17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    You seem absolutely obsessed with tickets and seats and resales. I heard Row One seats are available for Raiders games, maybe you shoulod call them up too. Do you actually know anything about football or the Jets, or do you just get off toying with the obsession of trying to obtain Row One seats?
  2. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    Okay, anyone can be offered anything. I was offered all that crap but was only spending 5K PSL money. This was months and months ago, who cares what was offered if you didn't get it?

    IF people were dropping 15k a seat they'd get good seats.

    How old are you, I know we've been through this but you seem like a kid with your obsessions.

    ELLSWORTH Member

    Mar 11, 2009
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    Hes just a wannabe bigshot...big mouth braggert...i hope someone take his rowone seats and shoves them up his newly upperdeckass . Enough.. of your blah blah blah. If you realize how irritating you are maybe you will go away.
    #4123 ELLSWORTH, Nov 13, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2009
  4. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    Isn't this the same guy who suggested we should replace the NFL by getting 80,000 people to watch eachother play football for free?
  5. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    It would have to be for free because at my age, nobody's going to buy a PSL to watch me play. LOL
  6. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    Hey 227 I am not young, but I used to scalp tickets in college and as a scalper I was obsessed with getting as close a row as possible. I did not do it to make money but just to make enough so brother and I can go for free. The closer the row the more money we had for beer. Back in college I saw a few bands rowone. Only row one at the Clash Concert was a major mistake as drugied out vomiting bandmembers are better at a distance. I even scored four front row seats to the 1985 final four and saw Nova beat Gtown.

    I am pissed at Giants cause they promised me a good row and then re-negged. I am pissed at Jets as they stuck me in UD EZ. Neither team is gettng a nickle from me until they cough up a front row.

    The Jets will not come anywhere near to selling out. You would have to be insane to buy seats in LL EZ rows 36 to 48 or the back sections of EZ mezz (224b ? 228b, 203b or 249b), also many corners have obstructed views and Mezz seats up against screen you are blocked. ALso the seats with crazy 400-500 ticket in coaches club ares nuts. Plus the sideline seats with 15k-30K Psls backrows are worthless.

    The Jets have proven, club corners, PSL free upper deck, Good seats in 4k and 5k and front 10 rows sideline they can sell. That still leaves a lot of toxic waste to sell. Plus many many many 2007-2009 season tickets are in upper deck and most of us are one and gone if we don't have better seats in 2011

    Unless you are buying a PSL seat in a location where it may appreciate or you can scalp in secondary you are buying nothing. The top 20% by location in each section is all that has value. Row one section 140 goes for same price as last row section 140. Only a complete idiot would pay 15K PSL to sit in last row of 140 when your are further back from field than the first 15 rows of the PSL free upper deck.
  7. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    That or a freaking fan you wants to watch the game!!

    Most Jet fans buy tickets to watch the game, not worry about secondary value.

    It's been the same all years past, the guy in row 1 pays the same in row 26 and we've been sold out for years. PSL's changed it up a bit but they will sell.

    Some people like sitting in the back, under cover or a better overall view. Each person has a different perspective.

    ELLSWORTH Member

    Mar 11, 2009
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    blah blah blah... sitting in row one might be a good resell, but any fan knows its not good
    for watching a football game live... your so smart and so smug...you come on the board and ask us whats the best seat location for a Giants psl?.. Just listen to what you just wrote..They promised you a good row,,who the heck are you, your not even a long time Giant season ticket holder... your a spoiled kid, who is taking his ball and going home..now stay there !!!
    #4128 ELLSWORTH, Nov 13, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2009
  9. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    No one in their right mind would want a seat in the back. They took it cause that is all they could get. That is why I am in the UD next year, I don't like it but I can't do nothing about it, either stay home or sit there.
    If you want to sit in last row, I still say buy row one, sell that for double face and buy your crappy seat back at face and go to games for free.

    I think a real Jet fan should not buy a PS parking I say lets stick it to the man. Peace love and all that. If no-one bought a PSL they would cancel them and go back to regular ticket sales.

    No one asked for a new stadium. I will keep my crappy seats just to get play-off rights and to go to big games. Rest of time I will dump them for like 80 bucks and move to better seats.

    Next you know they will sell Personal Parking Licenses.
  10. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    You have no right to be pissed at either organization, this is why these guys are mocking you. Before 2009, you never had either ball club's season tickets in your name, so they don't know you from Adam.

    The Giants never renegged because the Giants never promised you anything. You were tailgating on someone else's seniority/seat assignment and they didn't know you Shit From Shinola, nor should they even care who TF you are. And yes, you should have grabbed the two Giants seats in this other guy's name when you could have (if that's what you want to do... own two Giants tickets), although you still would not be the registered owner of record for those seats with them.

