I am writing a complaint to ESPN. I have never liked Tony Kornheiser, and he really pissed me off tonight. He made so many factual errors and made alot of jokes making fun of the jets. Tell me if you like it. They only give you 500 characters so i had to make it short. Tonight, Tony showed complete and total lack of professionalism. Many times throughout the game he made sly comments poking fun at the Jets. Although it was obvious the Jets were going to lose, he showed no class and ruined what little enjoyment I got from this game. Also, if you check the tape he made numerous factual errors. I will boycott all future programming involving this man until he issues a public apology to the team and its fans. Thank You.
Dude ESPN will send you a fleece and kleenex box. We are a BAD franchise...Who hasn't poked fun at he Jets? Lions? Cardinals? etc. You gotta get some thicker skin after all of these years.
He's a Jets fan too... but this 3rd guy for comic relief thing is upsetting... Jaws and Tirico would be a great pair, but it has to be 3 people because Cosell and crew were 3 people.. ESPN sucks, they are the MTV of Sports.
kornheiser is a laughingstock. like anyone takes him seriously? he contributes NOTHING to the sport of football and hell, hes fucking jewish.
Kornheiser is a fucking joke, so I can't really take any of the stuff he said seriously... Jaws has to be really irritated by Kornheiser by now
Wow? Way to lay the J-bomb in there. I wish I was Jewish so I would give a shit enough to tell you to go fuck yourself. Anyway, Kornheiser is a puppet.
what does being Jewish have anything to do with his football intelligence you ignorant fuck. Im catholic and pretty offended by that comment.
i didnt mean that in a completely bad way. yeah yeah yeah i said it and whatever, thats what kornheiser gets for being a tool.
Son of a bitch is a cheap bastard who secretly controls the media and financial markets, and he invented the holocaust, but damn does he make a good chicken soup!
What the fuck does it matter if he's jewish? Check your hitler youth card at the door. Theres no way around it, your a moron.
I think you are at the wrong forum, this might be the one you are looking for.. http://forums.thekkk.com