17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. backtoshea

    backtoshea New Member

    Jun 3, 2009
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    Well said. I'd be shocked to see the mezzanine sidelines even half full in 2010. I cannot believe the organization now wants $400 + per seat to sit anywhere on the mezz sideline. That area will only be half full, maybe. And that will be disappointing to the rest of the fans who are used to a full crowd. Cursed.
  2. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    The problem for them also is that there is no price break in the upper rows. In other words, the last row in those sections is the same price as the 1st Row. I think these stadiums make a huge mistake in their pricing on that.

    I'm sure somebody will pay $400 per seat in the Mezz for the first, say, 5 rows. After that, who wants to pay the same $400 for the last row? These PSLs are going to be a progressively harder sell the more the rows start to fill up. They should be pricing the front rows in all sections twice as high as the back rows.
  3. longsufferingjetsfan

    May 18, 2009
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    I agree with your "whatever the traffic will bear", just another way of quoting the laws of supply and demand. When football stadiums have been sold out with watiing lists of 25,000 - 140,000, and baseball teams sell out to yearly crowds of 3 -4 million then they get the idea that they can build new stadiums, raise ticket prices and sell psl. However when the demand drops and the supply increases a good businessman, and no matter what anybody thinks of Woody they would have to concede that he is a good businessman, will drop prices. That's what the Yankees have done and that is what I predict the Jets will do when they can't sell out the stadium at existing prices. I predict they will drop ticket prices before 2010 (as they can always be raised again later) and possibly drop PSL prices. This will all be done under the guise of helping our fans in this poor economy. Then season ticket holders will be given the option to upgrade their seats before once again going out to the general public. There will be no further ticket prices until the Stadium is sold out and the demand once again exceeds the supply. I also think that Upper Deck seat prices are very likely to increase steadily. They will be sold out, and they can be viewed as a a great buy allowing the fan to avoid the cost of a psl. Probably unnecessary to add but I am generally an optimist (why else would I endure Jets football for this my 44th year).
  4. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Terps, I was a bit harsh on you last night and I apologize. It's just that the lack of concern for price hikes in the less expensive PSL zones has been frustrating for me. I'm only speaking from past experience based on what Woody did to all of us in the Mezz for the past 8 years. Good luck with your Mezz End Zones and I hope you love your new seats.

    I'm my own worst enemy with this too... telling people what I think they should expect in the way of price hikes. In effect, I'm out here trying to convince people that they should opt for the Uppers if they can still get them instead of encouraging them to do the EZ Mezz thing. I'm screwing myself with these posts, because for every guy I convince, it's one more set of seats that gets filled up in the Uppers before my due date call this Tuesday.

    I should probably keep my mouth shut because it'll only cost me positioning, but in the interest of being honest and contributing to this board which has helped me a great deal, I just can't be sitting here reading posts that are basically trusting of Woody. I can't do it. So I've been posting the warnings anyway and probably costing me several rows in the process.

    Maybe I should just cool it and let people think what they want and speculate what they want about possible future price hikes in different sections. After all, maybe they are right and I am wrong. Just because Woody fucked the Mezz Section over quite determinedly for the past 8 years is no indication he'll do it again.
  5. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I agree with most of this but I'm not sure how the Jets can turn around and lower either the PSL or ticket prices (or both) without raising Holy Hell with their fan base. We're talking complete Bedlam.

    First off, anyone who paid the higher prices will expect a discount to match the lower numbers or they'll demand a refund. There will also be those that will say, "Well now, wait a minute. I would have opted for those Mezz EZ seats if I knew the PSL was only going to be $2500 instead of $4,000. I've been screwed and now I can't get out of the Uppers! You need to move me into those lower seats in the Mezz or I'll sue your ass off!"

    It's a real dilemma for the Jets now. They'll lose lots of money by lowering the PSLs/Ticket Prices... probably more money than it's worth to do it, meaning, they'd probably opt for leaving the prices as is and having seats unsold. That dosen't mean the stadium will not be sold out and a danger of a Blackout, because the ticket office can just sell the unspoken-for PSL tickets to the general public at a discount for, as you say, "In the interest of helping out our Jets fans." (Yeah... right).