    As far as the Jets, you were lucky enough to purchase some Front Row Mezz seats at the last minute in the summer of 2009, which makes you personna non grata as far as Jets seniority goes. Last on the shit list, number 10, bottom of the totem pole, lower than whale shit, etc., etc., you get the idea.

    The Jets didn't "stick you in the UD EZ." You were lucky as hell to get those seats after having amassed a whopping 3 months of fucking seniority. I've got more seniority listening to 40 national anthems over the years. I've got more than 3 months seniority standing at the fucking urinal than you have in all the Jets games you've gone to so far as a season ticketholder.

    So, yeah, these guys are right. You bitch and moan like a little wus about how the Jets screwed you while there are other guys who were much further in line ahead of you, only to get squeezed out of great seats and settle for UD EZs.

    Now you're considering Giants tickets for "resale?" Why not post on here to let us know about the dog shows you're buying tickets for too. Maybe there's some money to be made buying and selling Row One seats to the upcoming Barrett-Jackson Auto Auction too, I mean, WTF. All of which has nothing to do with this thread and is of zero interest to other posters. Zero. Nada.. zilch... jack squat... zip... no importa... nothing.

    God Almighty... enough already.
  11. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    Section 227 thanks for reality check. Jets did screw me. But only cause they are not clear in how they allocate tickets.

    I was told at time of purchase when they reach 2009 it would be by date of purchase and how expensive your seat location.

    Instead it was by how close you are to 50 yard line and on the day you were called it was in alphabetical order. Someone I know who bought in August in last row 50 yard line with a name that starts with B got called first. That is BS

    Giants on other hand did not consider senority at all in seat assignment, it went soley by seat location. The opposite of Jets. However, Giants threw in date you actual purchase tickets into mix, don't know why that matters.

    I am trying to play by rules and Jets keep changing rules. I also don't like the crap Jets let people buy extra seats in upper deck and held back good upper deck seats if you bought PSLs. Also crap about UD no parking but now it does.

    In general I don't like the Jets and Giants have no clear policy on how seats are allocated and nieitherr show a seating chart as what is availalbe. Giants are outright liers claiming they are sold out on-line. Jets are just misleading. There are over 50,000 PSLs to sell yet on a few jets sites I see around 100 people who bought seats. Who knows what is left.

    I was on waiting list for 17 years for both teams. I have gone to Jets games for 30 years. The guy I sit next to was at 1969 super bowl. Had the seats since early 60's and they threw him into upper deck too, END ZONE. He was not around when his call came and by the time he called in October 2008 that is all they had left. Oldtimers don't have email. The other guy I sit near was a CBS cameraman and filmed Jets gams. Other guy got seats when Fox first broadcase NFL games, I also sit by a nice set of grandparerts. Every single one is losing their seats. Very sad. The grandparernts have five seats, the Jets want them to pay 100K for their seats. You seat up in Mezz, I sold those seats to a friend I sit down by section 131 Row One, Down there people are very very very mad they are losing their seats.

    I think they are rubbing off on me. I only have seats a few months, but man I feel their pain every game.
  12. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I have a feeling this is far from over. Some who have come on here recently have expressed an opinion that they can't wait until it's all over so they don't have to read this thread. I've got news for them. This is not going to be over for a very long time, so they should just stop prerusing this thread altogether.

    First off, it remains to be seen what the Jets will do when they fail to sell out and many, many PSL seats are still unspoken for. Will they go back a 3rd time, by seniority, and offer them to their tickethoders on a seniority basis again? What will they do to fill the seats? Who TF in their right mind is going to pay $400-$700 per game per seat? Nobody. So it ain't gonna be over.

    Secondly, the whole March, 2011 thing will be here before we know it. It has already started, in fact, with that clever ad we saw on ePay. There are already many guys with buyer's remorse and there'll be still many, many more who bought them with good intentions, and then are facing a divorce, or business problems, or financial problems, or their wife has twins, etc., etc. This will be happening well before the March 2011 date, so the exodus will begin even before they're allowed to sell... it already has.

    Thirdly, the Jets have been fortunate to be trying to do this at a very optimistic time... all the offseason purchases, the moves up in the draft for Greene and Sanchez, the expensive fleecing of the Browns and the Ravens... Woody pulling out all the stops to give the appearance that we're a team in extreme rebuild and possibly a SB contender. That was until the recent slide. If that slide continues and we're not who we thought we were, and we go into the end of the season at, say, 7-9 or 6-10, look out below. All these New York City people... mostly fickle fans to some degree, really (let's face it... fair weather fans in it for the excitement of the new stadium and all the glitter) who jumped on the Sanchez PSL 3-0 Bandwagon will be like that country song where the guy is leaving Mexico becasue he runs out of money and the "seniorita's no care-o when there's no dinero." LOL

