He probably should have used more than just a hand to pick them out then. I find that eyes generally do a decent job. I hope that the 2nd one at least has the excuse of being too close to a giant magnifying glass. Otherwise, there's no explanation for her face melting off.
They put these 2 there to make the rest look better. The first one some beer goggles could cure. The second one would make you sober.
is anyone going to save this thread with some pics of the hot flight crew geez i went all 3 pages for nothing
You know the first one has got bad breath, I can almost smell it wafting through my screen. And number 2 looks like she went to the plastic surgeon and asked to look like Michael Jackson. And NO, neither one of them gets done...
Come on, you guys are being really mean and unfair! There are lots of reasons why this squad isn't getting the job done. To focus on just one person is just totally mean and jerky. What the heck do you know about anything anyway? Nothing!!! You're being totally stupid! She's trying really hard, and if you watch the tape from a distance, she looks okay, so just lay off and... Oh wait. Whoops! Sorry. Thought this was a Gholston thread.
is that second picture you posted real? seriously, it looks fake... Id hit the first one though shes probably got a slammin body