Fire Mangini!!!!!

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Petrozza, Oct 19, 2008.

  1. xxedge72x

    xxedge72x 2018 Gang Green QB Guru Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Because the loss is almost always associated with a poor gameplan and tactics.
  2. VegasMav

    VegasMav Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2002
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    I've said it before...MANGINA HAS NO BALLS.

    Pathetic game plan. This guy is sooooo gutless. How the fok can you NOT use Favre in shotgun everyplay and throw the fokken ball downfield.

    We have the one of the best run defense in the league and we played like shit.

    Our O-Line sucked ass.
  3. fake_crs

    fake_crs New Member

    Apr 29, 2006
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    Favre was getting hit so hard throughout the game, he was never able to fully recover from some of the hits he took early on. It showed, and was obvious to at least me. The D was solid all game especially for the amount of time they were on the field.

    Crappy loss, and I am not happy about it. But this does not by any stretch compare to last year. We have a chance to win every game this season. This loss imo falls on the lack of protection on some of the early plays that shuck Bretts bones and they kept hitting him (and Leon) hard. Also Leon's muff didn't help things.
  4. Magnus Malax

    Magnus Malax New Member

    Oct 13, 2008
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    Because they can't figure out who else to blame.

    After the NE game, he was too conservative. After the SD game, he was too aggressive. After the Cincy game he was too unimaginative.

    Today, they came out in 5-wide....FIVE WIDE! The started to pull the guard on some run plays and used the stretch play to give TJ and the blockers better angles. The got good pressure on the fourth ranked running offense in the league and consistently got the players in position enough times to make plays to win the game despite periods of time when no one could get open and Favre was under pressure. Flat and simple...the players didn't make the plays. Baker was in position to make the play of the game and fell down. Favre was in position to get points in the first half and throws the pick. Leon muffs a punt. That honestly doesn't sound like a coaching problem to me. It's an execution problem.

    The issue is that there were too many turnovers and not enough positive plays made. Since we can't blame all of the players...the CS gets the blame.

    I'm not saying that the CS is without their share of blame. That fake punt killed us and that's coaching.

    IBLEEDGREEN17 Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2007
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    We have every ability to win every game left in our schedule, but according to this game, we also are able to lose each game.
  6. SouthBayJetsfan4life

    SouthBayJetsfan4life Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2006
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    Because mainly people are idiots....

    Everyone needs to take a chill pill....Mangini is not going to get fired, so stop with the histronics.

    I was at the game today and left after Favre threw his last interception. I was shocked that they actually came back to tie it. You have to credit Favre for leading out of the shadow of the Black Hole to the point they were able to elongate the game. Losing hurts...especially to a team that is really bad..the Oakland Raiders.

    A couple of things that really bothered me. First...I could believe that Russell was rarely touched today. I don't remember a sack. Where was the pass rush? This my second game I've seen with these guys. I went to San Diego and I was surprised how much the pass rush has sucked. Russell looked too comfortable back there. Where was Pace,Thomas or Ellis? It was sad.

    Also the o-line looked terrible too many times. I couldn't believe how many times they were whistled for false starts. Oaklans Colisuem can be loud, but it's nothing compared to Qwest Stadium , where the Jets will play later this year. They got to get their hit together, especially D'Brick. Burgess was killing him.

    Also I didn't understand the strategy behind the shotgun so much in first half. Oakland is weak at stopping the run, why aren't we trying to grind it out. Jones, eventually ran wild later, but I didn't uinderstand what they were doing.

    Lastly..the Jets needs to get a playmaking WR. I thought Cotchery was going to be it, but IMO, he's not getting it done.

    This was one of those bad losses that's really going to hurt down the road, especially if they fighting for a playoff spot down the road.
  7. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Whatever "it" is Mangini had it in 2006. He lost "it" in the offseason after that year and he hasn't found it again. He's just not a very good coach at this point, and at times he's downright bad.

    You can look at this two ways:

    1. He's a very young coach on a long learning curve who will eventually turn into a good coach when he gets his feet on the ground.

    2. He was Bill Belichik's gofer and got a rapid promotion through the ranks because of that , unfortunately not including the actual skills needed to handle the positions he got.