    All these things might, MIGHT leave this PSL thing up in the air for many years to come. If it goes the other way and we're SB bound, that changes everything. But we've got a 1-32 chance of that and expectations are so high that I'm afraid nothing short of a SB victory soon will support even half the value of these overpriced PSLs and ticket prices. Look out below if we don't go to a SB very, very soon, because it's already priced into these tickets.
  13. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    I doubt there are many people who decided to spend 10-20K on PSL's because the Jets went 3-0 or because we drafted Sanchez. Based on how many people actually show up for the 8 regular season games with the crappy weather we have and holiday's and such, we have about 60K real fans. That's it, the rest are NFL/Giant fans, corprorate seats and who the hell knows. The Jets do not have enough real fans to sell out an 80K seat stadium with 60K PSL seats no matter what our record is. We are 2nd fiddle to the Giants and as you know, they have issues with the most expensive seats. I have no idea what the Jets are gonna do, but as things stand now, I can't see how the Jets are gonna sell out the new place on a weekly basis. For me, the only thing that would have gotten people to fill the place and made this a decent investment would have been a dome. That would have made it special, somethng new and different and allowed old, young and women to go regardless the weather. Now, its basically the same place with more room. Who cares about the places to eat or how wide the corridor is, its still an open air stadium with seats and a field and a place to piss so what's the selling point, the restaurants and food stands? This ain't baseball where people spend a 1/3 of their time waiting online to eat and drink. Its just a newer version of the current place. Big deal
    #4133 sec314, Nov 13, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2009
  14. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    its a shame what going to a game, baseball or football, has become.

    i still will never wish for a dome, i am still having serious problems with artificial turf....

    the game just wasnt meant to be played inside, then again it wasnt meant to be played in the northeast at night in the middle of december but we can thank money for that too.
  15. Hofstra Jet

    Hofstra Jet Active Member

    Aug 11, 2003
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    What a ridiculous statement. I used to sit in the lower level, and they were AWFUL seats, section 115. Row 1 in a football stadium is the worst seat in the house. Depth perception is all messed up, and the action is rarely in front of you. If you are bringing a girl to the game, she might like it, and think ur a baller or whatever, but every fan knows the seats are garbage. If they were so good, how were offerend them this year?

    Also, stop bashing people who bought a PSL, its a personal choice. Some had the money, and wanted to do it. You work for a reason, if you have a job that allows you to spend money on a PSL, than so be it. People want to enjoy the money they make. You should be happy you dont sit rowone next year. I now sit in the UD, and next year will be sittin in the MEZZ, and I am excited. If i was offered free tickets in the lowers, I would decline 100 percent. Please stop coming on the board talking this and that about PSL's, i think your opinion is not really well regarded, and better kept to yoursef at this point.
  16. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    hofstra you are right, people who bought PSLs should be happy. But most Jets or Giant fan I know did not buy a PSL because of monetary reason. I know five people who make over 500K a year who refused either on principal or a bad investment. I refused soley on an investement basis as I sell a lot of games each year.
  17. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    Best Seats in Giants Stadium


    Bill Squires knows exactly where the money seats are in Giants Stadium. Having managed the 80,242-seat facility. The Best Seat: ?Within Giants Stadium, the best seats are section 311, row 1, seats 12 to 15. This is the section?s first row, so there is no pedestrian obstruction, and the distance to the field is optimum. Likewise, in the section below, 211, the same set of seats is prime. Section 211 is on the mezzanine level, where there are only about 10,000 seats, so the lines at the restrooms and concession stands are not nearly as long as elsewhere.

    His Favorite ?Seat?: ?I like to go up to the press box?s roof, level 10. Not many people can go up there, and not many people know how to get there, but it?s a excellent place to observe the parking, traffic, and the overall stadium.?

    Now row 227 picked optimun seats. I actually have two near him two front row near 229 and they are great. However, we both were booted from seats due to club.

    However, interesting enough in the new Jet stadium the best seats in the house, Upper Deck prime 50 yard line are PSL free. The Giants are charging 5K psl for those same Jets PSL free seats.

    Dollars to Donuts Jets will PSL UD Prime and all of Upper Deck sideline in a few years. All that will be left PSL free are UD EZ and four corners of UD Sideline which are not really sideline and sold out last.

    The Jets never mentioned how we would upgrade seats in UD even though they were asked point blank as recently as last week. Those in UD Prime may just be on a break from the PSL monster. It makes no sense the four seats stradling the 50 yard line front row on the sunny side are PSL free. They are according to the Giants own head of stadium management the best four seats in the house!

    ELLSWORTH Member

    Mar 11, 2009
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    Keep in mind thats about the current Giant stadium , not the new place..

    The Seat Myth: “and he also said this Another misconception is to be as close to the field as possible. While it’s neat to see the players and the bench, being so close to the ground is not a decent vantage point to watch a game.”
  19. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    rojf you are making this thread annoying. this is many peoples favorite thread on the site and as was just mentioned your opinion is really not very highly regarded and probably should be kept to yourself at this point.
  20. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    i hear that i really just breeze through his posts.

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