Historic victory!

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by 1969jets, Sep 28, 2008.

  1. Determination#4

    Determination#4 New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    I am with you cassie96,

    Brett setting records

    Team setting records

    A nice win taking us into the bye

    Cheers Jets Fans :beer: Enjoy the Win !!!!:jets:
  2. Bosko

    Bosko Guest

    Okay, I went out to Williamsburg earlier tonight to see some great stuff (screw all of you who root for the Jets but don't wanna admit this is the word's greatest city!), so I didn't have a chance to reply to this, but I could not get your post out of my mind... I need to answer you Herm Edwards haters:

    1. "Two 'Franchise' QB's"
    Is this a JOKE???

    Do you really think that Vinnie Testaverde and Chad Pennington were both "Franchise QBs" before they played for the Jets? Like, Herm Edwards somehow inherited Joe Montana and Steve Young? Because, you know... I used to watch the NFL back in the 1980s and 1990s, I even remember that famous Orange Bowl game... (Didn't Vinnie lose that one?) Testaverde went to Tampa Bay, where he was a total bust, then to Cleveland (with Belichek) and was a joke! No one thought Vinnie was a "Francise QB" until Parcells after got him to the Jets and he won some games for Bill. The fact that both Edwards and Parcells (except in Dallas) got so much out of this guy was amazing. And now all of a sudden both Vinnie and Chad (see his current resume--starting QB about to be benched forever) were "Franchise QBs?" Well, this needs a better definition on your part. Maybe "Franchise QB" means "total loser" in your dictionary?

    Was Trent Dilfer a "Franchise QB?" He won a Super Bowl, after all. Was Dan Marino a "Franchise QB?" Well, he didn't! Who was Chad Pennington before the Jets drafted him? Didn't he throw to a WR named Randy Moss? And doesn't this Randy Moss guy make a lot of QBs look better than they are?

    I think that your "Franchise QB" remark is weak. You might want to remove it from your arsenal against Herm. It's not like Edwards had Johnny Unitas or somebody like that on his roster... Oh, wait a minute! Didn't Don Shula lose a Super Bowl against the Jets? Yeah, too bad Don didn't have a "Franchise QB" in that Super Bowl! He might have won it with a "Francise QB!!"

    Wait--he did! So in your logic... Don Shula must have been a TERRIBLE football coach! Because Shula, like Edwards, had a "Franchise QB" and failed to win the Super Bowl.

    Another weak point in your argument is that somehow, Herm Edwards had total control over his roster. It seems to me that Terry Bradway was the GM when Edwards coached. Edwards was NOWHERE NEAR being the Coach/GM for the Jets the way Parcells was. In fact, Parcells made a lot of player personnel moves (like signing Mo Lewis to a long-term prohibitive contract), that handcuffed the team after he left, and made it very difficult for the Bradway/Edwards regime to succeed...

    I don't think it was Herm Edwards idea to have Kareem MacKenzie leave the Jets for the Giants, and I doubt he was rooting for Jason Fabini to leave for the Cowboys. But it happened. I seem to remember that Edwards was unhappy about these player moves, but thought he was part of a "long-term plan" with the Jets.

    Dude... Have you ever been part of a plan that suddenly becomes YOUR ASS on the line? Well, i have. And it sucks. You get sacked for everyone else's mistakes, but because you are a "loyal employee" you end up holding the bag and looking like an idiot.

    So blaming Herm Edwards for the way other teams picked apart his OL is just plain stupid. Besides, isn't Terry Bradway, the guy who MADE all these player personnel moves that yu wanna blame on Herm, STILL a part of the New York Jets braintrust?

    Well, I'll be. he is. Check out the Jet's Own Website. There he is:

    But Bradway doesn't get the blame. Edwards does. This is like blaming Willie Randolph for everything that goes wrong with the Mets!

    So anyhow, my point is that Edwards didn't leave any "crap" for Eric Mangini. Edwards was not the GM, all he did was coach Bradway's players. And in Edwards worst season (his last with the team), he faced pretty much the same problems that Eric Mangini did in Mangini's second season: weird injuries, bad breaks, terrible luck.

    A fact you and oher Edwards haters refuse to face is that "Mangenius" signed onto the staff even though he knew he had Terry Bradway as part of the GM staff. So if your current "hero" wanted to get rid of the bad decision makers who came before him? He flunked the test, dude!

    And if that team was so "decimated," then how the heck did it make the playoffs the very next year?

    You just can't handle the truth!

    When you and other Herm-Haters decide to make some sense in your posts about the recent past, let me know. Otherwise...

    Can't we all just let all this stuff GO?

    Can't we deal in the present instead of the past?
    #82 Bosko, Sep 29, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 29, 2008
  3. Jets n Boys

    Jets n Boys Banned

    Mar 17, 2008
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    There you go again with your stupid comments. Vinny was a franchise QB here. If he never got injured, he would have finished his career for good as a Jet.

    Penny was great. He was a franchise QB when Herm took over. Dont give me that 'noodle arm' shit if thats what your thinking. Penny was awesome until Herm fucked him over with a depleting OL, which caused 2 major surgeries on his shoulder. The fact that he still starts and plays pretty good after two shoulder surgeries should have been enough to think he once was a franchise QB.

