Proof Favre Threw Mangini Under the Bus

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Long Time Jet Fan, Dec 30, 2008.

  1. Firemangini Ed

    Firemangini Ed New Member

    Sep 26, 2008
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    Don't blame anything on Favre, stupid Mangini could have benched him but didn't have the balls. The truth is that Mangini really doesn't belong in the NFL and thats the real reason he acts like a groupie when he's around the big names. He was like a fan that won a contest to be coach for a day. Anyway, Penny got benched last year, why couldn't Manboobs bench Favre? Because he had no balls, thats why. Favre was comfortable playing for Manboobs, real comfortable.
  2. Bosko

    Bosko Guest

    This is a great point that I never see anyone else point out. I kept waiting for Mangini to bench Favre, especially in that last game... I ws waiting for Mangini to bench Pennington ealrier than he did last season! He was the worst Jets coach I have ever seen.
  3. Jaded Green

    Jaded Green New Member

    Oct 3, 2007
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    Maybe he could not bench either of them, maybe he was told he had to keep them in.

    I would not be shocked if that was the case.
  4. pete cofran

    pete cofran New Member

    Dec 28, 2008
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    so who was Mangini supposed to replace Favre with? Can you even name the 2nd and 3rd string QBs?
  5. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    i completely agree with this, the thing that got me was the whole injury thing. i am fairly confident its going to come out that favre had some pretty serious issues with that shoulder and you cant expect brett favre to say hey i need to go get this checked. he is the "iron man" and will take that with him no matter what. remember this is a guy who got addicted to painkillers so he could play every week... it was up to the jets coaching staff to make sure they had a productive qb out there every week. they did not do that, they bowed to favre and i am willing to bet it cost them.

    jaded you need to take a break for a few days, this whole thing has you talking conspiracy theories. i hope you regain your composure. :)
  6. Jaded Green

    Jaded Green New Member

    Oct 3, 2007
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    It happens, would not surprise me one bit if they knew he was hurt and let him play because he wanted to either.
  7. FUpaladinstyle

    FUpaladinstyle New Member

    Nov 13, 2008
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  8. Bosko

    Bosko Guest

    What, are you insane or something?

    Kellen Clemens, Brett Ratliff. And I am sure that 99% of all posters could answer this question. You are probably the only idiot out there who can't answer this question.
  9. Jaded Green

    Jaded Green New Member

    Oct 3, 2007
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    HE DID!!!!
  10. Jaded Green

    Jaded Green New Member

    Oct 3, 2007
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    And they probably would have done better, it's awfully hard to throw 9 picks and 2 TD's in 5 weeks!!!
  11. Firemangini Ed

    Firemangini Ed New Member

    Sep 26, 2008
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    Your new here, otherwise you'd know that I'm always singing Ratliff's praises, keep telling people he's a great athlete who played WR on the scout team last year and so on. And I also tell people our 4th stringer Ainge is a lot better than he's given credit for by Jets fans. Tenn stopped being an elite team in Ainge's sophomore year, so most casual fans don't know that Ainge performed much better in his last two years. Anyway, don't be the new guy who goes around making accusations based on guesswork.
  12. Machjet

    Machjet New Member

    Nov 12, 2008
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    Did anyone really expect Tanny and Woody to sit there and say they dont want Favre back or throw Favre under the bus in front of media?

    It is all smoke and screens! It's PR!

    Take these things with a grain of salt!
  13. pete cofran

    pete cofran New Member

    Dec 28, 2008
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    I apologize if I offended you. I'm new here but post count doesn't make a weak argument strong. I figured most should know the roster but really what I was trying to say is the guys are so green that no one but a jets fan would know them. I still stand by what I said. Neither of these QB were ready to jump in and lead the team to a win. You may debate that they have potential but not half way through the season. Ainge is IR so he wasn't an option. I know your a Jets fan but can you really truthfully say going with a rookie with no experience in the middle of the season was a better choice then a hall of fame QB who you cast your lot in when you traded for him? It was an all or nothing gamble when they got Farve. The management and staff (including Mangini) knew that they were going to live or die with him. Is that so hard to understand?

    Answer me this:
    1. How many regular season games has Ratliff played?
    2. What % of the reps were they getting in practice?
    3. Do you think Woody wanted Mangini bench Favre in favor of Ratliff and doing so would have altered the out come of the season?

