in the backfield. They have to hold their gaps, first and foremost, and may get the occasional sack. After 5 years of the Jets playing the 3-4, I would expect people to realize the difference.

    I am hoping VG gets on the field just like everyone else, but it's painful to see people saying they knew he was good all along.
  8. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    And he can be GREAT at that. He can get inside, and shuck off 300 lbers one handed.
  9. AlioTheFool

    AlioTheFool Spiveymaniac

    Sep 27, 2005
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    "All of a sudden" you say? Welcome to the board genius. So you've been here for 5 months and you know who has said what and for how long?

    I've been in Gholston's camp all along, and I'm certain anyone who has been here at least the past couple of years can attest to that.

    Anyway, if I were to pull out my plethora of Gholston posts they would show that I do, in fact, understand what a 3-4 end needs to do, and that I've always said it fits his playstyle/talents. He's not a guy who is going to shed a lot of blocks, but he's strong and can make the push toward the QB, therefore demanding double-teams, freeing up our linebackers to pursue sacks, as a 3-4 LBs should. That's what a 3-4 end is responsible for.

    And I've been saying as much as long as Gholston has been a Jet.

    So please go back to shutting the **** up now. Thanks.
  10. Donttasemebro

    Donttasemebro Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2008
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    cubby got knocked the fuck out.
  11. bigcotch

    bigcotch Banned

    Mar 18, 2010
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    First of all, there are several people on here who are all of a sudden bashing those who speak ill of Gholston, and saying I told you so before the guy has even done anything.

    You may know the difference between 3-4/4-3 but others on here suggesting that he goes back to his "natural position" do not. I don't know what you mean by being in Gholston's "Camp", and I don't really care. The guy has been terrible for 2 seasons and doesn't deserve a "Camp" I also support the switch to end, and have been talking to friends (actual friends, not internet friends) about the switch to end since Jenks went down. I'm happy to finally hear that he seems to be improving, but will reserve judgement until he plays a significant role on this D.

    Yes, I have only been on here for 5 months. I have also lurked for some time, and have never once seen anyone come to VG's defense, to say he's a good player, or that he will blossom soon. Feel free to shove the evidence in my face and say I told you so...and I'm not taking about showing support for him after the switch to end.
  12. bigcotch

    bigcotch Banned

    Mar 18, 2010
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    And what's even more funny about your response, is that I didn't even read your post... I read one from page 5 from a fan calling non supporters Losers, and read the top post on this page.

    I think it's hysterical to see the overall opinion of this guy change so much because of a little praise. It used to be nothing but bashing from everyone (apparently everyone but you Mr. Alio) and now there are people suggesting his personality is just quiet like David Harris, and he's a nice guy, and they wish him the best. Rather than, he's a pussy with no football aggression, and I hope he gets AIDS.
  13. IATA

    IATA Trolls

    Aug 8, 2008
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    It's hysterical that you think people can't change their opinion on someone. 1 choice your entire life, no more.
  14. Jetsfan711

    Jetsfan711 New Member

    Jan 24, 2010
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    Gholston is going to be great this year, always thought he was a talented player just young and in the wrong position/scheme. I look forward to lots of productivity from him.
  15. bigcotch

    bigcotch Banned

    Mar 18, 2010
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    I understand people's opinions will change, when it's warranted... nothing is warranted yet. I'm excited about the thought of him contributing, but will reserve judgement until he does something on the field.

    It is funny if you have ever seen a thread on VG, and the bashing he has taken over the last 2 years. Then Rex mentions the fact that he's strong, and all of a sudden, he's not a soft spoken pussy, he's just quiet like David Harris. And people are being called "Losers" for not supporting him all along. It's BS. Everyone on this site hated him, and all of a sudden here come the Gholston Fans!
  16. MBGreen

    MBGreen Banned

    Feb 28, 2008
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    ding ding ding.
  17. ace_o_spades

    ace_o_spades New Member

    Apr 26, 2008
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    shit he's gonna suck again...
  18. AlioTheFool

    AlioTheFool Spiveymaniac

    Sep 27, 2005
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    Here you go. Here's a listing of every thread I've responded to involving Gholston. I'll let you prove yourself wrong.

    I've been a Gholston supporter all along. There's been no change in my stance apart from saying he's let me down, yet I've always continued to defend him, and called for the switch to end for since at least last preseason.

    Now go back to lurking because you're not very good at posting.
  19. bigcotch

    bigcotch Banned

    Mar 18, 2010
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    OK, here is the first post I saw BY YOU MR ALIO..

    "I regret getting on the Gholston train. He's become a total letdown. It's tough to deal with busts in the first round. Those sting badly."

    Nice work defending yourself.

    Anyway, even despite reading this, I don't doubt that you, like everyone else, wanted him to play well, and said he's out of position, etc. Like I said, I didn't even read your post until after I wrote mine.
  20. fozzi58

    fozzi58 Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2006
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    Gladys still sucks untill he proves himself during the game. Could he be a solid DE? maybe. But until then VG is still a VaGina in my eyes.

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