I think I really did cry once after a Jets game. I think it was vs. Pittsburgh in 2004. So close and with the talent, I couldn't hold it in. Plus I was proud of the team overall, except Brien.
We didn't get home until 2:00AM last night....my son is still sleeping, but I was up at 6:30 this morning (woke up from a dream about the game), and couldn't fall back asleep thinking about how this team finds new and innovative ways to break your heart. They really are a tough team to root for.
Actually, I really feel sorry for you guys. It's got to suck for your team to get your hopes up every year only to be let down in a gut-wrenching fashion. Your baseball team chokes every year and your football team is even worse. But, hey aren't you getting your own stadium next year so you don't have to share one anymore? Oh wait, they screwed that up too....
The earliest football memory I have is from when I was 9 years old when I cried after the Jets lost The Mud Bowl (you younger fans, look it up). My kids are 6 and 4 years old now and I'm trying hard to get them to watch games without being so emotionally invested in them. It's tough though.
Sorry to hear about your son crying after the game. Tell him that it is OK, the team will get better and it just makes the wins taste that much sweeter. My son cried after a Pittsburg loss
crying I am sorry to hear they made your kids cry, I remember in 1986, with that diaster loss to the browns in the playoffs, I think I was about 10 years old at the time, I threw a a table at my TV and destroyed my parents TV when we lost that game. Don't allow this to get to them, it's not worth it. I'm a JETS, METS, KNICKS AND ISLANDERS FAN Nobody has had it worse then me, you can't choose a group of more lousy teams then I did. Luckily I've moved away from NY, live in Montreal, Canada now, so I don't have to hear about it as much. Let them focus on other things, honestly it's not worth it.
Those football memories stick with you forever. My first football memory was watching the Eagles lose to the Raiders on TV. I'm quite sure I cried. I was 8. My parents are both from outside Philly and this was a big deal. My next memory is the following year, I was 9, my first in person NFL game. Bengals, I lived in Cincinnati. The loss was at the hands of the Cleveland Browns. I just looked it up, and it was a close game. I'm not sure I cried because I don't think my father was a Bengals fan. But I certainly remeber the loss and I have hated the Browns to this day. Expect your son to despise the Bills forever. Also, I still have the signed poster I got at the game from Pat McInally (A freaking punter! but I loved it) Later that year the Bengals lost to the 49ers. I have ever since ALWAYS gotten super tense at the end of games, always assuming my team was going to blow it. I'm not sure that game was even close, but I somehow remeber Jo Montana and a last second bomb, but that might have been a different game. Bottom line, 9 years old is a VERY tough age to be a Jets fan. Almost 100% of you son's footbal knoledge at this point comes from this horrific game. I bet for the rest of his life, no matter how good his teams QB is he is going to assume he will throw 5+ interceptions.
I bet you felt really sorry for us when our defense kicked the shit out of Tom Brady. Pats fans don't get to gloat over the Jets without beating them, pussy boy.
I tried to persuade my stepson not to follow the Jets however I introduced him to football and he chose to don the Green and White after watching a couple of games. Last night he was stunned into silence by the penalites, the injuries, the picks and gulped very loudly when Jenks went down I offered him the out saying "it's only been a few seasons, find a team you like but if it's the Pats or the Fins it will take me a little time to get over it"and he says "Can't back out now I've just ordered a Washington jersey and grandpa Joe brought me up as a Partick Thistle (scottish soccer team) fan so the damage is already done" Made me smile and I can imagine many years of raised expectations, deflated hopes and soul searching to come. Mind you there will be good times in the sharing and let's hope what has brought us close will keep doing so through the future However we will make a deal. When he has a son or a daughter we will not buy any Jets gear for them and discorage them from watching games with us and let the future kid decide for themselves.
Me and my girlfriend got a new dog this past summer. I bought her a jets bandana, and she's been wearing it on sundays, watching the games with me. After that loss i took it off of her, and put it away. I'm not even letting my dog go through this heartbreak.
This thread is priceless, but no heartbreak will ever amount to that sad day vs Pittsburgh, man it took me a long fucking time to get over that one Well I guess everyone agreed with the OP on that topic haha, ah the pain it is to be a Jets fan, I swear if i'm alive when the Jets win a SB again, nothing will feel more gratifying in my life, yes even marriage
I'm pretty sure I cried during the Doug Brien game too. DBJ you should sue the Jets for hurting your kid.
The Doug Brien game was tough but deep down I knew that we were not getting by the Pats that year anyway. The Denver game was tough because that was such a special team and they really did get so close. The toughest Jets loss ever for me may have been the opening day game against the Pats in '99 when Vinny ruptured his achilles. Just to add insult to injury, the Pats kicked the game winning FG with seconds left. I was at that game and you could hear a pin drop when Vinny went down.