Yes and all those things which piss non Jets fans off is what pleases me. I take pleasure in that writers' misfortunes. I wish I could meet him in person and shit on his head, and then say "J-E-T-S"
What I took out of this article is that Mike Freeman has been beat up many times in his life... he has been beat up by Brett Favre, the Jets, the Giants, and a slice of New York pizza.
Mike Freeman, fuck you. I say we duck tape him to a chair, and force his eyelids open with toothpicks, playing Super Bowl III on repeat for a week or two.
More like NY hate than Jets hate really. Face it, it's not just him. That's how the general public outside of NY area feels, as petty and childish as it might be.
6. Much of America hates New York: It's an anti-American and stupid attitude but it's true. The minute two New York teams get in the title game interest level in many parts of the country will drop because of that hatred. I think its the opposite
He's an idiot, he thinks America will care less about the game because they hate New York? Well, America hates the Pats and from his perspective hate New York, Well.... I'm pretty sure a lot of people still tuned in to watch the game.
Mike, Mike , Mike, is your vagina all swollen and puffy? Part of me would enjoy your mirror-hogging display of pre-emptive pseudo-hipsterism if it wasn?t so full of the shit you seem to deride others for. 10.) Brett Favre. If you are so tired of reading about Favre, why write about him yet again? 9.) I?m sure the Village People would grant you free rights to ?In the Navy? if you ask very nicely. 8.) It would have been funnier if you insulted Elton John and the usage of ?Vinny and the Jets.? 7.) There are no New York Style Pizzerias in NY. There are only NY pizzerias in NY. Maybe you are a writing-style person who strings words together in a paragraph completion type arena. 6.) Much of America Hates NY? Is it the same amount that hates you? Is it the same amount that hates reading insipid articles written by NY-style pizza eating morons who sort of live in the area but like to complain about it? 5.) OK, that is kinda funny. But I?m sure I could search and find an article written by you commending Rudy and his service during 9/11 and how you are proud to be a NY?er. 4.) All fans want parity, unless their team just won the Super Bowl, douche nozzle. 3.) Aren?t you in the New York Media, assclown? 2.) Read your football history. The Jets Super Bowl victory helped create the NFL as we know it today. 1.) Who cares? This is not baseball. If you listen to those ?Real Americans? that you cherish, I?m sure the only yawning is caused by the ridiculous puss that oozes from your anti-NY infected mind.
Believe it or not, marketability doesn't determine who goes to the Superbowl (so far as I know). Most people don't have an overwhelming interest in the superbowl unless a team they like is playing. I sure as hell don't. I'd bet anything this clown lives in New York and is bitter because both the Jets and the Giants are better than his team. Grow up Mr. Freeman.
depends, where is the douche from? I know Californians dont hate New York unless they are playing a team from NY.
he acts like it's our fault the jets are the best team in sports and New York City the best city in America. Can't help it if 'Hicksville' resents us 'New Yorkers' for graduating the 8th grade.
Here is Mike Freeman's Bio.... talentless loser. Same joke in each paragraph and it wasn't funny the first time.
"9. Frank Sinatra: We'd hear every incantation and incarnation of every song he ever made." Actually, when a Sinatra song is being played its usually a Cole Porter song produced by Nelson Riddle and recorded in the '50s.
Being a Yankee fan...I remember when we played the Mets many said "only the ny metro area cares about that series". Um...who gives a crap? I would much rather watch my lawn grow then follow a blue jay/cardinal world series. What exactly is this guys point? Does anyone really think we give two craps about what the rest of the country would feel about a superbowl between the Giants and Jets? F them...seriously...f.....them. If 10 minutes before the game started they announced that the rest of the country was suffering from a blackout and only the ny metro would get the game on tv....F them.