rate positions by positions

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by ajetsfan4ever, May 15, 2006.

  1. ajetsfan4ever

    ajetsfan4ever Active Member

    Jan 21, 2006
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    rate the o-line, d-line, qb's, rb's, fb's, wr's, te's, lb's, secondary, special teams, and the coaching staff, [as of who is on the team now] and that should somewhat give us a clue to how good or bad we'll be this season, here's mine,

    qb's c+
    rb's c+
    wr's c
    fb's d-
    te's c-
    o-line b+ maybe an a-
    d-line c+
    lb's c+ maybe an b-
    secondary c+
    s. teams b+
    coaching staff b- [ i know they havent proven anything yet but i realy like our coaching staff]
    #1 ajetsfan4ever, May 15, 2006
    Last edited: May 16, 2006
  2. FITM

    FITM 2006 TGG.com Best Photoshop Artist Award Winner

    Feb 7, 2005
    Likes Received:
    QB - B
    RB - C
    FB - D
    WR - B
    TE - C+
    OL - B- (Heading in the right direction)

    LB - C+
    DL - C-
    DB - B-
    Special Teams - A+
    Coaching Staff - ?? (Have nothing to go by.)
  3. GangGreen04

    GangGreen04 Active Member

    Feb 26, 2004
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    qb-c as of now only because all 3 are unproven
    te- c
    ol- b
    lb-b+ (vilma alone warrants an a bu others bring it down)
    kicker- b
    return game-b+ (could be explosive with either miller or dwight... Lets hope miller learns how 2 catch)
    coaching staff-?- to early to tell
  4. Wolfe Tone

    Wolfe Tone New Member

    Jan 22, 2005
    Likes Received:
    Qb - C+
    Rb - C
    Fb - D
    Wr - C+
    Te - B
    Ol - B

    Lb - B+
    Dl - C
    Db - B-
    St - A+
  5. SigmaXJet

    SigmaXJet Active Member

    Jan 12, 2006
    Likes Received:
    QB - C
    RB - C
    WR - C+
    TE - B
    OL - B
    LB - B+
    DE - B
    DT - D
    CB - B
    S - C
    Special - B
  6. PinPointPenning10

    PinPointPenning10 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    DT--D (in a 3-4)
  7. NY Vilmaniac

    NY Vilmaniac New Member

    Jan 21, 2006
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    didnt feel like doing it youself?
  8. NY Vilmaniac

    NY Vilmaniac New Member

    Jan 21, 2006
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    i really like this one. i originally questioned some of them (RB,CB) but then as i thought about it i agreed more and more

    i though a at cb was a reach but thin i remembered the addition of the best qb on the nfc super bowl team

    with the rb i thought it should be better but c mart in only a year or two from retirement and we lack a solid replacement
  9. Nesquik

    Nesquik Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2006
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    Marcus Trufant is better than Andre Dyson.
  10. jetbugga

    jetbugga Member

    Feb 15, 2005
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    lets see
    qb c-
    rb b
    fb d
    te c-
    wr d-
    ol c-
    dl c+
    lb b
    ds b-
    st b+
    k+p b+

    rb scored high, we do have a hall of famer. offensively i feel we are not going to be productive at all. we have questions in all phases of our offense and we will wait to see who really wants the job. defensively, if we can stop the run, we'll be in good shape.
  11. themanwithnofingers

    themanwithnofingers New Member

    Aug 22, 2005
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    Interesting to see the ratings done at week one and in the washup after week 16 or later if we make the playoffs (yes I can dream.....lol)
  12. Kellen6Clemens

    May 14, 2006
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    QB- B-, Chad is coming off surgeries, Ramsey has to prove himself, Clemmens is a rookie
    RB- C+, Curtis did just win the running title two years ago, Cedric proved to be servicable last year, Blaylock did well in KC (system back?) and Leon looks like fun to watch
    FB- N/A... we haven't seem much of him at FB, but he looks like he is a good, powerful runner; but CAN HE BLOCK?
    WR- C+, Coles is good, hampered by injuries last year. McCareins, i dont like him but many say he was playing hurt. I'm a big fan of Cotchery. Tim Dwight could be electric. Brad Smith... whos knows; but i like what i see.
    TE- C, Chris Baker showed a lot of good signs last year before he injured his leg. Doug Jolley - lets not go there. But who knows? Baker did will when givent he schott last year
    OL- B-, to unproven right now. We are probably going to have two rookies starting, and a second year player who was drafted in the late rounds last year at a different position this year. If they all pan out, we could have a very good, athletic line soon and shoot this grade up.

