it's a tough situation...certainly not just the coaches fault. something had to be done though. it'll be interesting to see the fruits of the next facelift/rebuilding i guess. this is what it means to be a jet fan. all we can do is try to enjoy this peculiar brand of sports drama. i'm just glad i've got my health (knock on wood)
After 2 rotator cuff surgeries, winning the division, and being on a young team with a rookie coach, this year is his best year by far.
One more note: after climbing the career ladder all the way to the top by stealing signals with Belicheck and the Pats, turning them in to save face after a bad loss is the antithesis of "class act."
I find it hard to believe that Mangini wanted Favre as his QB -- at best, he might have gone along with it. I'm not even sure that Tannenbaum really wanted him -- though the rumors were he was the guy pushing it bigtime. Johnson obviousley has a hard-on for BF. I wonder if Eric thought he had a free year if Favre did poorly. And I wonder what he told Chad about the whole thing when the rumors of Favre coming to NJY were still that -- maybe he told Chad it was out of his hands ?
Who says so ???? We don't know that Mangini blew the whistle on the rat Belichick. The Pats had been warned by Detroit and other clubs. They had to know that Mangini might know about the taping and it was a risk to continue it. What if Mangini and/or Tannenbaum had warned them in 2006 to stop it and gave them a warning -- and the Pats ignored it? Then who's to blame ???? Here's another angle: we've never heard from Mangini. All we've heard from is The Patriots...and we already know they are a bunch of lying scumbags. How do we know that? Because they tampered with Belichick when he was under contract with the Jets. Oh right, those 70-IQ Boston writers and Patriot fans say the Jets did the same thing with Parcells.....WRONG !!!! The Jets NEVER made contact with Parcells -- Parcells DID attempt to contact the Jets and he even called Hofstra, but he only got the operator and the janitors calling off-peak. There was NO WAY that a straight arrow like Steve Gutman, who was very close to both Rozelle and Tagliabue, was going to risk a tampering charge. The Patriots knew that Parcells had unsuccessfully tried to reach out to the NYJ but that the Jets would not touch him so long as he was under contract. It was only when he left the Patriots because of his 'Groceries Rule' that the Jets signed him and Belichick. So the Patriots and their lying management and ignorant fans can cry all they want. Kraft didn't want Parcells and was happy when he left (Will McDonough ran an expose of the backstabbing from the Kraft Family against Parcells in the Boston Globe in early 1997). So the 'they did it to us, we did it to them' line with their tampering of Belichick is 100% bull****.
Well said. It's funny because I was thinking along the same lines as where your comments are. He will land on his feet somewhere just fine. If it is not at the head coach position you can bet that he will be a defensive coordinator somewhere in 2009.
I get this funny vision of Parcells calling Hofstra and having the janitor pick up the phone. "Noo, Meester Hess no here. . . . . whooo? Beeell Parcellis? From where? Soooperbail? Okey-dokey, I tell him you call."
I think that's probably how it all went down. I really feel bad for Mangini and I'm a little disgusted in the organization for this whole situation.
EM got himself fired for placing incompetent assistants around himself. He did not recognize the value of intelligent football advisers and believed he knew best. He is a stubborn person and this will usually cause one to fall. He did not have the leadership people skills, and instead of seeking out this quality in another, or learning more about it himself, he ignored it. As W said, he's a good X's and O's guy--if he cares to improve himself, he may be very successful in this league. BF did nothing to get him fired--its all on him.