lol I was like whoa didn't even know he had a daughter this morning google'd her found this page and was like dam this is girl is nothing but fun times
Olivia.... eh not bad.... Jessica.... Banging. Namath should be able to use his superpowers and get her off the hook.
You guys sure have high standards for your filthy rich, trunk-full-of-weed having, daughter-of-the-icon-of-the-football-team-that-brings-you-to-this-forum girls. Liars.
She's pretty cute. Another stupid bust for something that shouldn't even be illegal. What a waste of time.
when i was a young lad i used to go to joe namath football camp. one year joe brought jessica. THIS GUY kissed her behind the cafeteria at quinipiac college (where it was held). i never saw her again. ahh to be 12 again. although 25 year old me seems to think olivia is way cooler now and def wants to find a way to hang out with her hard partyin single mother ass
I hate when women get that piercing in their face over their lip, and also the one in the side of their nose. Since when are metallic moles attractive.
Holy shite!!! She gave birth at 16 and the dad was 19 and arrested 3 times for meth issues. Sounds like a real great guy. As for the Namath girls; Jessica is hot. Wonder if she's single