Dude Jets have a winning record against only six NFL teams . (lifetime) Nothing screams just how bad a franchise the Jets have been. I'm sorry but that epitimize failure to an epic proportion. Jets are lucky that they are 1-2. They could easily be 0-3. They haven't shown anything so far. (Favre not getting any younger)
Dude how can you possibly say anything when your "Commitment to Excellence" has netted you like a 20-62 record since your Super Bowl appearence? Do you at least admit that once Davis is done running the show, then you'll be in a better situation? The Jets have been awful...But the Raiders have been WORSE.
How many times do i have to say it on this board before it sinks in. When you make your run. Raiders had one of the oldest roster , so the run wasn't going to be that long. They went to Two AFC Championships and one superbowl in that three years period.(2000- 2002) Could have been three straight Afc Championships if not for the bogus Tuck rule. That isn't pretty impressive. NOw like every team at end of their run, that teams goes through some very lean years. (takes time to build up that core again- ) Raiders core was pretty old and its only natural that going to take alot longer to build up that core again. You think Patariots at some point are not going to experience a similiar fate. (happens all the time if you have been a casual NFl fan) Your team has never put a run like that together, and it pretty silly to forget that team sucess ( going take time to rebuild) and just look at the last six years. I guess if you just look at the last six years you are right. Jets have been bad but Raiders have been worse. Unfortunately for you the NFl just didn't start the last six years. Well at least you have alot of years left with Brett favre. Bodes well for your future.
A little football trivia for you joke.. Which NFL franchise is the only franchise in NFL history to have 5 straight seasons of less then 6 wins?
One thing is for certain - this thread WILL be revived later in the year. I'm still rooting for you, Jeaux, to break what is TGG's longest standing streak.
Funny how this thread gets bumped every week on the same day. The weekly bump for the Raiders loss. Saints 34 Raiders 3. Jrussell 13/35 1 int. 85 yds. rushing on 22 carries for a stout average of 3.9 Spin away jeaux
37% completion percentage against a team that doesn't have a great secondary. Saints run stuffing isn't as good as the Jets.... so the Raider offense does what? Drew Brees = Brett Favre in terms of passing game this year. EDIT= TDs only, not yards... forgot to put that up earlier.
It's not only the Raiders. Bills, 1967-1972 4-10 1-12-1 4-10 3-10-1 1-13 4-9-1 Broncos, 1963-1972 2-11-1 2-11-1 4-10 4-10 3-11 5-9 5-8-1 5-8-1 4-9-1 5-9 Chiefs, 1974-1978 5-9 5-9 5-9 2-12 4-12 Steelers, 1937-1941 4-7 2-9 1-9-1 2-7-2 1-9-1 Steelers, 1964-1970 5-9 2-12 5-8-1 4-9-1 2-11-1 1-13 5-9 Oilers, 1982-1986 1-8 2-14 3-13 5-11 5-11 Cardinals, 1930-1934 5-6-2 5-4 2-6-2 1-9-1 5-6 Cardinals, 1936-1943 and 1945 (merged with Steelers in 1944) 3-8-1 5-5-1 2-9 1-10 2-7-2 3-7-1 3-8 0-10 1-9 Cardinals, 1950-1955 5-7 3-9 4-8 1-10-1 2-10 4-7-1 Cowboys, 1960-1964 0-11-1 4-9-1 5-8-1 4-10 5-8-1 Saints, 1967-1977 3-11 4-9-1 5-9 2-11-1 4-8-2 2-11-1 5-9 5-9 2-12 4-10 3-11 Giants, 1973-1977 2-11-1 2-12 5-9 3-11 5-9 Eagles, 1933-1942 3-5-1 4-7 2-9 1-11 2-8-1 5-6 1-9-1 1-10 2-8-1 2-9 Rams, 1937-1942 and 1944 (suspended operations in 1943) 1-10 4-7 5-5-1 4-6-1 2-9 5-6 4-6 Rams, 1959-1965 2-10 4-7-1 4-10 1-12-1 5-9 5-7-2 4-10 Buccaneers, 1985-1989 2-14 2-14 4-11 5-11 5-11 Redskins, 1957-1963 5-6-1 4-7-1 3-9 1-9-2 1-12-1 5-7-2 3-11
Got some bad news for you joe, those great Raider teams of the '70s and '80s had talented rosters due to RON WOLF. Once Wolf left da raidahs their drafts went to poop. You got lucky with Gruden/Gannon, that won't happen again. al-Davis can't draft for crap, welcome to loser town.
o poor raider joe hey anyone have a picture of him so we can do raider look a likes? Joe probably is Al davis. Which clarifies the reason why al davis comes to practice 5 hours late everyday... (up all night posting on a jets forum)
"Says here in the Oakland's Richest Men catalog that Tommy Kelly is one of the best defensive players in the league! But nobody even knows who he is sir, not even the coaching staff can figure out where he came from...." :rofl: :lol: :lol: downright hysterical, gotta love Bang!, always coming through in the clutch.