    But whatever... this is all speculation. I think the Jets have a real problem here. They agreed to go along with this with the Giants, but don't have the clout that the Giants have (longer waitlist, SB Champs, more fan base in Jersey, etc.) This is why Woody decided to have no PSLs in the shitty Upper Deck Wasteland. He knew he could fill that up in a heartbeat. It's his cockamamie outrageous pricing in the Mezz and Lowers that's gonna cause him beaucoup problems. The Giants will get it done and the Jets will look like assholes once again because the pricing was set far too aggressively for them, IMO.
    #1645 Section 227. Row 5, Jun 10, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2009
  6. MarkinNY

    MarkinNY New Member

    Feb 17, 2009
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    Getting back to the topic at hand :up: I selected my seats at 9:00 this morning. We are early 84 seniority. I chose 2 in the upper deck, my rep said someone had just switched seats, so i was able to get Section 341 row 12. I asked for the best Uppers available and when he told me that I grabbed them, so I don't know what else is still there but they still have them.

    I also got lowers on the Jets side. Sections 111 and 115 (lower sideline) have seats from rows 26 (of 37). Sections 110 and 116 still have seats 4 together as low as the 5th row. The selection on the visiting side is even better.

    He said that reserved parking will be assigned after the seats are sold. They will give you parking nearest your seats. He said its 1 parking spot for 3 PSL's, but then when I said I would split my 4 PSL's w/ my brother he said I could still get 2 spots. He also said that anyone that wanted a reserved spot could get one, it just might be a bit further away from the stadium, and that there would be plenty of parking for everyone.

    Exits in lower level are 3/4 of the way up the aisle.
  7. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Thanks very much, Mark. Really appreciate the input and update. You are early '84 and I am early '85 and I'm supposedly up this Tuesday.

    Was the date of your call today what they told you it would be? Just curious to see if they are exactly on schedule or not.
  8. MarkinNY

    MarkinNY New Member

    Feb 17, 2009
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    I received my date 2 weeks ago (I called them). I never received a confirmation e-mail, so I called my rep yesterday to confirm. He confirmed for today and even agreed on a specific time. He called at 9 on the dot as scheduled.
  9. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Thanks a lot. I will call next Monday, as you did, and hopefully set it up this way also. I'm going to need 4, as that's what I have now.

    Maybe I can still be a season ticketholder after all.
  10. terps56

    terps56 New Member

    May 8, 2009
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    The traffic will bear only so much in the mezz as well (although it will take more time than the free Uppers). First, I believe prices will be in line with what giants psl owners pay. Second, if it gets out of control and no one can afford them, owners will walk away, wont be able to resell PSL, seats will be empty and the jets will have to start lawsuits in order to get balance of PSL payments. I just dont think Jets are going to go down that road. At least I'm willing to risk that that wont happen. And even if it does happen, its not happenning in the next few years. IIf it happens, it would probably be slowly over the next 10 yrs. And quite honestly, I dont have the capacity to think or worry that far in advance, and would have only 5 yrs left of PSL payments anyway. In the meantime, I still believe mezz is great value. I'm gonna take it one year at a time, and will enjoy going to the games with my kids, cut back on my Mets and Rangers games, and not over analyze the 15-yr or 30-yr fiscal impact of this PSL crap
  11. terps56

    terps56 New Member

    May 8, 2009
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    you weren't too harsh. I understand where you're coming from and I know I am taking a risk with mezz seats. I just think its a smaller risk than you do and worth it for my personal circumstances. But who the hell really knows. Time will tell and I'm not worrying about it now.

    Good luck Tues. And definitely keep calling Monday (if you dont get through send him an email), tell him exactly what you're looking for and set up a 9am call. Thats what I did.
  12. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Sounds like a plan. Thanks Terps.
  13. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    At this point, I'm resigned to the fact that my seats will not be as good as my current seats are. In fact, my Uppers may wind up being not very good at all. But I'm looking on the positive side:

    1) My grandkids will never know the difference. They've never sat in my current seats anyway because they are infants, and the only stadium they'll ever know is the new one. It'll still be a lot of fun for them. For us, it's never been about how great the seats are, it's always been about the family fun of being there, wearing the colors, tailgating, and (hopefully) seeing a Jets win.

