do you really pay a kicker that much if you are never in a position for his kicks to even matter? you can win 5 games a year with a shitty kicker. what the fuck?!?
And the funniest thing is sure he has a big leg but he isn't by any means the most reliable kicker in the NFL! Crazy Al is crazy Al for a reason though
Funny thing is I thought Jeaux finally came back and posted a raiders article..usually he'd be the first to notify us. Guess he's finally gone for good?
Funny how you can't let it go..sad Everyone else has pretty much moved on with their lives..perhaps u can follow suit tommygreen/sayuki
I haven't been here very long but what does RaiderJoe do in this situation? Or is he basically gone forever?..I was lurk for most of last year and he made ridiculous predictions and even said the Raiders would destroy the Jets this year.
To be fair, Janikowski and Lechler are two of the best athletes on that team. If he's not the most reliable, he's damn close. The more important thing to remember though is that the Silver and Black need a kicker who's not only reliable but can also kick FGs from their side of the field. So Jani's really their only option.