    I lean towards 2 and I'd much rather be done with him and bring in a real NFL head coach.
  8. Firemangini Ed

    Firemangini Ed New Member

    Sep 26, 2008
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    Fire Mangini? Welcome to my world.
  9. xxedge72x

    xxedge72x 2018 Gang Green QB Guru Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Belichik was awful with Cleveland and initially with New England before he turned his team into a dynasty. This may happen with Mangini too... probably not, but who knows?

    The point is, he isn't getting the job done with us, and in order for him to learn he may need an opportunity to reset and start fresh.
  10. Cakes

    Cakes Mr. Knowledge 2010

    May 20, 2003
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    Eric Mangini is to Bill Belichick as Bill Austin was to Vince Lombardi?

    Austin was a Green Bay assistant under Lombardi. He became the Steelers head coach in 1966 and sucked bad. Real bad. Austin was replaced by Chuck Noll after three seasons.

    Austin coached the Redskins in 1970 after the death of Lombardi. He turned a winning team into a losing team and didn't see a 2nd season in Washington.
  11. Serphnx

    Serphnx New Member

    Dec 25, 2005
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    Yeah, also BB didn't have the benefit of a great QB until he got Brady. Mangini has Favre now and he's not getting what we need out of him. Also Pennington looks so much better on the Fins, so you'd have to wonder about that. I had thought Pennington was just a terrible conservative dink and dunk QB, but now he's out there in Miami and Favre looks like him over here!
  12. MBGreen

    MBGreen Banned

    Feb 28, 2008
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    I can't believe i'm gonna say this...because i've always given Mangini the benefit of the doubt....but this was the backbreaker....time to light the torches fellas....
  13. PleaseWinSuperBowlJets

    PleaseWinSuperBowlJets Active Member

    Jan 11, 2006
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    fire mangini, get a competent coach that knows all the X's and O's, and eats, drinks, sleeps, Football. Like Bill Parcells.
  14. Revis Flytrap

    Revis Flytrap New Member

    Aug 31, 2008
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    Good point--there should be one after a win too.
  15. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    I still don't understand 2006 at all in the context of Mangini sucks. How often does a bad coach come in and turn a 4-12 team around to go to the playoffs? I know it has happened once or twice but it just seems so improbable.

    I'd still rather start over because I think Mangini has worn out his effective welcome with the players at this point and he's never going to have their complete trust. I also think that his work and the work of the coordinators is really poor quality. I'm not sure where the problem is but how the hell do you have Kerry Rhodes start blitzing from 12 yards out at the snap? That play would have had to stretch out for 5 or 6 seconds before he got anywhere near the QB.
  16. Firemangini Ed

    Firemangini Ed New Member

    Sep 26, 2008
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    You want nicknames, I got nicknames.

    Coach Spanky
    Coach Danny Partridge
    Coach Manhastits
    Coach Manhasbeen
    Eric W. Mangini
    The Wesleyan Wonder
    Coach Wonder Bread
    Coach Womangini
  17. MBGreen

    MBGreen Banned

    Feb 28, 2008
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    Woody needs to break the bank once again....and line Cowher's pockets to bring him in for next season....
  18. PleaseWinSuperBowlJets

    PleaseWinSuperBowlJets Active Member

    Jan 11, 2006
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    Or better yet, GET COWHER
  19. Firemangini Ed

    Firemangini Ed New Member

    Sep 26, 2008
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    But its Mangini's decision to leave Baker in even though he has not played well all year. Someone else could have been in the game, instead we watch Baker fall down when he was wide open. Same thing with the punter hurting us in the Pats game, its the coaches job to put guys who are producing out there. And its the coaches job to develop young talent, KC is playing worse as time goes on. Keller, where's he. And Ben Graham got worse every year until he lost a game for us. This team is drafting well, I give the credit for that to Joey Clinkscales, but were not doing a good job of developing young talent.
  20. hazmat

    hazmat New Member

    Aug 27, 2004
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    If the players don't turn the ball over three times this thread doesn't exist. I want to know what another coach could do with this team that would make it so much better?

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