Tennessee fans

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Brien O'Ken, Nov 23, 2008.

  1. BakerMaker

    BakerMaker Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2006
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    I think what pisses the people here off is when some of the Titan fans over on that forum dont want to give the Jets credit and decide to lump in All the Jet fans as far as them being "nasty". All fanbases have bad fans, Jets, Titans everyone. I just thought some of the stuff I read on there was childish as well. I am sure you come in here with rather decent intentions and its appreciated but some of the crap read over there makes me want to root against TEN for the rest of the season, which may or may not be all that fair. Saying that Jet fans are Giant fans who couldent get season tickets and that they will soon go back to irrelevance would surely get people on here mad as heck and rightfully so.
  2. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    We shouldn't expect to ever get credit from any opposing fan base after a win. Dolphins fans are saying we got lucky in week one, Pats fans are saying we got lucky for winning the coin flip; Titans fans are saying they 'had a bad day' when clearly they got disected in ever facet of play. Hell, Chiefs fans are probably saying we got lucky that one of their DBs blew a coverage on Coles for the winning score... blah blah blah. All that matters is the W at the end of the day.

    Hopefully retards around the NFL world will finally forget the Raider loss. "We had a bad day". For f*** sake. Bring on Denver and their fans' excuses.
  3. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    Funny I never mentioned you by name I was just commenting on what I read in the thread, I didn't even know it was you that made that comparison. I've got better things to do than read what a bunch of bitter losers are whining about in their forum. I stick to this forum and that's it.

    As far as your excuses about the corner play, that's football. People get hurt and good teams expose weak spots on the opposing team. That's exactly what the Jets did. There is no excuse for the drops but we've seen JMac 1st hand. Gage was completely shut down with the exception of 1 great catch. The Jets imposed their will on the Titans, that's not because the Titans played bad it's because the Jets are better. The better team doesn't get beat 34-13 at home.

    The MNF was a bad game to gauge your perception of the Jets, the Chargers had just had a game stolen from them by the Ed Hoculi, the 85 Bears were going to get their asses beat that night. It was an unwinnable game by the Jets.

    Oh and as for the Original Titans..... The Jets were the original Titans. Hell they've even worn the throwback jersey twice this year. Think you need to brush up on your history.
  4. Bipolar The Titan

    Bipolar The Titan New Member

    Nov 23, 2008
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    I don't know what you people want. I've given you credit for being a damn good team here and over there. the guy from here that starts threads there and stirs stuff says not to come here because this place is full of banned cast offs from other jets message boards. what's that about?
    I didn't come here first and then head home and open up a topic talking shit about the website here and it's members.

    Your team played awesome. are you happy?

    that's doesn't mean that may team did their absolute best and lost in spite of that. Browns/Giants... I abandon that. That was Dyson and the post team guys talking on the radio. That's how that came up. If you say the Giants played their absolute best game and lost to the Browns because the Browns are a superior team according to your friend, fine. I abandon that argument. I'm not familiar enough with the situation evidently. I don't know any Giants fans. I know the Titans underperformed today and up until now I was under the impression the Giants under performed against the Browns.

    That being said I fully expect Cleveland to take command of the afc north and make a deep push into the playoffs. :up:

    Again though, there is no way Tennessee has 10 wins playing like that every Sunday. I have an incredible sense of sportsmanship. That doesn't mean that I can't determine factors contributing to a loss. They are not excuses. They are factors. And for everything I can identify that Tennessee did wrong I can identify something New York did right. That doesn't mean that Tennessee can't correct it. That doesn't mean the problem has been latent.

    Look, I've repeatedly said that the Jets played awesome, dominated, etc,.. I'm sorry it's not good enough. I have over looked all the ludicrous insults. If you see Tennessee again don't expect it to be that easy. The Jets were far better today so congratulations.
  5. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    That's the problem though, nobody has said the Titans aren't a good team. I know I never said they weren't. You don't win 13 straight regular season games by not. I've even gone as far to say I wonder how many Lombardi Trophies Fisher would have lifted if he had the luxury of illegally taped signs and games.

