Revis and Asomugha playing together would, to me, be the equivalent of a 3 some with Megan Fox and Jessica Alba.
Id rather asomugha that would last alot longer then the 47 seconds Id make it with megan fox and jess alba
How great would it be to include Rhodes in a deal for Asomugha?!!! Sending him to play for the Raiders would be the ultimate "fuck you"!:rofl:
With Aso & Revis we could keep leonard and lowery in coverage for TE passes. The other WRs couldn't catch a ball anymore. That's 7 in on a blitz every play! :rofl: As a side bar comment: One would think that after hearing Dan Marino and a host of other players that never won a ring that the money and the records will always play second fiddle to winning a SuperBowl. That being said, I know the players want to make as much money as possible, but wouldn't you rather give up a few bucks so the team can bring in even more good players to make a powerhouse team? I guess its harder to understand that thinking when you make $100k a year vs $1 mil. (E.G. My boss offers me an assistant and an extra weeks vacation for a $10k paycut - I'd sign pretty fast for that). Its understandable that the shelf life of a player is much less than a typical person. However their earning potential is much higher than ours. These guys earn as much as any one of us in 4 years that we make in a lifetime. Maybe they need to buy that John Commuta Debt to Wealth DVD.... Off Topic: I agree that there's a chance Plax could end up wearing green n white. He would make Mark's passing options as good as anyone in the league. Then we have a chance to "out tall" the Chargers....
Has there been any concrete evidence that we're pursuing Asomugha? Or are the beat writers merely saying the Jets could be interested? Which you could say is also the case for 30 other teams.
The thing about this trade though is that it is COMPLETELY up to Aso.. his contract makes him virtually untradable because teams wouldn't be able to pick up the ridiculous contract he has.. so he would only go to a team that he would be willing to restructure a contract with .. which causes him to lose the millions of dollars in bonuses from OAK.. But after being on the raiders for awhile and being a great player on a shitty team.. it really hasnt gotten him anywhere.. maybe this could work out.. who knows.. EVERY team in the league would be interested in Aso.. its more like which teams is Aso interested in..
Here's a very interesting take We give up Kellen Clemens (hes happy, they're happy, we're happy) a WR and a conditional 2011 pick Here's a little snipit
I believe D'Maurice Smith was quoted as saying, "If we play an uncapped year this year (a virtual lock), the players will never again agree to a cap". Am I making this up? Has anyone else heard this?
Last thing we need is to take Cotchery away from Sanchez after the year of chemistry. Also Cotchery is such an underrated reliable WR. I'd rather give up Braylon between the two, but wouldnt want to do that either since we need offense. I would say Brad Smith, and Kellen..maybe Clowney too.
If the Jets ever trade Cotchery, I'm gonna be real pissed for a real long time. If they did him dirty by sending him to Oakland... fuck it, I'll start watching curling. It'll never happen, of course. A slower, team-first, blue collar guy like Cotchery will never attract Al's vulture eye.
If you trade away Cotchery, you take away a full year of work getting a rookie ready for the NFL. Big mistake. Trade the Raiders Rhodes, Thomas Jones, and a 3rd rounder. Take it for leave it.