It can't happen. Didn't Buddy realize that B Schotty was the main reason the BILLS beat the JETS this year? I smell me some Cowher on the horizon........
This is exactly why the Rooney Rule was invented. Idiots like Brian Schottenheimer kept getting interviews and HC gigs while obviously far more talented minority candidates were completely ignored. And apparently, the rule is still needed, as there is absolutely no way there aren't several dozen more qualified minority candidates, not to mention the several dozen white candidates that should also be better. The Bills are just an awful franchise. You'd think they'd have learned their lesson on hiring old people, but they haven't. I hope they hire Brian as HC and Marty as OC.
Oh No!!! If he goes, then he'll know what plays we are going to call and when we are going to call them. Ummm, wait a second, Because of his inane play-calling, teams already know that... Never-mind.
OHHHHHHHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOOOOO How are we going to defend against his genius patented plays THE DOUBLE REVERSE And the in same division en plus
Shottenjunior has his flaws but it's worth keeping him around to avoid the hassle of find a new offensive coordinator and breaking in his system. I hope he doesn't go to the Bills.
I tend to agree, I'd be perfectly happy with the move if Callahan gets the promotion though. Even the Bills can't be that stupid...can they?
Well, we bitched that he sucked, now what, you guys want to keep him?.... if he goes, we move up Callahan.... oughta be at least some sorta consistency.....