Just wanted to add a little something different to the forum. If anyone else has Jets trivia, please share. Here's something I didn't know until today. Everyone knows that Joe Namath began his career with the Jets. BUT, did you know he was not drafted by the Jets? He chose to sign with the Jets over the team that DID draft him. Who was that team?
My memory of the situation is a bit different then what U posted. Back them EACH league had there own draft & yes he may have being drafted by the Cards in the NFL draft. BUT in the AFL draft he was DRAFTED by the NYJs in the 1st round & they took a ND QB named Johnny Huarte in round 2 who did not make it. Then Sonny Wberlin offered him the large amount of 400Gs to sign with us & JWN accepted because the Cards were not going to compete with that offer
That is probably correct. I was 8 years old at the time so I never heard the whole story. I never knew ANY team other than the Jets drafted him.
Yes at that time most of the players were drafted by both leagues & then the draftee had to choose if he wanted to play in the NFL or AFL. At the time of JWN drafting the 2 leagues were at war with each other & the bidding for the top picks were fierce since the AFL wanted every one of them to better establish the league & get a TV contract. Talk of merger between the 2 leagues began several years after JWN drafting by us
Champ is correct. He was drafted by the Cardinals in the NFL draft and the Jets in the AFL draft. There was a bidding war for Namath in 1964. The Jets won by offering that $427,000 contract, but the interesting thing is that it is believed that the Cards were actually bidding on behalf of the Giants, who needed a QB. The Giants/Cardinals dropped out and Giants ended up with Tucker Fredrickson, I believe.
OK...I got one- Where was Namath when he made his legendary "guarantee" to win Super Bowl III? Bonus points for naming the dude that has a newspaper hat...
Probably. Being a Beaver Falls native he grew up a Steelers fan. They are my 2nd favorite team because their Namath's original 1st love. Now Namath is a jet fan.
Thanks a lot. Easy to remember since the story as it has sort of turned into a legend. Supposedly there were some Colts at the dinner & some of them began talking smack & hence came forth the guarantee which was heard by several sportswriters also who naturally published it & it became the shot heard round the word. When Ewbank saw it the next morning he went banana's & ask JWN why he did it. JWN report was from watching the film it is going to be a easy win & the Colt players were heckling us so I defended the team
Lou Groza was one of the bigger smack talkers that night, yes? And they had that MLB Mike Curtis who claimed he used to bite off the heads of chicks when he was a yute.