    DL- C, Kimo and Shaun should be able to get it done in teh end slots; but the NT position scares me a little. Can DRob handle it all, and take on two blockers? Or will he have to do improv and do it by committee and hope it works.
    LB- B, we don't have the pass-rushing OLB we need in the 3-4; unless Bryan Thomas finally shows why he was a first round pick. Vilma makes this grade higher than it would be otherwise. Kassell & Schlegel could take a lot of the hits away from Vilma in the inside which is good. The main hole is OLB
    CB- A-, Andre Dyson is a very good CB. Justin Miller showed last year that he can cover the best (he shut down Randy Moss & Jerry Porter, etc.) David Barrett is very good depth at #3, i think that he could be starting at #2 for many teams.
    S- B, I am a big fan of Kerry Rhodes, and i was a big fan of Coleman; but he disapointed last year. If they both play to their ful potential, then we could have a very good safety duo.

    K- B, Nugent - not much power but it was rumored that he was going to work out a lot this off-season to get it up. Showed to be pretty accurate and made most kicks
    P- A, Ben Graham did a great job last year; hopefully he can do it again. He puts great spin on the ball, and gets in high & deep.

    - N/A, i really liked the draft, but lets see how they do on the field
    #12 Kellen6Clemens, May 15, 2006
    Last edited: May 15, 2006
  13. NY Vilmaniac

    NY Vilmaniac New Member

    Jan 21, 2006
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    thats what you think
  14. The U

    The U Member

    Jan 7, 2006
    Likes Received:
    qb- c
    rb- c+
    wr- c
    te- c
    ol- b
    dl- b
    lb- b+
    db- b+
    ST- b
  15. Jonathan_Vilma

    Jonathan_Vilma Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    QB - C+ (Plenty of depth and new faces that are going to be fighting for a chance, but if Penny struggles, we really have no one to turn to in year one other than Ramsey. That is of course, unless Bollinger and Clemens make incredible progress).

    RB - B (Again, a bunch of good guys, but it really depends on how they all pan out and more importantly how they are used. Leon Washington could be a nice 3rd down back and special teams player, with Cedric Houston being the workhorse back and getting some time behind Martin. Very pleased with runningback though. Askew provides a nice running and receiving threat as well.)

    WR - C- (And the only reason it isn't a D is because of the potential. Jerricho Cotchery doesn't seperate well, and Justin McCareins is afraid to take a hit. That leaves Coles, who will always be a solid player and Brad Smith the project. It could pan out to be very good, but it could also flop very easily.)

    OL - B- (While the front of the line is starting to shape up, we will continue to have problems if we don't find future replacements for left guard and right tackle. I think Adrian Jones will definitley turn into a guard because of his lack of size against the big 290+ freak of athletes at left end. Left tackle, center and right guard look to be shaping up very well, with guys like Teague and Cavka backing them up.)

    DL - B (I am still a big Robertson supporter, so this may be inflated, but I don't think we will have trouble along the defensive line or defense in general. It's all about offensive development to get the team back in line. We have enough depth for both formations and with Denny Marcin you know they will always be learning how to penetrate by using their hands.)

    LB - B (Again another spot that is shaping up to look very good. We have so much depth that it's almost hard not to institute a 3-4 even if the defensive line isn't ready. Lack of a rushbacker might hurt our 3-4 chances, but with a 4-3 we still have so many different looks and linebackers with different styles, coordinators will be confused.)

    Secondary - A- (Maybe I'm a bit biased, but we have enough cornerback depth with a zone specialist whom could turn into a starter. If Mangini plays the same way as they did in New England then we have the perfect cornerbacks for it. Guys with a quick step that break on short routes. Miller and Dyson are both perfect for it. Kerry Rhodes is looking to be a stud ballhawk even though his stats didn't show it. Erik Coleman will always be around the ball, and with Vilma he won't have to get as deep on routes because of the depth Vilma can get from MLB.)
  16. Buttle

    Buttle New Member

    Aug 13, 2004
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    Usng grade letters does not really tell us much. WHat does a C mean? What a particular grade means is all one persons subjective opinion. There is no uniformity or agreement as to what thye mean. A better system would be to just grade them to other teams.

