I would want Bart Scott because he is young and would help in the long run. But ray lewis would fire up this defense but it would be for short term and i think he would help Gholston into getting in to the frame of mind of being nasty and ruthless. But that all depends on Gholstons attitude. This to me is Gholstons make or break year to see if there is actually nfl talent in him
Is this being found "innocent" ??? "Baltimore Ravens linebacker Ray Lewis recently pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor under an agreement that drops murder charges in the stabbing deaths of two men outside a Super Bowl party in Atlanta." I clipped that from a newspaper story from 2000. Look it up online.
Not only that but when I listen to him talk, he doesnt really strike me as the kind of guy to be involved in a murder plot. Now if he walked around with his grill in, gangster lean, and acting like a ghetto punk like 3/4 of the NBA, then maybe I would feel differently.
I guess we can just use monopoly money to pay either one of them with. We need to cut somewhere between 7 and 16 million just to get even. Then we need to cut probably 5 more to pay the draft picks. Who do you propose we cut to pay Lewis or Scott after that?
If there is a possibility of bringing Lewis or Scott to the Jets I need to lean with Scott Lewis - undoubtedly a great player, motivator and leader who we would hope would fire this defense. However he is a long term Raven and in that way other than talent and knowledge he has earnt his leadership there. Coming to a new team who knows? Locker room chemistry and what not. Didn't really work out with another player did it? Also as has been mentioned he is up in years and will be a stop gap. I hear some people say we're built to win right now and just need a piece or two. I view this as short term thinking and wonder about the cap hell this could place us in for the future Scott is younger, will cost less. If he makes his home here his talent, knoweledge and commitment could see him grow to be the d leader the Jets so desperately need. If it transpires as I would hope the Jets then have our Lewis for the future
I mean come people, Last year we said we had on the right players and the MOONS were all in line and we had Brett Farve and we were going to the playoffs. Then when thing went wrong the first thing that people said was there is NO LEADERSHIP on the defense, Along with what the hell is wrong with BRETT. BUT LEADERSHIP something no on has steped up to fill those shoes on this team. For how old he is Ray Lewis will bring that leadership this team and defense has sorely missed for a long time.
Give me Bart Scott. The guy is younger and while he may not be as good as Ray Lewis the guy is no slouch. I dont see the Jets being able to sign Lewis unless Favre retires. If he does I still would rather get Scott. He will cost less money then Ray. I understand the argument for Lewis though.
Lewis. Great leadership guy who'll light a fire under all the players (i.e. Gholston). His presence on D instantly makes us one of the top 5 Defenses in the league next year. Has 1 or 2 REALLY good years left in the tank.
Right, I saw this after looking it up while reading this thread. So they dropped the murder charges. Do you think they would have done that if they thought he was guilty?
just saw on the espn bottom line thing that ravens coach jim harbaugh said the ravens want to keep ray lewis and will pay him... i cant show a link or anything i just saw it on tv but maybe that means they will look into letting bart scott go. or maybe it means nothing.. who knows
^ I love it when people quote that and don't read the rest of the thread. I'm going to edit the comment now.