I am amped for this game!! Not only are we playing for a playoff berth, but since the game got bumped to 8, I finally get to go to the bar and watch on the big screen with my friends while throwing back some beers instead of on a shitty little TV at work while being interrupted by customers! After the ups and downs of this year, 9-7 and a Wildcard spot would make the season for me. Let's go JETS!!! I hope everyone lucky enough to be at the stadium tonight brings the noise! I can't wait... :jets: :beer: :beer: :beer:
Sadly I can't get tomorrow off, but will go to bed after the early games and get up for 1am. Hopefully be back asleep by 4am for three hours before work. It'll be worth it, oh yes.:jets:
Cant watch The high is too high and the low is too low for me Hate late games because I can’t recover in time…………… Typically I would need to reassemble the furniture, clean-up the family room, vacuum the debris, restore both oxygen tank and defibrillator, try to make up with the wife, explain the noise to the neighbours across the street, collect clothes from the back yard, fish out shoes from the pool and of course try to locate the remote (the one with a safety wrist wrap).
Dude, I think we're identical twins separated at birth! My wife left after the Mud Bowl. Now I have a Brazilian college student come in and do the cleaning. For an extra hundred, she does it naked. I never liked that wife anyway...
Can't watch?? I don't get it. If you're not ready for the highs and lows it's time to find a new team. This is what it's all about.
7.30am here now, just woke up to head to a mates to watch the Cardinals Packers game. Then off to another mates to watch the Jets. I'm so pumped! BRING IT ON!
My oldest son is now 13...and he is a bit out of control with his Jets. This has been such a great year because he truly gets it. Tonite is either the reward...or me putting my head on the pillow and not reliving the fact that I force fed him Jets when he was in diapers. Regardless...when you have watched this team for so long....I cant tell you what a night like this means to me as a sports fan. We argue back and forth all year...champ...telling us win it or or it means nothing...and he is right. That can never take away what a night like this means by itself. It is what it is. Next weekend...if you win..its a whole new set of rules...but tonite could easily have never come..but its here. Just enjoy the crap out of it.
Will be in front of my computer come 1:20 AM watching the game even though i have to be up for orientation at 8!! Can't wait
You and me both, my friend. :beer: Wife thinks I'm great because officially I've taken the day off to spend it with our daughter on her last day of the Christmas Holiday. :up: