Why not Vince?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Richiebsweet, Apr 19, 2006.

  1. kinghenry89

    kinghenry89 New Member

    Jan 17, 2005
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    Keep in mind, Chad Pennington took snaps out of the shotgun all through college and he struggled with it last season before he got injured.

    I go back and forth on Young. I would not necessarily be upset if we picked him, but I wouldn't advocate it either. Here are some things to keep in mind about VY:

    1) His bad Wonderlic score should not worry anybody. Jon Vilma got a 21 on that test; not exactly relective of his cerebral play. Donovan McNabb scored a 12. The fact of the matter is that Young developed an excellent on field IQ at Texas, and has never been in trouble with the law or anything like that. That's all that matters.

    2) Young's throwing motion is a concern, but shouldn't hurt him that much in the long run. Young throws somewhat sidearm, but then again he happens to be 6'5". Not many of his passes are going to be batted down, especially because he doesn't tend to hang in the pocket for too long.

    3) He is not Michael Vick. Vick is a terrible decision maker and might have the least accurate arm of any starting QB in the NFL. Vick is a glorified runningback who also eliminates his team's passing game. Young is not any of those things.

    That being said he is a high risk guy. Then again, in the draft who isn't?
  2. k.Rhodes25

    k.Rhodes25 New Member

    Apr 18, 2006
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    heres sumthin to ponder about young. If vince young and reggie mcneal were to have ended up on eachothers teams(mcneal-texas,young-texas a&m), who would we be tlking bout right now reggie mcneal or vince young.

    i believe they are the same player but one got lucky and ended up on the better team
  3. JCnflies

    JCnflies New Member

    Mar 24, 2006
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    It's a risk reward thing. No matter what anyone says, nobody knows for sure what Young will be. Hehas certain ablities that are frightentingly good. But he has certain deficincies that suggest he could be a major bust: lack of experience in the pro style offense, not a protypical pocket passer, concerns about his ability to read defenses and, some say, an awkward release. There is a chance he will turn out to be a star, but also a very real he chance he could be a complete flop. The Jets can not afford to blow this pick, so you can bet they will look for more of a surehting than Young wit hte #4 pick. If the Jets had the #15 pick and Young was around, they would be much more likely to take achance.
  4. Big Derty

    Big Derty Active Member

    Dec 1, 2003
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    On what basis? Mcnabb was a scrambler who relied too much on his legs in college. I dont understand why people dont think that there is a chance he develops into an absolute monster. People on here are writing him off as if he is already washed up in the pro game. He has not produced or busted in the NFL yet. All that Young is, is an amazing college quarterback whjo has amazing potential to be a dominate player in the pro game, he is a proven winner and can lead a team. What is not to like, because some exoerts say his game does not translate well? They have said that about others and been worng and they have said that about some and been right. All I know is that he gets the job done on the field, he may have less of an athletic edge of NFL players but he will still have an edge, and hopefully that edge is just enough to let him figure out the pro game until he function as a pocket passer and only runs when he needs to.
  5. NYJ1012

    NYJ1012 Banned

    Sep 14, 2005
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    i honestly love what vince brings to the table, i watched him all of last season, and it wasnt just in the rose bowl that he did things like he did. hes an AMAZING talent, and after that game, i said to myself, i hope this hype dies down by draft day, and hes able to fall to #4. now, not only will he most likely fall to 4, but now we're going to pass on him? i totally understand the jets taking ferguson, and i think they should. ferguson is a value pick for the jets at #4, its just i would love to see the jets have a guy like vince young, if they were to get him, they wouldnt just be the "jets" nemore.
  6. GeorgeCoztanza

    GeorgeCoztanza New Member

    Apr 29, 2005
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    Agreed. There's a difference between football IQ and regular IQ. Manny Ramirez is a good example of this from another sport. In terms of pure intellect, Ramirez obviously isn't a very bright guy. However, in the batters' box, few hitters are more astute. He is able to pick up and adjust to the slightest tendency a pitcher makes that the majority of Major Leaguers would never see. The point is that there's a difference between on field and off field acumen. Vince Young might not be able to do long division, but between the lines, he won't have to.
  7. akibud

    akibud Active Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Here are my 2 cents.... I would love to have the Jets draft Young. However, right now I am very convinced that they won't. As big a football fan as I am.. ( okay, maybe I am a medium weight ) I only own 3 NFL replica jerseys ( only 1 Jets.. #10 ). I can't wait for Vince Young to get drafted so that I can add my 4th.. I have already made my peace with the fact that I will be adding a new franchise to my football loyalties... I am even thinking DirectTV NFL sunday ticket to see Vince Young... As someone already stated... its like Michael Jordan all over again.. I was on board with MJ early and I am not gonna miss Vince Young..
  8. Jets1028

    Jets1028 New Member

    Apr 13, 2006
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    Any Smell another Browning Nagle when Young's name comes up around the NFL?

