I love this time of year we all start talking and talking and talking about what could be and who will be our #1 pick, it fun. Why don?t we focus on what actually might be not what we would like to see? This is for all the ?trade up to #1 posts and I want D?Brick and I want Cutler? threads. Won?t happen guys for a few reasons. I don?t want to come off like a pessimist, but reality is something many on this board lack. We see the ?SEXY? picks and say ?this guy was a great college talent or this guy has all the potential to be a STUD? I agree?Heck I would love to see Reggie in green! There are 3 main reasons why we will not pick higher than 15 or even 20. The first is that we obviously don?t have the money to pick a potential franchise player, not one with a top 5 draft status. Why did Keyshawn leave? What about ABE? The list goes on and on from team to team and that?s why the salary cap was created. The NFL does not want the Yankees, they want parity and competitive games. This way the whole league wins, and profit sharing goes up. ANYWAYS?at this point in time we don?t have the kind of money to even think about a top ten talent, it?s a smoke screen guys, we still need value with this pick to trade it. That leads me right into my next reason besides $$. We have way too many holes on the Offense to think that one player will be able to change the face of this team. Yeah we get D?brick, who is going to snap the ball? Who is going to play RT, Who is going to throw the ball ect?.. I know we are all intelligent fans, at least I hope so, why do we think that we can find the messiah in one pick. We cant. We need to trade down and stockpile picks in a DEEP draft. Guys this is one of the deepest O-Line drafts in 5-7 years and this is our biggest weakness. Makes sense doesn?t it. I bet we even may tussle with the idea of trading out of the first all together if we can stockpile a few 2nds and 3 3rds?.I just want somebody to prove to me that the Offense is 1 player away from a breakout, its not. The final reason why we don?t pick that high is our new coaches? philosophy. He will get ?his guys? to surround him. Workman like guys, not flashy high draft picks that want guaranteed money. He wants guys that are willing to go to war in practice, and as fans and supporters we should too. I want a corner who is willing to take on a RG so a LB can make a tackle?that?s the kind of team the pats have and that why they are so hard to scheme against. MANG will get his guys because he has the support of T-Baum. Get ready for a long haul guys, we will see a lot of new faces and that?s always a good thing. We don?t have the prestige of the Yankees, guys aren?t willing to give it there all for the good of the organization or for the tradition. We need to create that and with our new coach and top 5 draft pick we could have the building blocks of something special.
Actually we have no idea what Mangini or Tannenbaum philosophy is, or what our team will look like, with neither having experience you are just basing this on what he said in public, which carries no weight at all on what he will actually do when the situation actually comes, and considering we just had 5 years of "You play to win the game", while our strategy was to play as conservative as possible, I will believe what I see, not the crap that he says to the media
very nice...i like this post, i think we have a long road ahead of us...but at the end of this road...there are a bunch of naked women washing some hot sports cars...and we get to watch! i think you all get my point ...wait now...reap the benefits later
Interesting perspective. But we need WMD's. Bush is that. We could save our money by focusing on drafting weapons instead of focusing on the best player at different positions. Every year players are cut, every year there is a draft. The best way to draft is to look at the current class and next year's class. As it stands, it look like we will have the Chargers Offense with the Patriots Defense. I think Mangini is too competitive to pass up Bush and "wait until next year" to address the rb situation. It seems like Penny needs to restructure so that we can make all of the moves that management needs to. I don't think that Penny is out of New York, i think that he would have been cut a LONG time ago if that was the case.
Ever heard of the tearm "The proof is in the pudding" Well look at the Pats?? is that proof enough for you on what his philosophy will be? Im just saying we will not use a high pick this year and I mean top 20
Is Parcells and Belichick exactly alike? no, belichick is the type that takes crap from no one while Parcells would give his superstars leway, so why should I assume that Mangini is going to be a Belichick clone, in fact I don't want him to be a clone, I want him to use his personality along with what he learned to be better then Belichick, so just because he worked under him I as well as the rest of us can't assume that he will use the same approach
MSU I respect your point...I think the bigger issue is that, no way the Jets take a high draft pick....I think we stockpile for the future...but still find great talent and value, with a new youn coaching staff, ala Rick Lyle and Bryan Cox, they will be able to connect to the players and get more out of them quicker
Didn't you just tsart a thread that says Hawk will be a Jet. Now we won't pick before 15 - 20. Well which one is it?? You got to make up your mind.. I say Cutler is a Jet if he is there at 4..
Ur Right I did...after I had some discussions with people on this board I had a revelation...haha...But seriously I listened with an open mind and this is what I think will happen now, thanks for blowing me in bro
There are two schools of thought: either we go for "playmakers" in the early 1st, or we stockpile picks and get a bunch of guys that will play the way Mangini wants. Why not both? When you have a top-5 pick, I think you have to pick up a franchise-type player. As many holes as we have, we cannot pass up the opportunity for a franchise QB, RB or LT (depending on who your preferred pick is). Then you use the later rounds to shore up positions that are deep in this draft--specifically OL. Best scenario I can see is trading down mybe 3 or 4 spots and getting Cutler or Williams or White, and getting a couple extra picks in the 2nd or 3rd in return. Hopefully Abraham will bring some picks too. I just get tired of people saying "we need playmakers" or "we need to stockpile picks and start over." What we really need is both.
I agree...but then if you read the entire post, how do we pay for these so called "franchise guys" I would LOVE Mario Williams...but ow do we pay for him or Reggie?? Thats why this is the only logical choice
I agree. While I think the Jets should trade down to get picks, but if for some reason they can not I would not be upset with getting Brick, because a team is built from the line out. If they end up trading up, the ONLY pick I would be fine with is Bush. While I am not one for selling the future of the organization for one player, I have a feeling Bush is going to be a great player. And him learning from Martin, is a great opportunity. So my preference is trade down then Brick then Bush. Anything else I would be a little dissappointed.
Right on the mark,I hope Cutler is wanted as much as some on this board think, then our 4 pickwill have some value. I doubt that it does.
I agree MSUJet85, the man already said, I AM NOT PARCELLS, I AM NOT BELICHICKEN, so lets WAIT and see what his and Tanny's philosophy will be.
but nobody has still given me a take on how we will be able to afford the number 1 pick idea...I love people just thrown naes around but there is now way it would ever happen