Rivers talking trash

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by GreenMachine, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    I'm not the one on another team's message board. hypocritical much? fact is, there is nothing unusual about a Jet fan who frequents a Jets board responding to posts on said board. if you had any semblance of intelligence that would have been so self evident you would have been embarrassed to post such an asinine response.

    at least you are consistent.
  2. GTechSuperChargerFan

    Jan 11, 2010
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    Look, if someone busted out a "Headshot, etc." on the Bolts board in signonsandiego.com, we would mock the heck out of that guy too.

    Few Bolts fans IMO are as douchy as that, as i would hope few Jets fans are really as "erudite" as declaring "cocky fan breath" or whatever the fuck that meant.
  3. GoChargers

    GoChargers New Member

    Jan 9, 2010
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    I think the chargers should just forfeit the game because the jets fans stats they've gathered insists the chargers will lose. Rivers and the offense won't be able to score any points because the jets have revis, and the chargers defense sucks, especially the run D. Couple that with the jets godly running offense and this game is not even a match. Oh and I forgot about AJ, he's 10 times the receiver as Gates/VJ/floyd/etc combined, there's just no contest. Pack it in guys.
  4. stanner

    stanner Member

    Sep 21, 2009
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    bull shit! that was fuckin' funny!
  5. GTechSuperChargerFan

    Jan 11, 2010
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    For sure. I dont agree with some of my brethren that think this will be a blow by halftime. I think that's a bit ridiculous. If anything, i think the Bolts need to withstand the initial charge by the Jets and I'll take any lead at halftime.
  6. stanner

    stanner Member

    Sep 21, 2009
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  7. franzman9

    franzman9 Member

    Dec 8, 2009
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    Norv Turner said they he usually wouldnt use the term shut down corner, but in the case of revis, he will becuase of the body of work revis has shown this season, get your facts right.
  8. MBGreen

    MBGreen Banned

    Feb 28, 2008
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    how's that shot of reality taste?
  9. Hemi

    Hemi Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    The team was in both games....sigh.

    Whatever. You missed my point by trying a new angle.
  10. Hemi

    Hemi Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    If the Jets had a good passing game to go with the run game. This would not even be a contest.
  11. ncBoltFan

    ncBoltFan New Member

    Jan 13, 2010
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    I can not wait for this game to get here. You Jet fans are in for a surprise. I know that it is a fans job to get excited for their team and look for the positives headed into a match up, but this site is filled with mostly delusional jokers. The Jets are headed into a a buzzsaw, and if they can't see it it, than they are blind. Rivers will KILL your D. KILL it. Mark my words. It will not be close.
  12. Hemi

    Hemi Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    Like Drew Brees?
  13. ncBoltFan

    ncBoltFan New Member

    Jan 13, 2010
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    It might be hard to be taken seriously but I'm confident that when all is said and done Rivers will accomplish much more than Brees in his career. As a fan of this franchise, I've seen both play While Brees is a very good qb, Rivers is a great one.
  14. Hemi

    Hemi Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    The thing is, jet fans like me, and others, have said repeatedly that Rivers is on the verge of being an upper tier QB in this league. I think highly of him.

    Doesn't mean I can't feel good about my favorite team though. The Jets have been held back this year by two things, mistakes (turnovers) and the lack of a solid passing game. Plus losing Kris Jenkins and Leon Washington did not help either.
  15. 96Miles

    96Miles New Member

    Jan 13, 2010
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    Did I write that stats were worthless? Trouble with some is that they read what they want out of posts. Renders the rest of what you had to say pointless.
  16. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    it's funny we even have him bitching about another team's wr. all they seem to think is that we are crazy for believing we have a reasonable shot at figuring out how to stop them. i give them credit for having a great offense but we can run a defense that has the option of not focusing extra attention on the offense's best wr. nobody else allows one guy to cover that player alone like we do.

    what revis has done all season is completely eliminate a significant part of a team's offense with one player. this opens up all sorts of crazy blitz and coverage packages. we will have a play where we double up gates and floyd and dare rivers to throw it to jackson. rivers is a cocky son of a bitch and with good reason. he is gonna have to make a great throw to beat revis one on one. i don't doubt for one second that its possible that rivers and jackson could very well beat revis this week, i mean nobody's perfect... yeah it's possible but not likely.

    so they are gonna get some points on us because they are a great team. the question is what type of offense are we gonna get? yeah its been pretty fuckin sweet the last few weeks, but shit do we really think schotty is gonna keep firing the golden gun? i see a hell of a big change in the way sanchez is playing. since he came back from that week off he has taken great strides in his decision making and it sure has been something to see happening.

    how much of that is schotty attacking any weakness the other team shows in their defense? last week we saw early that green to the left was killing them after jones to the right had burned them all game the week before. so schotty still keeps jones active so cincy kinda feels obligated to stay with the same defense they practiced all week. so while they are shutting us down doing one thing we keep attacking what they cannot stop. we kept rotating the two trading short to no gains from jones for the big rips we got from greene.

    we also got a great game from sanchez which was opened up because of the running game. the long td strike to keller was set up because of a great play action fake that had cincy flowing to the ball hard. if we can another great game out of this o-line and at least one back we have a schott at this one... you get it?

    i don't ever remember feeling like the jets had this good a shot at getting to the championship game since i have been a fan. in 1998 i was playing youth hockey and only casually followed the jets so i had no idea how good that team actually was and didn't even care to really think about i. 2004 i always had the feeling we couldn't win despite herm, which is what we were doing the whole damn time.

    sorry for the long winded post but most of the conversation has been utterly stupid this week with a few conversations i never felt compelled to join into. so this seemed like as good a place as any to let it all out. i'm excited as fuck about this game and cannot fucking wait to celebrate a win sunday night!
    #216 ukilledkenny, Jan 15, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2010
  17. 96Miles

    96Miles New Member

    Jan 13, 2010
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    I guess you didn't understand that one either. It's funny that you care so much about my posts in particular.
  18. ncBoltFan

    ncBoltFan New Member

    Jan 13, 2010
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    No disagreement. After the perfomances put in by the Jets in the lat few weeks, if I were a fan I'd be feeling good about it too. Revis is a STAR and your o-line is as capable as any. However, a closer look at the abundance of talent on the CHargers team, especially at key positions in the offense, makes me confident as a Charger fan in a way rarley felt with this franchise before. I don't think the Jets are bad, I just think the Chargers are much better than Jet fans realize.
  19. GTechSuperChargerFan

    Jan 11, 2010
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    I think there are few here who realize just how well the Chargers have played the last three months...this is from the San Diego Union-Tribune.

    Just the facts. Just the facts.

    "How dominant have the Chargers been during their 11-game win streak?

    They trailed for a total of about a half-hour from the time they had to come back in the final minutes against the New York Giants on Nov. 8 until their backups populated the season finale against Washington. That was a span of almost 450 minutes in which they were behind a mere 36:19.

    In all, the Chargers have trailed for fewer than 66? minutes of their 660 minutes on the field during the 11 games. More impressive, perhaps, is that the Chargers have had the lead for 482:21.

    The 66:23 they have been behind includes 30:04 in the regular-season finale against Washington, in which most starters departed after the first quarter."

    You can say all you want about trying to get an early lead, but it will be tougher than you guys think. We aren't effing Cincy or Colts second-stringers.
  20. Hemi

    Hemi Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    Cincy played their second stringers last week?

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