    Qb - Average to above average. A healthy Pennington will upgrade this.
    Rb - Average
    Fb - Below average
    Wr - Below average We have one number 2 WR, one number 3 and rest are #4's at best.
    Te - Below Average
    Ol - Signifigantly below average - Starting 2 new OL no matter how hreat thier potential most likely means a lot of growing pains. Sadly the OL is considerably improved over last year.
    Lb - Average to Below Average
    Dl - Average
    Db - Signifigantly below average. 3 nickle corners all batlling for starting positions does not bode well.
    St - Above average
    CS Signifigantly below average. ALmost no expereince on the CS. Hard to find a CS in the NFL more lacking in expereince. Does that mean they will do bad. No, but there will be growing pains as they mature into the job and attempt to gain and keep the respect of the players. It is quite possible if the team starts off poorly the CS could lose the team and never get it back.

    While this may look bleak I believe position by position we have the most talent that we have had here since either the 2001 or 2000 season. Yes we have been in rebuilding mode since the 2002 season when Parcells overspending caused us to dismantle the team. But the team is better. It may not have the most talented players but it has players that play hard and are used to winning. Talent isn't everything. Arguably the 2002 team was the least talented team in the NFL that year but it still made the playoffs. They key to the season is not the lack of talent but getting good QB play and how we adjust to the new systems and new CS. Good, smart QB play makes every player on the team better. As long as we stick to the plan that has made the team a success the last 5 years of few turnovers, few penalties and don't beat ourselves we can win despite poor talent as long as we get good QB play.
    #16 Buttle, May 15, 2006
    Last edited: May 15, 2006
  17. jkgrandchamp

    jkgrandchamp Member

    Feb 23, 2006
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    QB - B- promising
    RB - C+ all depends on Curtis
    FB - C- Askew enough said
    WR - C- Could be better lets see what our rookie slash does
    TE - B- A good mix of vetrens and rook
    OL - B+ Cant be bad as last year

    LB - B+ VILMA thats y
    DL - D+ They need to prove themselves
    DB - C++ Aint a B But Better then a C+
    Special Teams - B Nuge needs to justify that 2nd rd pick
    Coaching Staff - B+ Good draft good youth movement now get the players to beleive in ya
  18. Nesquik

    Nesquik Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2006
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    Thats what i know, if Dyson was so good he wouldnt be on his 3rd team in 3 years.
  19. Jonathan_Vilma

    Jonathan_Vilma Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    It's not like he's a bad player, it's ridiculous to say that. The Titans were heading in a different direction and were getting rid of most players with experience. Not to mention they had terrible cap implications having to get rid of Mason, Rolle and Dyson. He was hurt with the Hawks' in 06', and they had already signed Herndon, and drafted Babineux. So they went for the younger players with more invested in them obviously.
  20. kennyobrien91

    kennyobrien91 New Member

    Oct 2, 2005
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    While I agree with your rankings of this year (particulary in regards with DBs - you people giving As to the DBs need to lay off the crack pipe), to say this is the most talent the Jets have had since 2001 is a bit of a reach. Furthermore, to say the 2002 team was the least talented team in the NFL is an outright joke. Just look at the 2002 team using your system above (which is a good one):

    QB - Above Average. Pennington led the league in passer rating
    RB - Above Average. A younger Martin with LaMont Jordan. Waay better than what we have now
    FB - Average. Least important position, but Richie Anderson was OK.
    WR - Average. Coles was great, but not explosive. Both Moss and Chrebet were more like 3's that year.
    TE - Below Average. Becht was a decent blocker but he dropped too many drive killing passes.
    OL - Excellent. People seem to forget that the Jets had a great line up until last year. In 2001, they almost had both the fewest sacks allowed and most rushing yards gained. In 2004, Martin led the league in rushing because of great line play (how else can you get a rushing title w/o having a run longer than 29 yards?) In 2002, the line was still strong with McKenzie, Randy Thomas, Mawae, Szott and Fabini.
    DL - Slightly Above Average. Ellis started to come into his own this year, Ferguson was solid, Josh Evans was underrated and Abraham was a threat even though he had a less spectacular year.
    LB - Below Average. Mo Lewis and Marvin Jones were almost fully decayed. Cowart was very average.
    DB - Below Average. Individually, these guys sucked, but they fit the cover 2 well and played OK, particulary down the stretch.
    Special Teams - kickers were below average, coverage was OK and returns were excellent (2 TDs each for Moss and Morton). So i'll split the middle and say average.
    CS - Below Average.

    By your measure, i think the 06 jets are only better than the 02 at LB, ST and CS.

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