Even though I do feel he is the second best QB on the team, the Mad Mangini won't give up on Kellen. Coaches hate to show they don't know talent. I don't even think Kellen is the third best QB on the team.
I thinbk his point is that if you aquire Brett Favre,you shouldn't have to expect to wait til the schedule softens up to hope for some wins.
Favre has been bad but he's here this year because Ratliff and Clemens aren't ready. He is the best option this year. We weren't going anywhere with Pennington, the entire competition backfired when Clemens wasn't ready to step up.
As I puked my guts into the toilet last night I thought to myself "Hey, its only the third game". Two weeks ago you could have said cant wait for arizona , but now I hope they don't put a hurtin on us! This is year one of an experiment that I don't think will have a sequel. Just hang in there , its going to get worse before it gets better. Jets fan til the end!
You guys are all so full of shit. I'm tired of hearing that I'm not a fan because I'm criticizing the team. Where was all this loyalty when the Jets dropped Chad Pennington 3 weeks before the season? You all have short memories and no faith. Pennington took this team to the playoffs every year that he was healthy with the exception of last season when the team was just a complete disaster. Three playoff seasons, more than Namath, Todd, and Vinny, and equal to O'Brien. It's not great, but it's the best we've ever had. Pennington understood this Rube Goldberg offensive system and made it work....Favre, at this stage in his career, is unwilling or unable to learn new tricks. Pennington had an average arm, made weaker by 2 shoulder injuries and 2 shoulder surgeries. But he was another year removed from those surgeries and his arm looks good enough so far this year to move this offense. Pennington left everything out on the field for this team, every time. Unlike a Kenny O'Brien who never scored a rushing TD, Pennington had 5 or 6. He may have been awkward and slow, but he managed to get things done when there was a semblance of a team around him. You all talk about loyalty in the face of adversity, but you bailed on this guy for somebody's else retread legend in a heartbeat....a guy Pennington had beaten soundly in their 2 previous meetings...one, a virtual playoff game in the 2002 finale. This is not a condemnation of Brett Favre...he was a great QB, I love his arm strength and his swagger, hell, he's my FFL QB and I started him last night over Philip Rivers...but he's not the right guy for this team right now. This team is not ready to contend for a championship. It is heartbreakingly apparent we're further away than we thought we were. What are we building here with a one-year rental? When does the Tangini Team put the team first? The Favre move was made to save their asses. Johnson signed off on it to sell his PSLs. Who's really looking out for the development of the team?
That was the most counter-intellectual, uninformed, overgeneralizing and useless rant I've seen on TGG. And that's saying something. You've completely lost your shit over a 1-2 start. You're entitled to your opinion, but certainly not to any credibility.
If we aren't ready to contend and Ratliff and Clemens aren't ready to play what difference does it make if we kept Penny or not? How would dumping him next year or cutting him during the season this year be helping the development of this team? How has showing loyalty to Coles paid off? The one win we do have is against Pennington who down the stretch with a chance to win threw 2 balls right into the hands of Jets defenders. The following week Pennington was benched and his one win came when running a gimick option O.
Thank you, GSourJr. Thank you for proving that even dumb Pats trolls can be outdone by a TGG regular. You have even outdone yourself.
Did favre think he wasn't going to have to work? I feel like when ever he threw that pic into no mans land last night, he was ready to throw in the towel. He looked like he was pouting...."but I'm brett Favre." You should have stayed in Wisconsin, bum. Coles looks old as hell out there too. He has definitly lost a step. Loved Coles for many years, but we need to start looking for a new #1 or #2 if we go with cotch.
I agree with some points, that the team was not ready for a championship. And the sentiment about psl's and Favre, it makes sense. But Pennington wasn't the answer either. I just worry that if this does not work, what happens next year? Start over with another new QB?
This just reads like someone who was a Chad fan who's actually happy that Brett Favre isn't throwing 350yds and 4td's every game so he can come on here and gloat. I was a huge Chad supporter, and still am to some degree except two times a year :wink:, but you know what? Chad's not here. Brett is. Either get over the fact that Chad was cut and cheer on the current players or go become a Dolphin fan.
Not that GSour's post was a bastion of logic, but you need to read what you just wrote because it makes no sense at all.
no dude we're jet fans thats exactly what we do.i'm just glad everyone here is taking this lose in stride.listen everyone i don't think anyone here had the jets at 2-1 after 3 games.everyone figured the chargers would beat us granted it got a little out of hand.and we shoulda beat the patriots but no one picked that before the season started.i saw alot of predictions of 10-11 wins with the first 3 weeks falling just like it did so really theres no reason to panick.......unless we lose to the cards then we cut and fire everyone
you mean letting the running game make him look good? we had a discussion on him in class today, while we were waiting for any stragglers... Chad's a con artist... makes you think one thing when the truth is right in front of you.