My count has us now having 6 QB's on our roster. Chad, Pat, Brooks, Cliff(NFLEL but still sporting the JETS logo) and 2 draftees. Although they say one will be converted. 2) I asked this once before but missed the response and, yes, it's not a football ? but what is with all the Batmanesque avatars?
Yes we do. Cimini expressed a thought awhile back that we would be able to get a 6th or 7th round pick foir him. But maybe they will try to do trade him when we get closer to trainer camp.
Brooks is as good as gone as we know Chad and Ramsey will be on the roster along w/ Clemens so there's no room for brooks. I would guess kliff might be a PS candidiate.
Did you see the #s on the dude they say we should plan to convert(QB)? 13,000+ total yds and 101 TDs. Is this right? 13,000 yds in, at most, 4 years of football. 101 TDs? Had to have been a misprint. I know info comes fast at the draft but those #s are sick. I have to look into this one.
Until the guy is medically cleared to play and can actually compete the idea that people think he might start next year is absurd.
He is a tough guy and as competitive as you can get. I would not put anything past him. But having him sit for the year on IR or as a back up would not be a bad thing. Chad is a player that I feel struggles when he tries to do to much. His mental recovery bothers me more than his physical recovery. I would much rather see him take his time coming back than be rushed in when he is not mentally prepared to play.
You know? All this QB talk makes me puke a bit. Everyone who has faith in Chad- I hope you are so right. We had chances to get a GUY.....Regie, Vince, Matt(if you like him), Jay(see Matt). We chose Brick. Cool. Great. Wonderful. Next year, if Chad can't make it, we have this.......Patrick, what ever washed FA that may fall to us and Brady Quinn. I know that this year has yet to start but we are TRYING to build a foundation. I get the whole building from the ground up stuff but we may have passed on greatness for goodness sake.
Vince was taken before we picked, Leinart doesn't have an NFL arm for anything more than a WCO and we would have had to give up D'Brick or Mangold to get Cutler. They like Clemens and he is likely to be every bit as good as Leinart or Cutler. Young who knows but we would have to have given up both D'Brick and Mangold to get him. You are assuming that Clemens won't be as great as Leinart or Cutler and right now I don't believe that.
If Chad sits a year, he is gone. If he doesn't come back ready to compete at least by the beginning of October, one of the other guys is going to take the job for good, if not sooner. Smith had 8000+ passing yards, and 4000+ other yards. It was division I-A, but those are nice numbers. He isn't going to be a QB here. He was tried out as a WR before the draft, so I guess the CS was comfortable he could transition well. Klingsbury probably won't be back. That leaves Chad, Patrick, Kellen and Brooks. Mangini said that the Pats carries 4 QBs when Brady was starting out, and he didn't see why it wouldn't work for the Jets. I can't answer the Batman question.
I hope, really hope, all nay sayers are right. I do. But Vince, Matt, Jay and Regie? We passed on them all. I know Young was gone when we picked but he was there before the Titans did. We tried for Regie. We could have tried for Vince. Or had Matt or Jay. My ass is tired of being bitten but the last 26 years have taught me that I am a glutten for punishment. Go JETS!
he'll be at least number 2. the guy to hit the highway will be ol noodle arm. just like belli let drew go, mangini will not keep pennyboy around just to waive a towel.hmy:
They would have cut him, taken the cap hit and moved on if they didn't think he could play. He was able to start the year last year and his rehab started months later so he has a few extra months to get ready and they'll bring him along slowly but he'll be able to play at some point this year at the worst which would mean no IR and Brooks is gone.