This loss was rediculous....I'll still support this team and have faith but deep down I know they're just gonna screw me over again and again
I'm just afraid that I'm going to have to get Cryogenically frozen, Like Walt F*!cking Disney, if I'm every to witness a super bowl with this team!
How could u even say that, I mean are you enjoying this shit? It's just enough is enough with this team
same, i said to my buddy after the game "i feel like such a fool for believing in love" no love here.
YOUR jet fanbase?!?! any real fan of any team would consider a game like todays unacceptable. newsflash, there was NOTHING positive out of this game. NOTHING. even with the great running effort, there is still NOTHING because it was squandered by shit play calling and terrible quarterback play. YOUR jet fanbase of sunshine and lollipops can lick my sac. here on earth we are seeing that this team has its head up its collective ass and with the injuries to jenkins and woody, might seriously be done.