    Nobody has said it was going to be easy but I was surprised at how easily the Jets won today. What you don't understand is that the Titans played bad because the Jets forced them to play that way. They forced your offense to play a way they aren't very good at and in doing so forced your defense to be on the field way to long. The Jets are a better team, they have a better DL and they have a much better offense. I saw you mention injuries but you probably didn't even realize the Jets were missing their best LB.
  6. Bipolar The Titan

    Bipolar The Titan New Member

    Nov 23, 2008
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    I can compare it and I know enough. What do you expect when you speak in absolutes? What if I said all Jet fans are dick suckers? Is it "funny" that I didn't mention you by name?

    Original Titans? I don't need to brush up on history. I know afl. I didn't realize it was a afl reference. The way it read to me was that it was in reference to the same team that won 10 games. Whatever. Jets played a hell of a game today. You don't need to slither.

    hahahaha... how you guys can be so critical...

    Titans had some actual adversity they couldn't overcome. You blame that loss on the game THEY played the week before?

    un-winnable? hahahaha

    you guys are a trip. I'm happy for you but really, some of you ought to learn some grace. People have ideas and opinions. No one is ever 100% right about everything.
  7. Bipolar The Titan

    Bipolar The Titan New Member

    Nov 23, 2008
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    I understand perfectly. The thing I had trouble with was the idea that the Titans are only as good as they were today. In that post you are 100% true. That's not to be said that it couldn't go the other way in a post season rematch. I could use partially the same reasoning you used for it being impossible to beat the Chargers. Which is an interesting statement considering how good you claim the Jets truly are. Regarless as such, I'd like to take the opportunity to take back the assertion that you're (or were) a dick-hole. I just really don't care for generalizations. (like some Jet fans posting here)
  8. Serphnx

    Serphnx New Member

    Dec 25, 2005
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    Hey buddy, we're not the ones coming onto a rival mb after a loss and whining non-stop that fans aren't falling all over themselves to praise the losing team over the winning team.

    Your team lost. In fact, it got prison raped. Get over it. The Jets are the better team. We could play the Titans 10 times and we'd win 9 times, the Titans just do not match up well with the Jets. You're right, it's nothing like the Browns-Giants, because if the Giants played the Browns 10 times the Giants would be the ones winning 9 times. The Browns played better that game but it was a fluke, they don't even have the same starting QB anymore, and the WR that had a huge game that week can't hold onto the ball any other game.

    You can whine and make as many excuses as you want, but nobody is going to just lie to make you feel better. You're not a hot chick, and we're not trying to have sex with you. You suck, and so does your team. You'll lose 2 more games minimum this season, as you'll play actual playoff caliber teams those games (Steelers and Colts). Then in the playoffs, you'll probably play one of those two teams again, and lose again (the Broncos and Ravens won't be able to cut it either). That's why it doesn't even matter if we take the #1 seed, #2 is fine this year.
  9. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    But the Jets were a completely different team in Week 3. Good teams get better as the season rolls along and thats what the Jets are doing. There is a reason they started 1-2 and have now won 7 of their last 8. It's sort of like you guys last year. The Titans aren't as bad as we saw today but I got the impression from reading the posts about the fan reaction wasn't because the Jets forced them to play bad but because the Titans just played and the Jets were lucky.

    Do I wanna see the Titans again? Absolutely not but given the choice between playing them or the team that cheated their way to 3 Super Bowl Titles* after today's game I'd feel alot more confident playing you guys.
  10. Heatseeker

    Heatseeker New Member

    Aug 13, 2008
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    If it's one thing that's been proven over and over throughout the years, it's that even championship teams need some breaks to get there. Consider this the Jets breaks -- hopefully to the big show.
  11. Bipolar The Titan

    Bipolar The Titan New Member

    Nov 23, 2008
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    yeah, your boy is actually on our message board complaining the Jets aren't getting enough credit here. I came here and gave you credit. I'm not asking you people for shit other than I am refuting the assertion that the Titans played their best game today. That's all. The Titans didn't play their best game. They did however get killed and bested hardcore by a very damn good team. I am not whining. I am only standing up for my friends and my team. You guys called us faggots and inbreds and I am here speaking respectfully in an effort to put forth a decent front. I offer you congratulations on a hard fought victory and you guys want to insist I'm a sore loser crybaby.

