This is in particular targeted at WW85, GH and mrElectric29 Did everyone think he'd be this bad, did you think he'd be a sack machine or a decent to average player? Right now he is abysmal and on the verge of being cut after only 2 years
What the fuck's up with your avatar? I always thought of him as a 4-3 end. I never liked him in the 3-4, but I still had hopes for him. I never though he'd be THIS bad. I remember WW85 getting into it with DWare and some other posters - he was really against the Gholston selection. He's your guy on this topic.
holy kidding.....creepy. you better answer him to his satisfaction, Electric...or he may cut your face off and wear it as a tiara.
Most of the vets on this board know how i felt about VG...long before the jets drafted him. Here's a Thread I started 2 weeks before he was drafted.
I didn't start this topic today......but let's have some fun!!! Here's another good thread. I took alot of heat.....some idiot told me to leave the draft forum...LOL. One thing that is true...I've been very consistent with my opinions...right or wrong. D-Ware was in rare form!!
Wow, I really liked Chris Long as an OLB. I still think they were both drafted for the wrong schemes. I was so against drafting McFadden I saw Gholston as the better option. My top 3 were Matt Ryan, Long, and Gholston that year. I'll still trade Long for Gholston. Long's change of direction at his size and speed are awesome. I remember at the combine seeing that footwork and falling in love with his abilities.
No chance, if the problem was the scheme, but he still worked hard and actually tried to get better, he could at least get on the field as a situational pass rusher. The fact that Gholston can't steal playing time away from Bryan fucking Thomas shows what kind of work ethic he has. I loved the Gholston pick at the time, but I also didn't like Matt Ryan when he came out, and thought Charles Rogers was going to be a beast, so me being totally wrong about draft prospects is nothing new.
I don't think many thought he would be this bad. He had productive games at the NCAA level and showed flashes of good play, but is just not cut out to be a 3-4 OLB at all.
admittedly, I usually do not watch much college football aside from UF / SEC games but I remember seeing all the "draft Gholston next year" threads, so I made a point to watch some of his bigger games towards the end of that season (the bowl game in particular) and thought "what is so special about this guy?" Of course others said "you can't judge him by 1 or 2 games..." I'm no expert by any means, but you can usually see when a guy has "IT" and he definitely did not. After the combine, the only thing I could think of was Dewayne Robertson..... at least DeWayne made a contribution for awhile. :shit:
I didn't like it and thought we should have traded down or take Leodis McElvin. I thought McElvin edged out DRC because of his ST ability. Gholston had a big problem if you looked at the games. He didn't chase the ball and was very inactive once he wasn't rushing the passer.
I wantd DRC in that draft bad how about a Chris Long for Gholston deal straight up i wouldnt mind seeing what Long could do in a 3-4 and Gholston fits the 43 way better anyway.
I honestly can't remember what I wrote on here about Gholston, but I can remember my reaction seeing it like at Radio City. I had realized that the best players were clearly going to be off the board, and that they really didn't have much choice without trading down. I liked what he could have turned into, but at the same time had a really bad feeling that he would never amount to anything. Hell, after he wasn't doing much to start his rookie season I already kind of wrote him off, and by this year I don't even think about him when talking about the defense. He's pretty much done in my mind, no better than Marques Murrell or Ryan Fowler.
I, for one was excited the day we drafted him...then that went to hell in a hand basket and have been screaming bust for the past season and a half.