    #33 pete cofran, Dec 30, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2008
  14. PA Jetsfan

    PA Jetsfan New Member

    Sep 7, 2008
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    Six responses to this thread:

    1. I think Woody has been thinking Cower for more than a month. Remember the rumor mill had Cower coming to the Jets after the 49er loss. When Woody stated that the decision had been made over time it seemed to point to the fact that he and Tani have a plan. I personally believe he is confident Cower will sign. Cower will bring emotion back to NY, but he will need good coordinators. He is not a purely X and O's guy like Mangini (who probably over thought himself out of a job).

    2. Remember that many of the Jet coaches hung around when Mangini was hired. In my opinion, allowing Sutton to learn the 3-4 rather than bringing in another guy was the slow slow bleed that led to Mangini's death with the Jets. Guys will work hard and keep their mouths shut if you are winning (they all loved him after beating NE and Tenn). It should also be noted that many of Cower's guys are in comfortable coaching positions (Az. Head Coach and Assist Head Coach (Grimm) or working for a great Steeler organization. He'll have some work to do if named the Jets HC.

    3. While I would go out and get a FA with some experience to compete for the job if Favre goes (which I think he will do), I think the Jet's have a legitimate QB in Ratliff. The CS seemed to be high on him before backing off to, in my opinion, protect Clemen's trade value.

    4. At least three times this season I watched Favre take hits while throwing that I thought had surely destroyed his shoulder. I personally think he's hurt.

    5. We need to fix a lot of problem areas that Mangini and his Coordinators overcame for the first eleven games of the season. Our wide receivers can't get separation, the O-line allowed 30 sacks, we do not have a pounding back (the running game came when the D was afraid of mid and long balls - which changed with Denver), we need a corner, mysteriously every TE in the league looked liked Antonio Gates when they played against us, and I am sure Jenkin's hip was a bigger issue than anyone let on. This season was not the result of bad coaching. The coaching was just a part of the whole.

    6. Please don't act like Woody decided to fire Mangini because Favre wanted him to. Woody fired Mangini - because you and I wanted him to. Face it, five weeks ago we allowed ourselves to believe that the Jets were not only going to win the Superbowl, but beat the f@#^&&* Giants. I personally would have given my left nut to see that happen. Woody has to stop the bleeding (his, your's and mine). He has to restore our hope - the same hope that grows at my core each off season - you know, the one that makes us come back each season even though our head tells us it's gonna hurt. But I would rather hope - than be a Giants fan. Go Jets!
  15. Jaded Green

    Jaded Green New Member

    Oct 3, 2007
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    Are you kidding me?

    There is no doubt in my mind Woody wants him back.

    Come on!!!
  16. Bosko

    Bosko Guest

    WTF? Have you just started watching the NFL a few days ago???

    1. How many games did Dan Marino play before his rookie season?
    2. How many games did Joe Flacco play before his rookie season?
    3. How many games did Matt Ryan play before his rookie season?
    4. How many games did Ben Roethlisberger play before his rookie season?

    Yes, the trends were against rookie QBS in the past, but things have changed in recent years... If a rookie QB has a veteran team behind him, he can succeed.
  17. German Jets Fan

    German Jets Fan 2007 Rookie of the Year Award Winner

    Mar 8, 2007
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    Great post.
  18. Long Time Jet Fan

    Long Time Jet Fan New Member

    Sep 18, 2003
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    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Bench Favre and play who? They released the only guy that could have given them a chance this year (because we all know there's no way they give Ratliff a shot).
  19. Bosko

    Bosko Guest

    Um... Maybe Clemens? You know... The guy who had a better record than your hero Chad when the Jets totally sucked in 2007?

    Yeah, keep rolling on the floor, laughing boy. But if Kellen Clemens is not the answer, then our team is in a lot more trouble than you or anyone else wants to admit to... That might mean that Mr. T is next on the chopping block... It's bad enough that we spent all this time on a coach who insisted on a 3-4 defense when he had 4-3 talent. Now? Who the heck knows what this team is going to look like.
  20. Jaded Green

    Jaded Green New Member

    Oct 3, 2007
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    I have my doubts about Kellen, but I agree with most of this.

    If we go back to a 4-3 now it's going to be very frustrating, but it may work out better for guys like Gholston, Jenkins and Pace.

    I would just hate that we let Vilma go for nothing, he played very well this year and I would hope they got him back if the went to the 4-3 again.

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