What crap product/ a product that is competing for postseason w/ a rookie QB seems pretty good to me- this was not the '95-'96 Jets
I feel your pain, I think most Jet fans just enjoy misery. This is a great team with a very bright future, it's sad that only a small percentage of Jet fans realize that. What happened to all the Sanchize talk? When he plays his style of football and not second guessing himself out there he's going to light every defense up.
It's not great but we have a good team that is competing and SHOULD get better in the coming years as the QB develops and the HC learns how to be a HC. I haven't been this excited about our future since 1997.
Okay, maybe that was a bit too strong, but I was referring to the franchise, overall. It does appear we could have a bright future, but we've thought that with every regime change back to Walton. In my 30+ years, I can count the number of playoff games I've seen in person on one hand. That's kinda sad, wouldn't you say? Worth $20,000 and $300 per game for two seats? Please.
The roads were fine where at noon? Were you out on LI with 2+ ft of snow on the ground like many of us? Do you understand many people rely on the trains? And not everyone has an SUV? Yeah, were "pussies" because we'd rather dig our families out of our houses so they can get on with their lives, instead of abandoning them to watch a football game. I'm sure you're a real "tough" guy in person right? Freaking dork.
I agree but for whatever reason the people who hold the tickets don't come out in bad weather anymore, I don't know if that's a statement on our whole fan base. Last year we were at our peak at 8-3 for the Denver game but it was 2/3 full and people weren't loud because we were all getting soaked in a downpour. In some smaller markets the whole city revolves around the team, that's not the case in NY. I'll be honest, I was out of there at halftime of the Denver game because I dragged a friend out there who isn't even a Jet fan. Same guy came yesterday and we stayed to the end, cold we can handle, soaking wet no so much. Others stayed for Denver and left yesterday or didn't come, to each their own.
It think a very large part of the discontent is that getting in and out of the meadowlands is an utter nightmare and disgrace. For those coming from LI this fact is magnified 100x. Throw in any type of bad weather and it's a very tough sell to anyone but the most hardcore fan. It's a terrible location, with very limited access to PT made worse by the addition of the Xanadu complex. I have to admit I really despise going there. It's an awful setup and hopefully when Giants stadium is imploded and things become more organized, it will become a much more pleasant experience. Right now, it resembles more of a refugee camp in a 3rd world country than a nice stadium setting.
The rationalizations some people come up with to make themselves feel better about not attending the game are amazing. (This is not directed towards anyone whose street was not plowed.)
i was there with my 13 year old cousin yesterday, we drove down from albany for the game. We were yelling the whole time and standing up for people in the rows behind us to scream, but no one did. I was on the 50 yd line in the 300 section and it seems like no one gives a fuck. I can truly say im one of the most die hard fans, but lets face it, most of our fans r lazy and when the weather gets too cold they quit...its unbelievable how cold weather shitty teams like kansas city or buffalo fill the stands and at 7-6 with a shot at the playoffs cant fill the seats...pathetic!
I don't have to make myself feel better...I really feel better about not attending yesterday's game!!!
There's nothing we can do about the past, this franchise was a joke in the 70s and from '87-'96 but since '97 we've been a good franchise. Maybe we never get to see a SB but I'll always hold out hope. The fun in winning is the journey not the destination and if/when it happens we'll all appreciate it b/c of the crappy times we've been through.
you can say "ticket holder since '72!!1!" til youre blue in the face, but this is a pathetic attitude. you dont deserve to watch a winning team.
I agree totally, and I'm definitely happy this year was meaningful up until this week considering a rookie QB and coach. I'm just stunned by the people here who try to measure a fan by where and how loud they cheer. Kinda funny. I've always hated the jerks at the stadium who waste their time, back to the field, trying to get people to scream. A few games back I actually pointed out to one of these morons that he missed an entire 3rd down play while doing this - got a good laugh from my section. I'm into watching football, not being a cheerleader.
Let me clarify: The rationalizations some people come up with to make themselves feel superior to those who attend the game are amazing.
Huh? Who feels superior??? I'd say this thread was started, and supported by people who think they are superior fans for sitting in the cold cheering for their team! You guys are amazing.
No, throughout this thread I've simply been defending myself and those who chose NOT to go to the game yesterday. I didn't start this thread, a "better" fan did.