    All I got to say is the taste of this will resonate with the Titans and should they see the Jets again the result will not be the same. At the very least, win or lose the Jets will see a much better Titans team.
    #71 Bipolar The Titan, Nov 24, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2008
  12. I bleed Jets Green

    I bleed Jets Green New Member

    Jan 25, 2006
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    Wow. These Titans fans are a bunch of cry babies and I guess they dropped their undefeated pie. The two PI calls were the CORRECT CALLS YOU MORONS! Go and watch the replays you dumb Titans fans.

    I had a feeling the Jets were going to take care of them and destroy the Titans. They got lucky the last couple of games & right now the Jets are looking great.
  13. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    I'm not sure I follow you. Outside of a few dropped passes and maybe ONE bad penalty call by the refs we dismantled them start to finish. The only break we had was halftime.
  14. Bipolar The Titan

    Bipolar The Titan New Member

    Nov 23, 2008
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    can you post a link to a post of anyone who is actually saying that those calls were not legitimate? They completely killed what little chance the Titans had of stealing that game... and as pass interference goes it was incredibly minor, but it was pass interference. Just post some links. upper right hand corner of each post... left click, copy link location, left click post.

    It's so easy a Bills fan can do it.
  15. Bipolar The Titan

    Bipolar The Titan New Member

    Nov 23, 2008
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    very real and honest post. you deserve some credit for being an actual human being here. :up:

    Do you think the Titans caught a break facing the Colts without Bob Sanders? Don't you think that made an otherwise tough task a measure easier?

    Incredible game by the Jets yesterday. No amount of ineptness, lack of execution, or injury replacements on the Titans part can take anything away from those guys. They were 100% beat and I'm glad it was as bad as it was because if it was a close game they wouldn't be as angry with themselves.

    They will be ready next time.
  16. ganggreengirl

    ganggreengirl New Member

    Jan 16, 2005
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    It was an excellent game. best part is when we kicked the Titans ass.
  17. Bipolar The Titan

    Bipolar The Titan New Member

    Nov 23, 2008
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    right on.

  18. Attackett

    Attackett Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    Caught a few breaks my ass, we could have had every "break" go against us and still kicked the Titans asses. That was a complete ass kicking from start to finish and it was the better team doing the ass kicking. The Titans are having a nice season but noone really believed they were as good as their undefeated record prior to the game would suggest.
  19. JohnnyJohnson

    JohnnyJohnson Banned

    Mar 23, 2004
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    The Jets didn't play awesome, they just had a good day.
  20. boogerstyles

    boogerstyles New Member

    Jul 19, 2004
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    I'll go out and say that I thought the second PI call on Coles was slightly suspect. But really, it's effect on the outcome of the game was slightly minimal at best.

    But besides that, Bipolar, I think you should just quit while your ahead. Look, I'm not sure what you expected to happen coming around here, that we would agree with you that you guys are a better team?...

    We're excited about our team, pretty much everyone expected yesterday to be a "reality check" for us, and we dominated the game. The Titans are an excellent team no doubt, and should get the #1 seed in the east.

    I just think, like any team, you guys are not infallable. Facts is, we match up very well against you... we stop the run, and play a hybrid version of the west-coast that is well balanced and can keep a defense on the field and wear them out. It might be frustrating to watch, but its proven effetive against agressive defenses like yours, and buffalos...

    A counter-example would be what teams match-up well against us: The Patriots, Cardinals, and probably the Colts. Teams with the personel that can spread out our defense and throw on us and expose our soft spots in the linebacker coverage and poor secondairy play (we have two very good players, and two ehhhh players). Matt Cassell threw for 400 yards against us.

    All I am saying is this. You guys have a good team. But huffing and puffing about how it was just one game, and not important in the greater scheme I think is a bad rationalization process... because to be 100% I'd rather face you guys in the playoffs again then the Pats or the Colts (if they make it).

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