    ALL ARM BUT NO BRAIN...and lets face it you wont see him running much in the NFL with his 4.5 40..
  9. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    Have you seen him play? He makes great decisions on the field.
  10. Jets1028

    Jets1028 New Member

    Apr 13, 2006
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    To be honest with you i thought after the ROSE BOWL that he would be the #1 guy coming out in the Draft. It was Hype....

    Looking at him in the Combine his stock plummited, he will not adapt in the NFL and if he does i see another Banks...

    IF he's lucky he'll be equivilent to Aaron Brooks, I could be wrong but i dont see him doing well in the NFL.
  11. MyFavoriteMartin28

    MyFavoriteMartin28 New Member

    Apr 19, 2006
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    Why Not Vince

    The question here should be why vince. I mean i love the guy, i have watched him play a number of times and the guy is incredible. But, obviously the NFL is alot different from the world he is used to. In college ball you have big lineman looking to take your head off don't get me wrong. But in the NFL you have 400 pound freight trains running at you looking for their next meal.Theres only a few hits Vince can take although he is a big guy. Also the Jets have Qb's on this team. We have one shouldered Pennington, and we just signed ramsey. Drafting Young, would not be a waste but would not be the greatest option in this situation.
  12. Jets1028

    Jets1028 New Member

    Apr 13, 2006
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    Ryan Leif made great decisions in college..
  13. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    I guess that means Vince Young is going to be just like Ryan Leaf then. Great analogy.
  14. Jets1028

    Jets1028 New Member

    Apr 13, 2006
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    Its just an example, Never said he was going tyo turn out like Leif, I'm just saying the step up from College to the NFL is a huge step in which half the guys who go in to the draft dont even make it, look at some of the guys in the 1st round who came into the NFL past draft years, you can point out atleast Half of the Players coming out of the Draft that did nothing in the NFL, Face it one of these 3 QB's will not be around in 5 years....My Bet is Young...
  15. Jets1028

    Jets1028 New Member

    Apr 13, 2006
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    ^ ^ ^ ^

    the 3 QB's are


    Incase your wondering..
    #35 Jets1028, Apr 20, 2006
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2006
  16. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    Every player in the draft has the potential to be a bust. Many also have the potential of being great.

    Vince Young is not the next Aaron Brooks, Tony Banks, Ryan Leaf, Donavan McNabb, Steve Young, or Randall Cunningham. Vince Young is Vince Young and he has a ton of potential to be great in the NFL. Whether he becomes great, mediocre, or a bust though, he will be thought of as Vince Young and not the next [firstName][lastName]. Sorry about that rant, I'm sick of all the "he's the next xyz" posts.

    So he didn't do well on the wonderlic, neither have a ton of great NFL players. People will always look for reasons why not to draft a phenomenal college athlete. We can all debate on and on about whether or not VY will be a good NFL QB - obviously nobody really knows the answer to that. What you cannot deny is his phenomal athletic ability and insatiable desire to win.
  17. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    He may end up being the first QB drafted, how do you know his stock plummeted? We will find out on draft day which players stock plummeted.
  18. Jets1028

    Jets1028 New Member

    Apr 13, 2006
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    I'd be sold on Young even if he scored Lower in the Wonderlic, the things that got me were his 40 time, and his throwing power, and his throwing accuracy, he has a rocket but so does cutler, Im just not impressed with his overall results in the Combine, but maybe he could be a surprise you never know...
  19. akibud

    akibud Active Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    It just occurred to me to raise this question. How many of us played college football... or NFL football ????? most of us on here write like we are experts and world famous authorities... step away from the keyboards... and get a grip.. YOU ALL DON'T KNOW JACK SH#% ...... PERIOD.... ( this includes me of course)

  20. Jets1028

    Jets1028 New Member

    Apr 13, 2006
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    His Combine results, if you take Young over Leinart Good Riddence,

    Say Leinart, Culter and Young were available at #4 who would you want for your team, your going to ask yourself Which QB looked the BEst in the Combine and i bet you woud want Leinart...

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