There's a chance I'll need to watch the Broncos game over the net. Does anyone have a link?
There will be a couple closer to gametime, but just off the top of my head, I know a jtv user named rags2riches always broadcasts Jets games. you just go there and look for something that says Jets.
yeah just go to the sports section and click on the nfl football tab. there should be at least one stream tomorrow. you need to check closer to game time. nobody will have one up yet.
So the majority of the country is getting the Jets game. And many stations switched to the Jets game. So what does the Orlando cbs station do? They dumped the Jets game to show the Pats game. Un freakin' real.
don't feel bad, we get stuck weekly watching the Falcons on Fox, no matter how bad they are, and the CBS game varies, but people get to vote for it. So who did they vote for this week? The exciting Colts/Browns matchup, of course!
Same here in SC. There are a lot of Steeler fans here. i think every other person here is a Steeler fan.
I am closer to NY but get Philly stations, and Philly is much closer to NY but get stuck with Steeler games
I not taking any chances this week, so I'm here at the local sports bar. The only Jets fan as always. Go Jets!
games aren't on yet miami game just finnished they usually don't go to late games till right around kickoff
Supposedly, it will show on here, but nothing yet, like e-x said, usually don't go live till right around kickoff though
they just cut to the game so the streams should start showing it fortunately it looks like i have the game this week