The last game he played has to be his best since he joined us, even surpassing his KR for TD. My question is this; Should we keep using him as we did the last game, or actually go that bit further and allow to start making passes as well ? If he did pass, it would mean that Ds would be kept that bit more honest as it won't be THAT much of a surprise next game. But on the flip side, is it a risk we can take?
Definitely have to switch it up a bit. Just like any team who uses the option package , it gets a little predictable after a couple of times. I think he could throw some passes , he is a former quarter back.
Rex said in his presser either after the game or on Monday that sooner or later the defense is gonna have to respect his ability to throw the ball. I think what we saw was just a tiny wrinkle of what BS can do when he takes the snap....
Definitely, this is it in a nutshell. Nearly every game we play, first play (it seems) , TJ run up the middle, I just can't help but think it would be great to go deep on the first play, or even put Smith in and go deep, I know in Mizzou he was a pretty good QB, but how good those skills are in the NFL, well no one really know, including the Bengals. My one concern is that if we do let Smith throw, the Bengals have one of the best tandem of CBs in the NFL, but I guess nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Throw the ball a few times, once even. It's amazing that they are so sucessful to date when you consider the frequency of runs (a lot) to pass (jack squat).
save it for our rematch with manning and the colts......we don't need smith to throw it to beat the bungles. save it....
my how we jets fans can become very confident, very fast. That being said I think we should save it for the colts or bolts also.
Everyone wants to see a pass play called, but, the entire defense knows he has the ability to throw the ball which leaves huge running lanes open.
On SNY Ray Lucas was highlighting how well the Jets blocked on the Wildcat plays, they completely gashed the Bengals up front, it wasn't really trickery that made it successful. I say run the damn Wildcat the same damn way until they can prove they can stop it. Then switch it up. The bengals LB's and secondary are pretty small, we can push them around and there's nothing they can do about it.
On one of the option plays last week that was blown up, Cotchery ran a drag from the other side towards the option side and was completely uncovered. I was screaming for BS to throw it. I think there are definitely some things they can do with BS passing the ball against the Bengals.
after/if he has a few successful rushes (or they continue to stack the box in the 2nd half), then a long pass (from the 30/40) to the corner of the endzone is in order. Whether it's complete or not, it could open things up.
Brad Smith: 8799 Yards Passing, 4,289 Yards Rushing Tim Tebow: 9286 passing, 2,947 rushing..... Meaning we have a fucking Tim Tebow on our team right now. The man can throw, let him throw, he should be the ultimate threat for the wild cat.