    2) I'll take the money I would have given the Jets and put it away for 18 years in a college fund for them. If they ever wonder why we don't have better seats at the stadium, I'll explain to them that I'd rather have them have a college education than a better seat in the stadium a couple of times a year. I'll also save extra money by not having access to the "clubs" with all that expensive food and liquor. We tailgate, we're not into all that fancy bullshit. Don't need it, don't want it at a football game.

    3) I'm looking forward to the crowd up there. There will be tons of old-timers like myself, probably with their grandkids too. I'm with 314... I think the Uppers are gonna rock (I know sounds funny coming from an "old-timer" with grandkids, right? LOL). But seriously, these guys will all be better seat transfers like myself who refused to give Woody one dime more than they had to. We'll all have that in common... sort of a badge of honor, if you will. I'm really looking forward to that crowd up there.

    4) As outcsts, all the Upper people will be forced into the "commoner" parking lots. That suits me fine, because that's where the real partying will be, IMO. These guys will all be the old die-hards like myself and believe me, they will find a way to Tailgate even if Tailgaiting is not permitted. What are they going to do, demand that you park your car and leave it immediately? "Hey, I'm thirsty... I just want to have a sandwich and then I'll leave, okay?" so, maybe my grandkids will get to experience a little of the tailgating fun that I enjoyed with my kids all these years. Again, they won't know the difference. And because this parking area is removed from the "reserved" parking areas, maybe they won't give too much of a damn what we do out there. Who wants to be in the reserved area anyway? It'll be loaded with spoiled yuppies who don't tailgate and who instead can't wait to get out of their car and go inside and get into the "experience" of this fucking lavish monstrosity of an excuse for a "football stadium."

  14. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Two things, the Parcells year, 1998 was as good as any year at shea and great job marrying someone 20 years younger Woody. Other then that, he's a douche bag
  15. greenbeanz

    greenbeanz Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2007
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    yeah cant hate woody for baggin a trophy wife. dont act like you wouldnt do it too. other than that fuck him and his gay golf cart ride around the parking lot on opening day to "show that he cares". such bs.
  16. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    They will not reduce ticket prices or PSL's before 2010, no way. What about fans that made their decision based on the current prices? The economy is effecting the club seats, the ones that went on auction. These $400 per seats would not sell 5 years ago because joe jet fan can't afford them then or now. I say 10% of the season ticket holders were that rich to begin with. This is about fleecing your white collar, $150,000 a year living in Bergen County with 2.5 kids, $250,000 mortgage and kids going to college fan who could not pay $7,500 PSL and $400 a ticket before his 401k lost 65% , never mind that 60K blue collar fan. The economy is an excuse for not selling out.
    #1656 sec314, Jun 10, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2009
  17. KSJets

    KSJets New Member

    Sep 5, 2003
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    I just got an email yesterday indicating that "after years of waiting, you can now purchase your own Jets' 2009 season tickets" so I'm now off of the waiting list. Again, just like last year...lol.

    I'm going to call them up and defer again because I already bought a ticket from someone my friend knows, and I don't have the spare cash right now to buy some more tickets for 2009. The sections I could have gotten didn't interest me anyway, and for only a year, is it even worth it?

    Still not sure what I'm going to do for 2010 yet.
  18. Cornfed

    Cornfed Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Awesome. As we've discussed here a bit, you and I are in the same boat. I need to make sure I keep checking my Jets folder so I don't miss the email.

    I was wondering if we could defer again for 2009. I was able to move to the 4th row of the Uppers on an aisle this season via my friend's tickets, and I assume what the Jets will offer me in my name for 2009 won't be nearly that close. So I snagged those already.

    If buying in 2009 has no affect on 2010 options, then I'll also defer. If buying then selling them gives me some kind of advantage, I guess I'll do that. But I'd rather not.
  19. Cornfed

    Cornfed Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    One other note - I can say with extreme confidence that a person making $150k/year, even without kids or a mortgage, would be INSANE to commit to $400/game tickets. The income range where something like that might be reasonable is much higher than $150k/year.
  20. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    you can only defer once

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