    And Matt Cassel aint one of them. Hey, is'nt it a WRs job to catch whats thrown in their direction? Why is that credit is taken away from the QB if a WR makes a great catch? After all, QB still has to pass it to him. If a WR drops the ball, then people like STUPID BOSKO bash the QB for throwing the ball 6 inches behind him.

    I like Mangini and what he has done here in New York. However, I dont hate Edwards, just thought his ideas were not any helpful for an NFL team. Since you like reading other people resumes, check Sperm Headwards resume. His biggest accomplishments have been "getting his QBs injured every year while we save money on OL to sign Ty Law"
  4. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Don't look too far ahaead, yesterday was huge. We really needed the W and it was nice to see some life from the O but as bad as the teams we have coming up are we have to keep getting better and nothing is assured. Let's get to 3-2 before we worry about 4-2 or 5-1.
  5. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    You can certainly argue that Vinny was on the back end of his career by the time Herm got here but he was an excellent QB for the Jets. While I'm not a Chad fan, prior to his shoulder surgery he was clearly one of the top young QB's in the NFL. It was Herm who decided not to play him in 01 by the way in favor of Vinny.

    While Chad and Vinny where no Montana or Young, they were certainly head and shoulders better than Dilfer who by the way was better than many give him credit for. Herm inherited a very good team with 4 1st round picks by Al Groh including Pennington who prior to his injury was a top NFL QB by anyone's standard.
  6. Cakes

    Cakes Mr. Knowledge 2010

    May 20, 2003
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    Yeah, for one season.
  7. 1969jets

    1969jets Banned

    Dec 29, 2006
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    Thanks for the support brother. The negativity on this board is way over the top. If you post anything positive it's met with extreme negativity and threats!

  8. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    You should be thanking the football gods that Rodgers is a good QB, because if he sucked we'd be sitting here bitching about how Chad couldn't capitalize on that weak Cardinals' secondary.
  9. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    no its met with - why are there so many redundant threads made by one person.
  10. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    I think that start was guess at before TB injury & knowing that Merriman was out & another starting Charger was suspended so that skews all you guessing of what our record after 3 games was. If you would have known those facts U would have said we would be 3-0 which is what we should have been but we pissed away the Pat game (see Miami) & we were not ready to play vs SD

    FOURTHANDLONG Active Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    Well Im as happy as anyone to see Bf at Qb but the schedule reeks of 2006 all over again. You do realized we got stomped by the Sb Caliber team we played in the Chargers right? Miami Sucks, Arizona is middle of the pack, we blew the Pat game and they are now middle of the pack without Brady and the Chargers showed what level we have to get to one day. We do have a weak sched. The diff is if we get to the playoffs we have a punchers chance to win with Bf at the helm. Our Qb makes our team better than it is and after 6 years of Cp I will take it!!!
  12. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Well we should not have been stomped by SD since they were missing key players. IMHO our CS did not have ready to play. In the Pat game without TB we were totally outcoached by you know who & it is a disgrace we lost that game (see Miami). Arizona had given up 16 points in 3 games until they ran into BF & the NYJs & had stomped all over Miami who then went & stomped all over NE
  13. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    With all of the new players involved it's very possible for this team to grow throughout the season and be much better come playoff time then they are now. Just because we lost to the Chargers in week 3 doesn't mean they will beat us in the playoffs if we face them there.

    The season is early and this team is still growing. If we get into the playoffs with a team playing much better then they are now who knows what could happen.

    FOURTHANDLONG Active Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    I still believe at this moment SD is better than us even with the key players missing. I think we just got beat by a superior team. We were sadly out coached in the Ne game because Mangini went into the prevent offense. Hopefully this weekend was his eye opener. We were a heartbeat away from losing against Miami as well because of Mangini and his conservative play calling.

    FOURTHANDLONG Active Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    I fully agree if we get into the playoffs we have a chance against anyone with Bf at the helm. The key is our defense playing much better than they are at this point.
  16. Revis Flytrap

    Revis Flytrap New Member

    Aug 31, 2008
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    Its also met with:

    What--you have a monopoly on being happy the Jets won? We all bleed green in this forum! (ref. murrell)

    You're so happy you have to insult other fans?
  17. JetFanInMD

    JetFanInMD New Member

    Aug 16, 2008
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    This is our best case scenario. If they gel hard enough, fast enough, with luck, we get a nice spot in the playoffs and get to bitch about the crowd in the playoffs.
  18. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Yes for sure after Last Sunday Mangini & Shotty on are a crash course to learn the newly installed BF O. Sorry I think if we had better coaching & preparation we should have beaten SD. However turning BF loose in the 3rd & 4th qtrs of that game may have turned the season around for us so maybe if there is any good in a loss that was the good in that one.
  19. 1969jets

    1969jets Banned

    Dec 29, 2006
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    Amazing how defensive the darksiders are when they get called out for waging a campaign of negativity!!!!

  20. 1969jets

    1969jets Banned

    Dec 29, 2006
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    Obviously you are not paying attention. I'm not insulting anyone, I'm simply pointing out the abundant negativity spewed by the darksiders. Who when called out resort to threats!


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